Thursday, January 7, 2010

rec.arts.movies.local.indian - 8 new messages in 5 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* RICE, WHEAT, BARLEY & GRAPE FROM 7000 BCE IN GANGA JI - 1 messages, 1 author
* NAME THE ENEMY - 2 messages, 2 authors
* SPLASHES FROM HINDU MAHASAGAR 6 - Facinating Hindu History by Chand K Sharma
*** Jai Maharaj posts - 3 messages, 3 authors
* OVER 1700 RECONVERTED TO HINDUISM IN SURAT - 1 messages, 1 author
* NEVER HEARD BEFORE!!! - 1 messages, 1 author


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jan 5 2010 11:58 pm
From: Franz Gnaedinger

On Jan 5, 1:05 pm, António Marques <> wrote:
> And your approach is like the former, not the latter. Like the former, your
> starting point is a model of how the language should be (those 3-letter
> things, those 'L-forms are comparatives', those 'permutations yield related
> meanings'...), and then you try to get from that to the actually observed
> data (modern languages). It's a top-down approach.
> The fact that you start from 'simple elements' and combine them according to
> some 'possibilities' doesn't make it one iota 'bottom-up'. FYI,
> 'programming' is also starting from simple elements and combining them
> according to some possibilities.

Cellular automata, for example John Horton Conway's
Game of Life, and neural networks are bottom up
while their implementations and simulations on traditional
von Neuman computers are top down. The terms 'top down'
and 'bottom up' name just the prevailing directions.
And don't you spread false quotes of what I said !
My third law of Magdalenian from the spring of 2006
states that S-words are comparative forms of D-words,
comparative as in good better. For example DAI means
protected area, consider Daidalos, the mythical first Greek
architect, French dais 'canopy', English dais 'lectern',
then Greek tektos and German Dach 'roof'. DAI is given
as tectiformes, roughly rectangular patterns, in cave art.
Now the comparative form of DAI, a D-word, is the S-word
SAI meaning life, existence, namely those who live in
the protected areas, indicated by dots, and lines and fields
of dots, in cave art. Walls of Neolithic houses in Switzerland
were decorated with red dots that say much as: May this
house be blessed with life, may it see many healthy children ...
Trefoils in the Harappan civilization had the meaning of life,
health, and offspring, while assembled trefoils, for example
on the well known bust of the king from Mohenjo-daro, and
the red trefoils on a lingam stand, have the same meaning
of life, health, and offspring, covering the Paleolithic meaning
of SAI for life.


== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 6 2010 5:47 am
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)

Name the enemy

The Jerusalem Post
Sunday, January 3, 2010

The clear, present and continuing danger posed to Western
civilization by the worldwide Islamist terror network cannot be
overcome while the American, European and other freedom-loving
peoples are neither mobilized nor steeled for the sacrifices ahead.
Islamic terrorists fly jet...

Islamic terrorists fly jet airliner into one of the World Trade
Center towers in New York on Sept. 11, 2001. Photo: AP

No serious observer minimizes the perils. The attack carried out in
November at Fort Hood by Nidal Malik Hasan, an American-born Muslim,
showed the fatal consequences of not intercepting "ticking bombs."
And the arrests of Najibullah Zazi, David Headley and five young
Pakistani-Americans last year in separate plots against America
irrefutably established that homegrown jihadists are a threat -- just
as they are in the UK, Germany and Spain.

While Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab failed to blow up Northwest Flight
253 over Detroit on Christmas Day, this attempted mass murder was
only the latest proof that an Islamist terror network, with bases in
Africa, Arabia and South Asia, cells just about everywhere else, and
a noxious presence on the Internet, sees itself in a relentless state
of war with the West.

A RECENT New York Times editorial concluded: "Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Yemen? Americans have a right to feel weary. But the [Abdulmutallab]
plot is a warning of why it's so important to head off full chaos in
Yemen. The last thing the world needs is another haven for al-Qaida."

