Today's topics:
* KUMBHA MELA 2010 - HARIDWAR - 1 messages, 1 author
* as usual pakistans are shameless to watch Indian movies - 1 messages, 1
* WHAT'S ISLAM? DON'T ASK GOOGLE *** Jai Maharaj posts - 1 messages, 1 author
posts - 1 messages, 1 author
* WHO COMMANDS OBAMA? - 1 messages, 1 author
* OBAMA - AMERICA'S GIFT TO TERRORISTS - 1 messages, 1 author
* YouTube - NARENDRA MODI A TRUE BHARATIYA HERO *** Jai Maharaj posts - 1
messages, 1 author
* A NOTE ON MUSHRIF'S BOOK 'WHO KILLED KARKARE?' *** Jai Maharaj posts - 6
messages, 1 author
posts - 1 messages, 1 author
1 messages, 1 author
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 12:30 am
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Kumbha mela 2010 - Haridwar
Saturday, January 9, 2010
It will be better for anyone intending to visit the Haridwar Poorn
Kumbh Mela - 2010 to reserve his/her stay there (in some Ashram or
Dharmashala or Hotel, etc., either at Haridwar or its twin town of
Rishikesh that is 24 kms from Haridwar) well in advance. For more
information, the intending pilgrim may visit the Official Website of
Uttarakhand Government for accommodation and other details at:
Please see the pdf linked below for details about the Haridwar Kumbh
Bathing dates and significance of the hoary tradition.
End of forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
TOPIC: as usual pakistans are shameless to watch Indian movies
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 8:06 am
From: Tambi Dude
Why do they watch movies of a country they claim as their eternal
While TV shows is full of anti Indian material, common Paki is so
of entertainment that he rushes towards the movie hall to make his
life slightly better for 3 hrs, even if it means watching movies made
by Kafir Hindus.
What a confused nation and culture?
If I were a Paki and hate India as much as I hate pakistan now, there
is no
way I would spend money and watch their movies, giving a boost to
industry. Pirated DVD is a different issue :-)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 1:37 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
The Fifth Column
What's Islam? Don't Ask Google
FOX News
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Type a few words into the search field on Google's home page and the
engine automatically returns a helpful list of popular, similar
searches for the words you've typed in so far -- a convenient way to
find the right information.
Enter "Christianity is" and you'll find results that, while
offensive, at least indicate common discussions on the Internet.
Likewise, type "Judaism is" and Google suggests other, potentially
offensive searches such as "Judaism is false" and "Judaism is not a
But type "Islam is" into the search engine and Google's auto-results
pane mysteriously vanishes, leading some to conclude that Google,
whose mantra is "don't be evil," is censoring its search results.
According to Google's Web site, the query suggestions that appear as
you type are drawn from from searches you've done (if you're logged
in), searches done by users all over the world, sites in the search
index and ads in Google's network.
The company also explains that "We try to filter out suggestions that
include pornographic terms, dirty words, and hate and violence terms.
If you encounter a term that should not be suggested, please let us
know by posting in the Google Web Search Help Forum."
Perhaps the returned results are so inappropriate that all results
have simply been turned off, an option some Internet users label
'cowardly.' After all, search for hot-button items such as
"scientology is" or "Muhammad is" and the results are even more
A Google spokesman explained that the weird absence of results is
just a software problem: "This is in fact a bug and we're working to
fix it as quickly as we can." But the company would not respond to
requests for clarification.
An intriguing corollary: Google offers search suggestions for future
tense queries as well. Ask "Christianity will" and Google suggests
"Christianity will end, it will disappear," and "Christianity will
end." Ask the same about Islam and Google notes that "Islam will
dominate the world" and "Islam will destroy Europe."
Editor's Note: Coming to the dance late still puts you at the dance,
we suppose. That this publication was censored by Google in 2006 and
FOX is just getting around to reporting on their censorship
practices, well, at least they got around to it...
More at:
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 3:12 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Top Contrarian Investor Jim Chanos Loses Taste For Chinese
By Ed Liston
Friday, January 8, 2010
Contrarian investor Jim Chanos, known for his short selling prowess,
has now made it known that he is betting against one of the biggest
stars of today: China Inc.
Chanos and his aptly named fund, Kynikos (Greek for �cynic') earned
their stripes in Wall Street by foreseeing the problems of Enron,
Tyco (NYSE: TYC), Boston Market and other corporate megastars. Chanos
warns that China's economy is hyperstimulated by credit excess and
headed for a spectacular crash. He even suspects that the growth rate
of 8% is cooked. Chanos doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that
he is betting against the collective wisdom of the likes of Warren
Buffet, George Soros, and Wilbur Ross, among others.
Chanos is focusing on infrastructure-related commodities like copper
and iron ore in his bet against China. A point to be noted is that he
excludes gold from the list as it not an infrastructure commodity.
According to him, the main risk is that China will overproduce and
end up with a surplus that it cannot sell.
It is widely believed by analysts that a lot of speculative foreign
inflows are doing the rounds in China's real estate sector, leading
to potential asset bubbles. Popular opinion is that China's growth
will sustain its momentum with what remains from the $586 billion
government stimulus program for exports and consumption. What also
goes unsaid is that most of the world is betting on China to lift the
global economy out of recession.
In the meantime, other strategists like Robert Griffith of Cazenove
Capital have gone on record to say that India and Brazil present
safer options compared to China.
US companies like Ford (NYSE: F), Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT [FREE Stock
Trend Analysis]), Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) and others that are heavily
invested in the Chinese shangri-la may want to take note of the
billionaire investment wizard who once foretold the fall of Enron.
More at:
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 3:38 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Who commands Obama?
By J R Dieckmann
Sunday, January 10, 2010
In August of 2008, I wrote about The Senate Mentality of John McCain,
[1] who was then the Republican candidate for president. In response
to this article, I found myself in a discussion with some of my
fellow writers and publishers over the McCain candidacy. My position
was that I could not vote for McCain and could not encourage others
to do so either.
But there was only one other choice, and that was Barack Obama. I
certainly couldn't vote for him, and for all the same reasons that I
couldn't vote for McCain but 10 times over. To try to deter an Obama
disaster, I was told that I had to hold my nose and support McCain.
I made the point to my associates that the likely outcome of the
general election would be that Obama would win against McCain and
that we should consider the inevitable results -- that with Democrats
in control of both Congress and the White House, the country would
finally be able to see exactly what their agenda is and what they are
all about.
On the other hand, if somehow McCain pulled off a victory, it would
be a huge loss for conservatives, and the Republican Party would be
encouraged to continue moving even further to the left -- leaving no
hope for conservatives to have any representation in government for a
very long time.
The only way to move the Republican Party back to its founding
conservative principles would be to lose to the Democrats for lack of
conservative support. As unpleasant as it would be for a few years,
the end result would ultimately be the reestablishment of a
conservative Republican Party. Although this idea didn't go over well
with my associates, it is exactly what is happening now.
While Republican Party leaders are beginning to recognize the value
of conservative voters, they are also working toward restoring those
conservative values to the party instead of being dragged ever
further to the left and trying to be more like Democrats. Republican
leaders are now learning the need to contrast with the Democrats,
rather than appease and emulate them.
Democrat Party leaders are now dragging the Democrat Party directly
into socialism and Marxism, which is not going over too well with the
American people. Over the past few months we have been seeing
Democrats losing elections and now dropping out of the race for the
2010 elections as a result of their socialist ideology.
Had McCain won the election, the Republican Party would be doing the
same thing by compromising with the left and making nice with the
Marxists in the Congress. Without contrast to the Democrat agenda,
Republicans would be no better off now than they were in 2008. It has
taken the disaster of Obama to make them realize that the future of
the Republican Party points to the right, not to the left.
Lots of people today have little or no confidence in the leadership
abilities of Barack Obama. Everyone has been asking, who's running
the show? -- while Obama is out running around the country, still in
campaign mode and making speeches. Who is giving orders to Obama
while he is out playing front man? Whose policies are really being
implemented in Washington? Is it David Axelrod's? Is it Rohm
Emanuel's? Or is it George Soros'?
If you think that Obama came up with the agenda that is being
implemented today, think again. If you think someone behind the
scenes is directing Obama, that would be wrong too.
The pieces are starting to come together now. There is no one person
in charge and Obama is simply the mouthpiece of a larger regime. Who
is setting the agenda? We have to look at who supported and funded
the Obama campaign.
It is foreign investors. It's the World Bank. It's the IMF
(International Monetary Fund). It's the Federal Reserve bank. It's
Ban Ki-moon and the UN. It is the European Union. It is the Skull &
Bones Society and the Bilderberg group. It is even King Abdullah of
Saudi Arabia and the Palestinians to some extent.
Rather than think of it as the plans of one man, think of it as an
ideology like radical Islam. The al Qaeda organization is global but
bin laden doesn't call the shots, he just organizes and encourages
terrorist cells around the world who share the same ideology. In a
sense, bin Laden is very much like a community organizer.
But the ideology that Obama subscribes to is global socialism and
communism. He takes his cues from many different special interests
who all share his Marxist ideology and desire for global socialism.
Nobody tells Obama what to do, instead they tell him what he should
do to promote the ideology.
His objective is the same as the UN's objective -- global socialism
and the destruction of capitalism and the American value system. And
if Islam can be a part of that plan then more power to them. Islam is
a useful tool in destroying American Christian values.
As I said, the pieces are starting to come together and the dots are
being connected. We have to look not only at who Obama is taking
advice from, but also who is benefiting from his policies.
So far, I have only mentioned the international components of the
cabal of which Obama is just one part. I should also include the
domestic components such as: SEIU, ACLU, the Soros funded Apollo
Foundation, the UAW and AFL-CIO, ACORN, AIG, Bear Sterns, etc. They
are all part of the global socialist cabal and led by liberal
Understand -- Obama is not the leader or the head of the cabal. He
too is simply one component, but a very important component in his
present position. Obama knows the objectives of the cabal, he needs
his advisors only to advise him on how best to achieve them.
He doesn't know squat about running this country, he knows only that
he wants a global socialist world under one government. He shares
that objective with those mentioned above in a "group think" kind of
mentality. Kind of like a flock of birds, or an ant colony.
Although Obama was not brought into the Skull & Bones Society at
Harvard University, he has connections to the group as well as close
connections to the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign
relations through his wife, Michelle, and close associates.
These groups are all global socialist organizations. I suspect they
may have been involved in his grooming, especially in his adult
years, but he was not inducted into Skull & Bones, I suspect, because
his academic grades were not high enough. However, he came in contact
with these people during his far left college years.
Obama is not the leader of the cabal because there is no one leader.
That is the point I am making. It is a socialist cable of all that I
have mentioned. I used the example of al Qaeda because Osama bin
Laden, although the leader of his al Qaeda organization, is not the
leader of all of the radical Islamist groups around the world. They
just share the same radical Islamic beliefs and commit terrorism to
promote the cause -- not because they were ordered to, or directed by
bin Laden.
They share a common philosophy, just as Obama does with the global
socialist organizations and people. Obama is currently one component
but will never rise to a more powerful position in the cabal once he
is out of office. He is being used like a puppet to promote their
99% of what Obama says publicly is scripted by his staff and speech
writers. You don't think he actually writes his own speeches do you?
That is why he is so dependent on the teleprompter. He depends on
others to put words in his mouth. In his own words, he is a "blank
canvas" for other to project their thoughts onto. Or to put it
another way, an empty suit.
This is a result of the man having no core principles compatible with
the American people. Were he to express his own views -- as he did to
Joe the Plumber -- he would be rejected by the vast majority of the
American people.
The media, although they may not see things the same way as Obama,
are in his corner and cover for him because of purely political
affiliation reasons. They are liberals who hate Republicans. They are
interested only in promoting the Democrat party, and for that reason,
are reluctant to be critical of Obama.
So if you want to know who is commanding Obama, look no further than
the special interests who financed his campaign and their special
interest in global socialism. Obama is simply one spoke in the wheel
of Marxism which is determined to take over the world and
redistribute the wealth.
More at:
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 4:20 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Obama: America's gift to terrorists
By Nancy Morgan
Brookes News
Monday, January 11, 2010
For al Qaeda and other terrorists across the globe, Obama is the gift
that just keeps on giving. The fanatical Muslim terrorists who are
intent on wiping out every man woman and child that doesn't accept
Allah as God was just handed another victory by the President of the
United States. In response to yet another threat from the al Qaeda
faction in Yemen responsible for training the panty bomber who tried
to take out a U.S. bound jet on Christmas day, the Obama
administration decided to close down our embassy [1] in Yemen. "The
U.S. Embassy in San'a is closed today, January 3, 2010, in response
to ongoing threats by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula ... to attack
American interests in Yemen," the embassy said in a message on its
Web site.