Indeed. But if Americans are "weary" at this stage of the conflict,
it is partly because their leaders -- and media -- have not properly
framed the nature of the threat.

Neither former president George W. Bush, who spoke mostly of a "war
on terror," nor President Barack Obama, who speaks in terms of
"violent extremists" -- and no European leader -- has had the courage
to say that the enemy is global jihad.

The Islamist danger is not primarily rooted geographically -- in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Iran or Arabia -- but
theologically and politically within the larger Muslim civilization.

The only way Westerners can connect the dots -- between, say, the
devastating attack against Forward Operating Base Chapman near the
Pakistani border in Afghanistan (which claimed the lives of seven
seasoned CIA anti-terror operatives), and the attempted ax-murder of
a cartoonist in the Danish city of Aarhus over the weekend -- is for
their leaders to plainly say who the enemy is, what they want, and
what is at stake if they succeed.

That US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's first reaction
to the attack aboard Northwest Flight 253 was to think that it was
unconnected to a larger plot, testifies to how hard it will be to
change mind-sets. Even Obama's first reaction was that Abdulmutallab
appeared to be an "isolated extremist."

Yet compared to most other world leaders, Obama is positively
Churchillian. He has articulated the right goal: "To disrupt, to
dismantle, and defeat the extremists who threaten us...anywhere where
they are planning attacks..."

He's got the metaphysics right: "Evil does exist in the world."
Furthermore, he fully understands the amorphous nature of the enemy,
declaring that the "war" is against "a far-reaching network."

The missing link is naming the enemy. Only then will he be able to
talk frankly about how hard -- and necessary -- it is to find
trustworthy Muslim allies.

The murdered CIA agents were likely betrayed by Afghans they trusted.
Al-Qaida in Yemen was revived partly when terrorists were freed in a
prison break, possibly orchestrated by renegade elements of the
Yemeni secret police.

EVEN IF Western leaders did mobilize their societies, the struggle
against the Islamist menace would remain wearying. This is an enemy
that is often embedded among civilians and enforces allegiance by
beheading those it suspects of disloyalty. Citizens need to know
this, to understand why innocent children are sometimes accidentally
killed in military operations conducted by allied forces.

Obama needs to tell Americans and Europeans willing to listen that,
though the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not terrorists,
pretty much all terrorists are Muslim, hence the need for profiling.

An overstretched army, supported by a weary home front, against an
ill-defined enemy, does not offer a viable strategy for success.
Better to tell people that the enemy is radical Islam, which wants to
spread its religion using the sword, and that defeat would mean an
end to Western values of pluralism, minority rights and democracy.

More at:

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 6 2010 7:49 am
From: uNmaiviLambi

On Jan 6, 8:47 am, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> Name the enemy

There is no doubt Islam and christianity unleashed a cult of violence
through out history to this day

TOPIC: SPLASHES FROM HINDU MAHASAGAR 6 - Facinating Hindu History by Chand K
Sharma *** Jai Maharaj posts

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 6 2010 6:06 am
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)

Forwarded message from Chand K Sharma

Splashes from Hindu Mahasagar -- 6 - Facinating Hindu History

Splashes from Hindu Mahasagar -- 6

Facinating Hindu History

Pagan religions all over the world have used icons or symbols to
represent abstract and intangible objects. The fanciful gallery of
mythological deities in Biblical stories, Arabian Nights, and The
Canterbury Tales are collections of human imagination. Blowing of
strong wind would normally be indicated through waving trees, flying
of lighter objects and rising of dust. Similarly super human power of
gods and goddesses has been suggested through four arms, heads, and
other such embellishments. In this connection Hindu history has much
more to offer to the world as a piece of art and literature.