Obama's counter-terrorism expert also informed the nation [2] on
Sunday that the United States would not be opening up a new front in
Yemen to battle the increasing presence of al Qaeda there. This
mirrors the Obama administration's response to ever increasing
threats from terrorist murderers: if we just ignore them, maybe
they'll go away. President Obama has made it official. Faced with
murderous threats from fanatical Muslims, America will cut and run.
Al Qaeda and assorted terrorists the world over are rejoicing. Yet
again. These barbaric animals are laughing out loud at the policies
President Obama and his buddies have enacted since he became
president of the greatest country in the world.
First, Obama did what Democrats do when faced with an uncomfortable
reality. They redefine it. Obama abolished the war on terror with a
stroke of the pen. Presto, we now have man-made catastrophic events,
not to be confused with the bogus global warming catastrophic events.
This was followed by the left's favorite response to any crisis not
of their own making: dialogue. Despite the fact that 'reaching out'
is considered a distinct sign of weakness by our enemies and has
never worked, Obama scored political points by convincing half the
nation that he could effect world peace through the sheer force of
his personality. Obama's dialogue did accomplish something, however.
It allowed him to appear to be doing something, when in actuality he
was merely avoiding the hard decisions associated with real
This man of action then handed terrorists legitimacy, along with all
the legal rights American citizens have fought and died for. Enemy
combatants, for the first time in history, will be tried in civilian
courts in New York. In the same neighborhood they demolished on 9/11.
How cool is that, terrorists say. This insane policy does have a
silver lining. It just might encourage terrorists in Yemen and
Afghanistan to surrender. That way they can leave the blood and guts
battlefield and wage jihad from the worldwide platform being afforded
(courtesy of U.S. taxpayers) by a New York courtroom. Again, courtesy
of Obama. Who knows, terrorists might just be able to accomplish more
effective jihad from within America. Just think of the recruitment
opportunities in American jails. Yahoo!
Then again, these animals may just opt to stay on the battlefield
overseas. After all, Obama's new rules of engagement have severely
hampered U.S. fighting men. All al Qaeda has to do is hide behind
women and children and they get a virtual free pass. And if by chance
they get caught killing Americans and they aren't mirandized, well,
its off to Gitmo, where they'll have a chance to rest up and regroup.
Once they gain 20 pounds or so, they'll be shipped back home where
they pick up right where they left off. Unless, of course, Obama is
successful in closing Gitmo, in which case the terrorists will have
to make do with 3 squares and cable TV from Chicago until they get
shipped home to the same old goat meat and drafty caves.
No wonder our enemies are laughing. As the Taliban indoctrinate kids
as young as five years-old into being killing machines, Obama focuses
his efforts on sanitizing and avoiding a fight to the finish that our
enemies wage as a war and Obama wages as an exercise in rhetoric. As
the left steps up their efforts to sensitize males, our enemies breed
warriors and come ever closer to obtaining the technology and
materials needed for a nuclear weapon. America will then have no
choice but to follow Obama's policy of appeasement. And the
terrorists will have won. And America will be no more.
If you're not scared yet, let me offer you this visual exercise:
Imagine Obama and his buddies coming face to face with a coven of
jihadists. Which side is going to win? Obama's words or the
terrorist's sword?
- - -
Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for and
lives in South Carolina.
More at:
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 5:46 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
YouTube - Narendra Modi A True Bharatiya Hero
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 6:08 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
A note on Mushrif's book "Who killed Karkare?"
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Forwarded message from A Chowgule
In October 2009, Pharos Media Publishing Pvt Ltd published a book by
SM Mushrif entitled "Who killed Karkare?". Mushrif retired as the
Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra, in 2005, apparently before
he was due to officially leave the police force. What the back cover
of the book says is quite instructive:
"Political violence, or terrorism, by State as well as by non- State
actors has a long history in India. The allegation that sections of
and individual Indian Muslims indulged in "terrorism" surfaced for
the first time with the ascent of the Hindutva forces in mid-1990s
and became state policy with the BJP's coming to power at the Centre.
With even "secular" media joining the role as stenographers of
security agencies, this became an accepted fact so much so that
common Indians and even many Muslims started believing in this false
propaganda. This book, by a former senior police officer, with a
distinguished career that included unearthing the Telgi scam, peeps
behind the propaganda screen, using material mostly in the public
domain as well as his long police experience. It comes out with some
startling facts and analysis, the first of its kind, to expose the
real actors behind the so-called "Islamic terrorism" in India whose
greatest feat was to murder the Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare
who dared to expose these forces and paid with his life for his
courage and commitment to truth. While unearthing the conspiracy
behind the murder of Karkare, this book takes a hard look at some of
the major incidents attributed to "Islamic terrorism" in India and
finds them baseless."
Essentially the contention of Mushrif is that terrorism in the name
of Islam is a fiction, and what we are seeing in India is actually
violence being organised by 'Hindutva forces'. The book also
contends that there are what are called Brahminical elements in the
nation at various level, whose objective is to capture the state
power by any means.
It would seem that various events conspired to expose these
'Brahminists' whose plan for domination of India was unravelling.
The investigation into the alleged acts of terrorism by Sadhvi Pragya
Singh and Lt Col Shrikant Purohit was the main point which was in the
process of turning the needle of suspicion to these 'Brahmanical'
forces, and so put an end to their 'evil' programme. These
investigations were led by Hemant Karkare who was, at the time of his
death, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad in Maharashtra.
Mushrif contends that the terrorist attack on November 26, 2008,
provided the 'Brahmanical' forces an opportunity to reverse these
events. It would seem that two or three days prior the intelligence
agencies in Maharshtra had specific information that some
organisations in Pakistan had firmed up plans to send terrorist by
boat to Mumbai, with the targets being the Taj Mahal Hotel, the
Oberoi hotels, the Leopold Café and the Nariman House. Instead of
increasing the security to the city, and so thwart the plans of these
Paksitani organisations, the 'Brahmanical' forces devised a plan to
use the opportunity to kill Karkare and so stop the line of
investigation that he was pursuing.