One of the most remarkable features of Hindu history is that unlike
other faiths, it is not confined to any area and time, but historical
characters have imprints left over the entire universe. There are
several descriptions related to inter-planetary movements of not only
of gods and goddesses, but also of sages and mortal beings. The gods,
goddesses and many of the sages are timeless and ever lasting. They
appear and disappear, are clad in glittering costumes, are powerful
and resourceful to grant boons and can inflict destruction through
curse as well. Every God possesses weapons to destroy the evil, as
well as flowers to shower blessings.

Hindus laid greater importance on the preservation of environment
also. Animals and useful plants such as Peepal, Beil, Tulsi, and
Banyan were associated with various gods and goddesses; to be loved,
nurtured, and even worshiped. Sources of water, mountains and other
elements of nature are also respected as gods and goddesses. Animals
were also included in history thereby recognizing their right to co-
exist with others. Even Pig and snakes, hated in other faiths find a
respectable place in Hindu history, since no one is under rated. Many
animals are associated with Gods as carriers. Some animals were given
the status of Gods and goddesses to impress that Omnipresence of the

Every religion has drawn its own concept of heaven and hell that are
comparable to the prevailing of the religion originated. Islamic
Heaven is cool, shady and has plenty of water sources fruit grow and
nymphs are on duty to serve the believers. There Hell is always
burning hot with lot many apparatus of torture in motion to punish
the non believers and worshipers of idols. On the contrary Biblical
Heaven has Sun shine, and their hell is full of Ice. All the
religions have placed heaven above and Hell below. The administration
of heavenly sites is in the hands of Devas, Angles, Nymphs, Hoors and
Apasras who are well versed in the art of dressing up, dancing and
music. Like wise in Hinduism pious people reside in Swarga and
sinners in Narka irresective of their being believers or non-
believers. The only difference is that Narka residents have chances
of relocating themselves in Swarga with good deeds done when they are
reborn. Propagators of religion not believing in re-birth have no
option of relocating even if they atoned later and desired to do some

Though Hindus believe in one God, but view the same God in three
different modes while in action and that is known as the Trinity of
Supreme God:

Brahm is the Creator God. He is traditionally depicted with four
heads, faces and arms. Each head recites one of the four Vedas. The
hands hold a water-pot used in creating life, a string of rosary
beads used to keep track of the Universe's time, the text of the
Vedas, and a lotus flower. He is the husband of goddess Saraswati.
His mount is Hamsa (Swan). Brahm only occasionally interferes in the
affairs of the gods, and even more rarely in mortal affairs. He is
generally painted old, probably to signify that creativity, wisdom,
and experience without resources and power is like an old and
helpless person.

Vishnu is known as preserver. He is usually depicted as a four-armed
humanoid with blue skin, often sitting or resting on a lotus flower
or relaxing on Sheshnag bed with Lakshami (goddess of wealth) in
attendance, indicating a person possessing everything of ultimate
luxury. His mount is Garuda. He is identified with his Avatars
(Incarnations) to re-establish orderliness in the World.

Shiv is the destroyer. Shiv is represented as immersed in deep
meditation, on Mount Kailash. However, even though he represents
destruction, he is viewed as a positive force, the Destroyer of Evil.
His vahan (mount) is 'Nandi', the Bull. He is usually represented by
the symbol of Shiv ling. His consort is 'Parvati', a goddess who
comes in many different forms, one of whom is Kaali, the goddess of
death. As Nataraj Shiv is the Lord of the Dance, and also symbolizes
the dance of the Universe, with all its delicately balanced heavenly
bodies and natural laws which complement and balance each other. He
is also symbolized as doing his great dance of destruction, called
Taandava signifying praleya -- the doom's day, implying total
dissolution of the universe.

All the three reflections are in fact one God performing three
different functions of creation, preservation and finally destruction
same way as a human can be son to the parents, husband to the wife,
and parent of his children. All the three separate functions are
performed by the same person but the person is viewed differently by
his parents, wife and children. The concept of Trinity wraps in
itself the 'Theory of division of power' that was propounded by
Montesquieu of France, much later. Supreme God is personified into
the Trinity of Brahm Vishnu and Shiv. While Brahm, Vishnu and Shiv
function within their respective areas of creativity, preservation,
and destruction respectively and do not trespass or interfere in to
the field of each other's. They consult each other whenever there is
any crisis in the universe. Thus 'Government of the Universe'
reflects 'division of power' as well as 'interdependence' that
Montesquieu preached to the political thinkers of the west in
ninteenth century.