Mushrif contends that these terrorists had no intention of striking
at the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus, one of the main railway station
in Mumbai. The ones who conducted these attacks were individuals
provided by the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police. It would seem
that the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police have a stock of such
people in their control, who can be unleashed to create mayhem at
their beck and call. Through various stratagems, Karkare was enticed
to go to Cama Hospital near the railway station, where he was
ambushed by the two 'terrorists' from the police stock.
After this, according the plan, these two 'terrorists' apparently
fled in a car, which was also part of the 'armoury' available to the
'Brahmanical' forces in the police - Mushrif contends that the
hijacking story by the 'alleged' owner of the car is fake one. The
police force waiting at Chowaptty had information that the car was
heading in their direction, and they were instructed to kill one of
the two and keep the other alive, so as to provide 'evidence'
pointing out that the act was actually a part of Islamic terrorism.
In such involved situations, all things do happen as planned, and
both the 'terrorists' were killed. However, there was a contingency
plan in place, and a third individual from the stock was provided to
take the place of the person who was to survive.
As conspiracy theories go, this must surely take the cake. That the
'Brahmanical' forces in the police can come out with such an
elaborate plan in a matter of two days would make these people to be
highly innovative. Furthermore, the 'revelation' that the police
have people in stock to undertake such activities must be seen as a
source of deep worry.
What I would like to deal in this note is not to evaluate the
'startling facts and analysis' provided by Mushrif, but the
implications that would automatically follow if Mushrif is right.
First, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab is innocent, and that it is incumbent on
his defence lawyer to present the book in the court. He was not part
of the original team of two who created the mayhem at the railway
station, nor was he even remotely involved in the killing of Karkare.
He was put in place, only by accident - that is the original two were
killed, one by design and the other inadvertently.
Second, the conspiracy of the 'Brahmanical' forces should be
thourougly investigated. The various members of the 'civil society'
who forever rant against such 'Brahmanical' forces are silent on the
issue, given that the book has been in print for three months. Even
now it is not too late for the members to take up the cause of Kasab.
These members are always on the look out to establish what they call
their 'secular' credentials, and are in the forefront of projecting
themselves as defenders and benefactors of the Muslim community in
Thridly, Pakistan should highlight 'startling facts and analysis' at
international forums. It is probably the best ammunition that it has
to establish its claimed innocence.
It would also be interesting to narrate what are the implications if
Mushrif is wrong.
First, obviously Mushrif has allowed himself to be a tool in the
hands of forces whose interests are not inimical to the well-being of
our nation.
Second, the role of the publishers in printing all this should also
be investigated. I understand that the book has been printed in Urdu
and Hindi, obviously to try and influence the minds of the Muslims in
India, and so increase their alienation.
Thirdly, the silence of the 'concerned society' has to be
investigated. They are forever looking out for opportunities to
condemn the various Hindu organisations at the drop of a hat.
Mushrif's book is, in more sense than one, a dynamite. It cannot be
allowed to go into obscurity by the society, if the institutions that
are an integral part of keeping it sane are to function in the way
they should. No one can be allwed to mess around with them.
End of forwarded message from A Chowgule
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works.
o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
go to:
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
copyright owner.
Since newsgroup posts are being removed
by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
this post may be reposted several times.
== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 6:09 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from K Malhotra
JSK. Ignoring the facts; assuming things, spreading false and
baseless reports; and above-all protecting and supporting terrorists
makes Mushriff himself a terrorist? He should be sued and arrested.
End of forwarded message from K Malhotra
> A note on Mushrif's book "Who killed Karkare?"
> Sunday, January 10, 2010
> Forwarded message from A Chowgule
> In October 2009, Pharos Media Publishing Pvt Ltd published a book by
> SM Mushrif entitled "Who killed Karkare?". Mushrif retired as the
> Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra, in 2005, apparently before
> he was due to officially leave the police force. What the back cover
> of the book says is quite instructive:
> "Political violence, or terrorism, by State as well as by non- State
> actors has a long history in India. The allegation that sections of
> and individual Indian Muslims indulged in "terrorism" surfaced for
> the first time with the ascent of the Hindutva forces in mid-1990s
> and became state policy with the BJP's coming to power at the Centre.
> With even "secular" media joining the role as stenographers of
> security agencies, this became an accepted fact so much so that
> common Indians and even many Muslims started believing in this false
> propaganda. This book, by a former senior police officer, with a
> distinguished career that included unearthing the Telgi scam, peeps
> behind the propaganda screen, using material mostly in the public
> domain as well as his long police experience. It comes out with some
> startling facts and analysis, the first of its kind, to expose the
> real actors behind the so-called "Islamic terrorism" in India whose
> greatest feat was to murder the Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare
> who dared to expose these forces and paid with his life for his
> courage and commitment to truth. While unearthing the conspiracy
> behind the murder of Karkare, this book takes a hard look at some of
> the major incidents attributed to "Islamic terrorism" in India and
> finds them baseless."
> Essentially the contention of Mushrif is that terrorism in the name
> of Islam is a fiction, and what we are seeing in India is actually
> violence being organised by 'Hindutva forces'. The book also
> contends that there are what are called Brahminical elements in the
> nation at various level, whose objective is to capture the state
> power by any means.
> It would seem that various events conspired to expose these
> 'Brahminists' whose plan for domination of India was unravelling.
> The investigation into the alleged acts of terrorism by Sadhvi Pragya
> Singh and Lt Col Shrikant Purohit was the main point which was in the
> process of turning the needle of suspicion to these 'Brahmanical'
> forces, and so put an end to their 'evil' programme. These
> investigations were led by Hemant Karkare who was, at the time of his
> death, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad in Maharashtra.
> Mushrif contends that the terrorist attack on November 26, 2008,
> provided the 'Brahmanical' forces an opportunity to reverse these
> events. It would seem that two or three days prior the intelligence
> agencies in Maharshtra had specific information that some
> organisations in Pakistan had firmed up plans to send terrorist by
> boat to Mumbai, with the targets being the Taj Mahal Hotel, the
> Oberoi hotels, the Leopold Café and the Nariman House. Instead of
> increasing the security to the city, and so thwart the plans of these
> Paksitani organisations, the 'Brahmanical' forces devised a plan to
> use the opportunity to kill Karkare and so stop the line of
> investigation that he was pursuing.
> Mushrif contends that these terrorists had no intention of striking
> at the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus, one of the main railway station
> in Mumbai. The ones who conducted these attacks were individuals
> provided by the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police. It would seem
> that the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police have a stock of such
> people in their control, who can be unleashed to create mayhem at
> their beck and call. Through various stratagems, Karkare was enticed
> to go to Cama Hospital near the railway station, where he was
> ambushed by the two 'terrorists' from the police stock.
> After this, according the plan, these two 'terrorists' apparently
> fled in a car, which was also part of the 'armoury' available to the
> 'Brahmanical' forces in the police - Mushrif contends that the
> hijacking story by the 'alleged' owner of the car is fake one. The
> police force waiting at Chowaptty had information that the car was
> heading in their direction, and they were instructed to kill one of
> the two and keep the other alive, so as to provide 'evidence'
> pointing out that the act was actually a part of Islamic terrorism.
> In such involved situations, all things do happen as planned, and
> both the 'terrorists' were killed. However, there was a contingency
> plan in place, and a third individual from the stock was provided to
> take the place of the person who was to survive.
> As conspiracy theories go, this must surely take the cake. That the
> 'Brahmanical' forces in the police can come out with such an
> elaborate plan in a matter of two days would make these people to be
> highly innovative. Furthermore, the 'revelation' that the police
> have people in stock to undertake such activities must be seen as a
> source of deep worry.
> What I would like to deal in this note is not to evaluate the
> 'startling facts and analysis' provided by Mushrif, but the
> implications that would automatically follow if Mushrif is right.
> First, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab is innocent, and that it is incumbent on
> his defence lawyer to present the book in the court. He was not part
> of the original team of two who created the mayhem at the railway
> station, nor was he even remotely involved in the killing of Karkare.
> He was put in place, only by accident - that is the original two were
> killed, one by design and the other inadvertently.
> Second, the conspiracy of the 'Brahmanical' forces should be
> thourougly investigated. The various members of the 'civil society'
> who forever rant against such 'Brahmanical' forces are silent on the
> issue, given that the book has been in print for three months. Even
> now it is not too late for the members to take up the cause of Kasab.
> These members are always on the look out to establish what they call
> their 'secular' credentials, and are in the forefront of projecting
> themselves as defenders and benefactors of the Muslim community in
> India.
> Thridly, Pakistan should highlight 'startling facts and analysis' at
> international forums. It is probably the best ammunition that it has
> to establish its claimed innocence.
> It would also be interesting to narrate what are the implications if
> Mushrif is wrong.
> First, obviously Mushrif has allowed himself to be a tool in the
> hands of forces whose interests are not inimical to the well-being of
> our nation.
> Second, the role of the publishers in printing all this should also
> be investigated. I understand that the book has been printed in Urdu
> and Hindi, obviously to try and influence the minds of the Muslims in
> India, and so increase their alienation.
> Thirdly, the silence of the 'concerned society' has to be
> investigated. They are forever looking out for opportunities to
> condemn the various Hindu organisations at the drop of a hat.
> Mushrif's book is, in more sense than one, a dynamite. It cannot be
> allowed to go into obscurity by the society, if the institutions that
> are an integral part of keeping it sane are to function in the way
> they should. No one can be allwed to mess around with them.
> End of forwarded message from A Chowgule
> Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> Om Shanti
o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works.
o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
go to:
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
copyright owner.
Since newsgroup posts are being removed
by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
this post may be reposted several times.
== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 6:10 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from Vranivanji
Sunday, January 10, 2010
One can't find a better example of Al Taqiyya. This fine muslim --
Mushrif beats even ChaNakya!!!
End of forwarded message from Vranivanji
> Forwarded message from K Malhotra
> JSK. Ignoring the facts; assuming things, spreading false and
> baseless reports; and above-all protecting and supporting terrorists
> makes Mushriff himself a terrorist? He should be sued and arrested.
> JSK.
> End of forwarded message from K Malhotra
> > A note on Mushrif's book "Who killed Karkare?"
> >
> > Sunday, January 10, 2010
> >
> > Forwarded message from A Chowgule
> >
> > In October 2009, Pharos Media Publishing Pvt Ltd published a book by
> > SM Mushrif entitled "Who killed Karkare?". Mushrif retired as the
> > Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra, in 2005, apparently before
> > he was due to officially leave the police force. What the back cover
> > of the book says is quite instructive:
> >
> > "Political violence, or terrorism, by State as well as by non- State
> > actors has a long history in India. The allegation that sections of
> > and individual Indian Muslims indulged in "terrorism" surfaced for
> > the first time with the ascent of the Hindutva forces in mid-1990s
> > and became state policy with the BJP's coming to power at the Centre.
> > With even "secular" media joining the role as stenographers of
> > security agencies, this became an accepted fact so much so that
> > common Indians and even many Muslims started believing in this false
> > propaganda. This book, by a former senior police officer, with a
> > distinguished career that included unearthing the Telgi scam, peeps
> > behind the propaganda screen, using material mostly in the public
> > domain as well as his long police experience. It comes out with some
> > startling facts and analysis, the first of its kind, to expose the
> > real actors behind the so-called "Islamic terrorism" in India whose
> > greatest feat was to murder the Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare
> > who dared to expose these forces and paid with his life for his
> > courage and commitment to truth. While unearthing the conspiracy
> > behind the murder of Karkare, this book takes a hard look at some of
> > the major incidents attributed to "Islamic terrorism" in India and
> > finds them baseless."
> >
> > Essentially the contention of Mushrif is that terrorism in the name
> > of Islam is a fiction, and what we are seeing in India is actually
> > violence being organised by 'Hindutva forces'. The book also
> > contends that there are what are called Brahminical elements in the
> > nation at various level, whose objective is to capture the state
> > power by any means.
> >
> > It would seem that various events conspired to expose these
> > 'Brahminists' whose plan for domination of India was unravelling.
> > The investigation into the alleged acts of terrorism by Sadhvi Pragya
> > Singh and Lt Col Shrikant Purohit was the main point which was in the
> > process of turning the needle of suspicion to these 'Brahmanical'
> > forces, and so put an end to their 'evil' programme. These
> > investigations were led by Hemant Karkare who was, at the time of his
> > death, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad in Maharashtra.