Hindu supreme Gods are not confined to any geopgraphical place and
period. They neither have any beginning or any ending. They are

Chand K Sharma

End of forwarded message from Chand K Sharma

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

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== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 6 2010 11:15 am
From: Franz Gnaedinger

On Jan 6, 8:36 am, Franz Gnaedinger <> wrote:
> On Jan 6, 8:19 am, Franz Gnaedinger <> wrote:
> > That false doctor who calls himself Jai Maharaj is again
> > trying to suffocate sci.lang. Is it a coincidence that he began
> > his new campaign of massive abusement of our scientific group
> > around New Year, in sight of 2012 ? year of the alleged end of
> > the Mayan calendar, in reality a false claim based on a wrong
> > calculation, and even if the long calendar cycle of the Maya
> > ended in 2012 it would not mean the end of the world, just
> > a new calendar cycle. The year 2012 makes astrologers
> > creep out of their holes, they can frighten people again and
> > sell them their horoscopes. That false doctor Jai Maharaj
> > sells horoscopes and abuses our forum for making propaganda
> > for his astrological firm, pretending that he posts in favor of
> > the Hindu community, while in fact seeing his marekting niche
> > among those people he apparently believes are especially
> > prone to superstition, and therefroe the right and yielding
> > target of his astrological enterprise.
> Repeating my message because that false doctor Jai Maharaj
> is spamming sci.lang at an increasing rate.

He is decided to ruin sci.lang.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 6 2010 3:01 pm
From: johnk

On Jan 6, 1:15 pm, Franz Gnaedinger <> wrote:

> He is decided to ruin sci.lang.

Correction: He HAS decided, not IS decided.

You are two peas in a pod.


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 6 2010 8:24 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)

Over 1700 reconverted to Hinduism in Surat

By Yagnesh Mehta, TNN
The Times of India
December 22, 2009

Surat - In its offensive against conversion of tribals to
Christianity, Maharashtra-based Shree Sampraday sect claimed to have
reconverted 1,747 people back to Hinduism in Surat on Monday. A
shadow has, however, been cast on the event with Surat district
magistrate taking note of the organisers' failure to seek permission
for reconversion as stipulated in the Gujarat Freedom of Religion
Act, 2003.

The camp to reconvert tribals, who had embraced Christianity was held
in the city for the first time and nearly 5,000 people from
Maharashtra and Gujarat participated in the ceremony.

About 10 priests chanted mantras at a 'havan' around which sat those
willing to get back to Hinduism. The participants were given
'gurumantra' and 'janaiv' (sacred thread) to mark their reconversion.
The event started around 10 am and continued till late in the

Saints from different parts of the country also took part in the
event. The platform was freely used by saints to attack some minority
religions. A large number of tribal participants came to the venue
from Dangs, Valsad, Navsari and Maharashtra's Thane and Nandurbar

"We organised the event in Surat to promote Hinduism in urban areas.
We have a series of events planned in the near future to hold such
reconversion camps in urban areas of Gujarat. In January, events are
planned in Vadodara and Silvassa," said Yashwant More, secretary of
Surat District Seva Samiti of Shree Sampraday. Reacting to the event
Surat district collector A J Shah said: "As per law, prior permission
is required for religious conversion.

However, I have not received any application for conversion or
reconversion. In fact I don't know about the event." However, More
said: "We don't know about any such law and hence we have not taken
any permission from the district magistrate. Though we got an
affidavit notarised informing about the 1,747 people getting
reconverted to Hinduism."

More at:

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 6 2010 10:35 pm
From: logical recruitment

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