> >
> > Mushrif contends that the terrorist attack on November 26, 2008,
> > provided the 'Brahmanical' forces an opportunity to reverse these
> > events. It would seem that two or three days prior the intelligence
> > agencies in Maharshtra had specific information that some
> > organisations in Pakistan had firmed up plans to send terrorist by
> > boat to Mumbai, with the targets being the Taj Mahal Hotel, the
> > Oberoi hotels, the Leopold Café and the Nariman House. Instead of
> > increasing the security to the city, and so thwart the plans of these
> > Paksitani organisations, the 'Brahmanical' forces devised a plan to
> > use the opportunity to kill Karkare and so stop the line of
> > investigation that he was pursuing.
> >
> > Mushrif contends that these terrorists had no intention of striking
> > at the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus, one of the main railway station
> > in Mumbai. The ones who conducted these attacks were individuals
> > provided by the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police. It would seem
> > that the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police have a stock of such
> > people in their control, who can be unleashed to create mayhem at
> > their beck and call. Through various stratagems, Karkare was enticed
> > to go to Cama Hospital near the railway station, where he was
> > ambushed by the two 'terrorists' from the police stock.
> >
> > After this, according the plan, these two 'terrorists' apparently
> > fled in a car, which was also part of the 'armoury' available to the
> > 'Brahmanical' forces in the police - Mushrif contends that the
> > hijacking story by the 'alleged' owner of the car is fake one. The
> > police force waiting at Chowaptty had information that the car was
> > heading in their direction, and they were instructed to kill one of
> > the two and keep the other alive, so as to provide 'evidence'
> > pointing out that the act was actually a part of Islamic terrorism.
> >
> > In such involved situations, all things do happen as planned, and
> > both the 'terrorists' were killed. However, there was a contingency
> > plan in place, and a third individual from the stock was provided to
> > take the place of the person who was to survive.
> >
> > As conspiracy theories go, this must surely take the cake. That the
> > 'Brahmanical' forces in the police can come out with such an
> > elaborate plan in a matter of two days would make these people to be
> > highly innovative. Furthermore, the 'revelation' that the police
> > have people in stock to undertake such activities must be seen as a
> > source of deep worry.
> >
> > What I would like to deal in this note is not to evaluate the
> > 'startling facts and analysis' provided by Mushrif, but the
> > implications that would automatically follow if Mushrif is right.
> >
> > First, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab is innocent, and that it is incumbent on
> > his defence lawyer to present the book in the court. He was not part
> > of the original team of two who created the mayhem at the railway
> > station, nor was he even remotely involved in the killing of Karkare.
> > He was put in place, only by accident - that is the original two were
> > killed, one by design and the other inadvertently.
> >
> > Second, the conspiracy of the 'Brahmanical' forces should be
> > thourougly investigated. The various members of the 'civil society'
> > who forever rant against such 'Brahmanical' forces are silent on the
> > issue, given that the book has been in print for three months. Even
> > now it is not too late for the members to take up the cause of Kasab.
> > These members are always on the look out to establish what they call
> > their 'secular' credentials, and are in the forefront of projecting
> > themselves as defenders and benefactors of the Muslim community in
> > India.
> >
> > Thridly, Pakistan should highlight 'startling facts and analysis' at
> > international forums. It is probably the best ammunition that it has
> > to establish its claimed innocence.
> >
> > It would also be interesting to narrate what are the implications if
> > Mushrif is wrong.
> >
> > First, obviously Mushrif has allowed himself to be a tool in the
> > hands of forces whose interests are not inimical to the well-being of
> > our nation.
> >
> > Second, the role of the publishers in printing all this should also
> > be investigated. I understand that the book has been printed in Urdu
> > and Hindi, obviously to try and influence the minds of the Muslims in
> > India, and so increase their alienation.
> >
> > Thirdly, the silence of the 'concerned society' has to be
> > investigated. They are forever looking out for opportunities to
> > condemn the various Hindu organisations at the drop of a hat.
> >
> > Mushrif's book is, in more sense than one, a dynamite. It cannot be
> > allowed to go into obscurity by the society, if the institutions that
> > are an integral part of keeping it sane are to function in the way
> > they should. No one can be allwed to mess around with them.
> >
> > End of forwarded message from A Chowgule
> >
> > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > Om Shanti
o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works.
o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
go to:
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
copyright owner.
Since newsgroup posts are being removed
by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
this post may be reposted several times.
== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 6:12 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from M Iyer
Sunday, January 10, 2010
world over, there are worries about islamic terrorism. we must know
who is behind the publishing house and what are Mushrif's connection.
yes, he is right - the kashmiri muslims who massacred and ethnic
cleansed pandits, are brahmins. pakistani muslims who indulged in
genocide of hindus, are brahmins. bangladeshi muslims who indulged
in genocide of hindus, are brahmins. afzal guru, kasab, musharaf,
zardari, are, brahmins. the muslims who ruled us for 700 years were
brahmins - at that time, they committed the greatest genocide of
hindus - 100 million hindus were massacred. muslim invaders thought
that by killing brahmins, they could destroy hinduism. so, the
muslims killed maximum number of brahmin priests. the funny thing,
the invaders were brahmins who killed fellow brahmins. the invading
muslims - sorry brahmins, destroyed thousands and thousands of hindu
you all remember a posting - that Saudi people paid some 10 million
dollars to two top channelists of India, to cover only the muslim
side of the gujarat riots. all of you know, how the coverage was.
it is quite possible that the government to avoid criticism, may have
encouraged the publication of such a India, anybody can
write anything and get away with it.remember, the entire media is in
the hands of minorities and their coverage is always anti-hindu and
anti-india.the Italian led, UPA is bent upon destroying hindu
renaissance by floating theories like saffron terror, hindu terror,
right wing terror and now brahminical terror.
see the fun - with one purohit and a lady sanyasin, mushrif says that
it is brahminical conspiracy. he desserves a nobel, a pulitzer and a
End of forwarded message from M Iyer
> Forwarded message from Vranivanji
> Sunday, January 10, 2010
> One can't find a better example of Al Taqiyya. This fine muslim --
> Mushrif beats even ChaNakya!!!
> End of forwarded message from Vranivanji
> > Forwarded message from K Malhotra
> >
> > JSK. Ignoring the facts; assuming things, spreading false and
> > baseless reports; and above-all protecting and supporting terrorists
> > makes Mushriff himself a terrorist? He should be sued and arrested.
> > JSK.
> >
> > End of forwarded message from K Malhotra
> > > A note on Mushrif's book "Who killed Karkare?"
> > >
> > > Sunday, January 10, 2010
> > >
> > > Forwarded message from A Chowgule
> > >
> > > In October 2009, Pharos Media Publishing Pvt Ltd published a book by
> > > SM Mushrif entitled "Who killed Karkare?". Mushrif retired as the
> > > Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra, in 2005, apparently before
> > > he was due to officially leave the police force. What the back cover
> > > of the book says is quite instructive:
> > >
> > > "Political violence, or terrorism, by State as well as by non- State
> > > actors has a long history in India. The allegation that sections of
> > > and individual Indian Muslims indulged in "terrorism" surfaced for
> > > the first time with the ascent of the Hindutva forces in mid-1990s
> > > and became state policy with the BJP's coming to power at the Centre.
> > > With even "secular" media joining the role as stenographers of
> > > security agencies, this became an accepted fact so much so that
> > > common Indians and even many Muslims started believing in this false
> > > propaganda. This book, by a former senior police officer, with a
> > > distinguished career that included unearthing the Telgi scam, peeps
> > > behind the propaganda screen, using material mostly in the public
> > > domain as well as his long police experience. It comes out with some
> > > startling facts and analysis, the first of its kind, to expose the
> > > real actors behind the so-called "Islamic terrorism" in India whose
> > > greatest feat was to murder the Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare
> > > who dared to expose these forces and paid with his life for his
> > > courage and commitment to truth. While unearthing the conspiracy
> > > behind the murder of Karkare, this book takes a hard look at some of
> > > the major incidents attributed to "Islamic terrorism" in India and
> > > finds them baseless."
> > >
> > > Essentially the contention of Mushrif is that terrorism in the name
> > > of Islam is a fiction, and what we are seeing in India is actually
> > > violence being organised by 'Hindutva forces'. The book also
> > > contends that there are what are called Brahminical elements in the
> > > nation at various level, whose objective is to capture the state
> > > power by any means.
> > >
> > > It would seem that various events conspired to expose these
> > > 'Brahminists' whose plan for domination of India was unravelling.
> > > The investigation into the alleged acts of terrorism by Sadhvi Pragya
> > > Singh and Lt Col Shrikant Purohit was the main point which was in the
> > > process of turning the needle of suspicion to these 'Brahmanical'
> > > forces, and so put an end to their 'evil' programme. These
> > > investigations were led by Hemant Karkare who was, at the time of his
> > > death, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad in Maharashtra.
> > >
> > > Mushrif contends that the terrorist attack on November 26, 2008,
> > > provided the 'Brahmanical' forces an opportunity to reverse these
> > > events. It would seem that two or three days prior the intelligence
> > > agencies in Maharshtra had specific information that some
> > > organisations in Pakistan had firmed up plans to send terrorist by
> > > boat to Mumbai, with the targets being the Taj Mahal Hotel, the
> > > Oberoi hotels, the Leopold Café and the Nariman House. Instead of
> > > increasing the security to the city, and so thwart the plans of these
> > > Paksitani organisations, the 'Brahmanical' forces devised a plan to
> > > use the opportunity to kill Karkare and so stop the line of
> > > investigation that he was pursuing.
> > >
> > > Mushrif contends that these terrorists had no intention of striking
> > > at the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus, one of the main railway station
> > > in Mumbai. The ones who conducted these attacks were individuals
> > > provided by the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police. It would seem
> > > that the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police have a stock of such
> > > people in their control, who can be unleashed to create mayhem at
> > > their beck and call. Through various stratagems, Karkare was enticed
> > > to go to Cama Hospital near the railway station, where he was
> > > ambushed by the two 'terrorists' from the police stock.
> > >
> > > After this, according the plan, these two 'terrorists' apparently
> > > fled in a car, which was also part of the 'armoury' available to the
> > > 'Brahmanical' forces in the police - Mushrif contends that the
> > > hijacking story by the 'alleged' owner of the car is fake one. The
> > > police force waiting at Chowaptty had information that the car was
> > > heading in their direction, and they were instructed to kill one of
> > > the two and keep the other alive, so as to provide 'evidence'
> > > pointing out that the act was actually a part of Islamic terrorism.
> > >
> > > In such involved situations, all things do happen as planned, and
> > > both the 'terrorists' were killed. However, there was a contingency
> > > plan in place, and a third individual from the stock was provided to
> > > take the place of the person who was to survive.
> > >
> > > As conspiracy theories go, this must surely take the cake. That the
> > > 'Brahmanical' forces in the police can come out with such an
> > > elaborate plan in a matter of two days would make these people to be
> > > highly innovative. Furthermore, the 'revelation' that the police
> > > have people in stock to undertake such activities must be seen as a
> > > source of deep worry.
> > >
> > > What I would like to deal in this note is not to evaluate the
> > > 'startling facts and analysis' provided by Mushrif, but the
> > > implications that would automatically follow if Mushrif is right.
> > >
> > > First, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab is innocent, and that it is incumbent on
> > > his defence lawyer to present the book in the court. He was not part
> > > of the original team of two who created the mayhem at the railway
> > > station, nor was he even remotely involved in the killing of Karkare.
> > > He was put in place, only by accident - that is the original two were
> > > killed, one by design and the other inadvertently.
> > >
> > > Second, the conspiracy of the 'Brahmanical' forces should be
> > > thourougly investigated. The various members of the 'civil society'
> > > who forever rant against such 'Brahmanical' forces are silent on the
> > > issue, given that the book has been in print for three months. Even
> > > now it is not too late for the members to take up the cause of Kasab.
> > > These members are always on the look out to establish what they call
> > > their 'secular' credentials, and are in the forefront of projecting
> > > themselves as defenders and benefactors of the Muslim community in
> > > India.
> > >
> > > Thridly, Pakistan should highlight 'startling facts and analysis' at
> > > international forums. It is probably the best ammunition that it has
> > > to establish its claimed innocence.
> > >
> > > It would also be interesting to narrate what are the implications if
> > > Mushrif is wrong.
> > >
> > > First, obviously Mushrif has allowed himself to be a tool in the
> > > hands of forces whose interests are not inimical to the well-being of
> > > our nation.
> > >
> > > Second, the role of the publishers in printing all this should also
> > > be investigated. I understand that the book has been printed in Urdu
> > > and Hindi, obviously to try and influence the minds of the Muslims in
> > > India, and so increase their alienation.
> > >
> > > Thirdly, the silence of the 'concerned society' has to be
> > > investigated. They are forever looking out for opportunities to
> > > condemn the various Hindu organisations at the drop of a hat.
> > >
> > > Mushrif's book is, in more sense than one, a dynamite. It cannot be
> > > allowed to go into obscurity by the society, if the institutions that
> > > are an integral part of keeping it sane are to function in the way
> > > they should. No one can be allwed to mess around with them.
> > >
> > > End of forwarded message from A Chowgule
> > >
> > > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > > Om Shanti
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== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 6:14 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from Ishwa
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I couldn't suppress a big smile when reading the whole note, here a
"Essentially the contention of Mushrif is that terrorism in the name
of Islam is a fiction, and what we are seeing in India is actually
violence being organised by 'Hindutva forces'."
"The book also contends that there are what are called Brahminical
elements in the nation at various level, whose objective is to
capture the state power by any means."
"The investigation into the alleged acts of terrorism by Sadhvi
Pragya Singh and Lt Col Shrikant Purohit was the main point which was
in the process of turning the needle of suspicion to these
'Brahmanical' forces, and so put an end to their 'evil' programme.
These investigations were led by Hemant Karkare who was, at the time
of his death, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad in Maharashtra."
"Instead of increasing the security to the city, and so thwart the
plans of these Paksitani organisations, the 'Brahmanical' forces
devised a plan to use the opportunity to kill Karkare and so stop the
line of investigation that he was pursuing."
This last allegation is the biggest joke of the whole writing.
Instead of nailing and punishing the obvious AtankvAdIs, the blame is
put on others. , now was this also planned by "Hindutva forces" or
"Brahminical elements"?
How stupid and amateurish can an ATS managing team be, to go with
three leaders in one car, and that at a terroristic attack. This is
an invitation to trouble. What was Karkare thinking? He showed his
""(in)capability" and "ir)responsibility then. A laughing stock
The role of the ATS, their connections/interacions with the leading
national and local political parties and how they treated Pragya and
Purohit has raised many eye brows.
What's new with these allegations. That someone really cares to take
this serious is something to wonder about.
The aim of Mushrif is obvious when he says that "terrorism in the
name of islam is a fiction". Let's forget the native Dawood
Ibrahims....or one has to see in him an (i)Brahimin. Does Mushrif
where a Chador before his eyes here? There goes his credibility.
His next move is also obvious, the scape goat has to be found with
the "Hindutva forces". Now, which politically motivated groups have
problems with any "Hindu(tva) forces"?
Not completely happy with that, the further focus has to be on the
"Brahminical elements". The line of thinking will bring you to the
right direction of groups who are targetting these "elements". And
let's accept, these "elements" are the traditional scape goats from
the colonial period on, with getting even support from some
AryasamAjIs. (sorry to say this, as my sympathy is with the great
work done by SvAmI DayAnanda SarasvatI and the Arya Samaj. But this
stereotypical "anti-Brahminical attitude" of some persons within this
group, and the misplaced appeasing and apologetic Muslim attitude of
the Agni(d)veSHas is too much.)
We don't have to look far away to find the political groups who are
supporting the theory and allegations of this book, within India and
And beware if you accuse a Pakistani citizen (as an Indian): he
cannot be a terrorist, he has a poor background or is maltreated by
Hindus and is a victim of the Indian system ......A real success
formula of the media and Muslim voter/minority. A base psychology
trick of the cold ground.
The real heroes of India are not the Karkares with their dubious
actions and affiliations, but the jawans, security personnel, etc.
They sacrificed their lifes for the nation, but corrupt police and
politicians behaving in an appeasing and vote-minded way supported by
equally corrupt media are the real supporters or stimulators behind
the success of the real actors, who happen to be most often: Muslim
Mushrif's Muslim motives are very clear. He lost immediately his
credibility when he didn't accept the reality of terrorism in the
name of Islam, forgetting the local Dawood Ibrahims (not to say all
the AtankVadis like the GhaznavIs, TimUrs, etc. who in the name of
Islam killed thousands of innocent citizens). And what about Afzal,
The taboo, dogma and denial connected with Islam and Muslims to
anything that is unfavorable for that category is the real issue.
This category has real records behind their heinous deeds. The stupid
and uqually clever tactics to divert attention of their deeds to the
"Hindutva forces" and "Brahminical elements" i the result of a good
(direct or indirect) cooperation with the pseudo-secular forces.
End of forwarded message from Ishwa
> Forwarded message from M Iyer
> Sunday, January 10, 2010
> world over, there are worries about islamic terrorism. we must know
> who is behind the publishing house and what are Mushrif's connection.
> yes, he is right - the kashmiri muslims who massacred and ethnic
> cleansed pandits, are brahmins. pakistani muslims who indulged in
> genocide of hindus, are brahmins. bangladeshi muslims who indulged
> in genocide of hindus, are brahmins. afzal guru, kasab, musharaf,
> zardari, are, brahmins. the muslims who ruled us for 700 years were
> brahmins - at that time, they committed the greatest genocide of
> hindus - 100 million hindus were massacred. muslim invaders thought
> that by killing brahmins, they could destroy hinduism. so, the
> muslims killed maximum number of brahmin priests. the funny thing,
> the invaders were brahmins who killed fellow brahmins. the invading
> muslims - sorry brahmins, destroyed thousands and thousands of hindu
> temples.
> you all remember a posting - that Saudi people paid some 10 million
> dollars to two top channelists of India, to cover only the muslim
> side of the gujarat riots. all of you know, how the coverage was.
> it is quite possible that the government to avoid criticism, may have
> encouraged the publication of such a India, anybody can
> write anything and get away with it.remember, the entire media is in
> the hands of minorities and their coverage is always anti-hindu and
> anti-india.the Italian led, UPA is bent upon destroying hindu
> renaissance by floating theories like saffron terror, hindu terror,
> right wing terror and now brahminical terror.
> see the fun - with one purohit and a lady sanyasin, mushrif says that
> it is brahminical conspiracy. he desserves a nobel, a pulitzer and a
> booker.
> End of forwarded message from M Iyer
> > Forwarded message from Vranivanji
> >
> > Sunday, January 10, 2010
> >
> > One can't find a better example of Al Taqiyya. This fine muslim --
> > Mushrif beats even ChaNakya!!!
> >
> > End of forwarded message from Vranivanji
> > > Forwarded message from K Malhotra
> > >
> > > JSK. Ignoring the facts; assuming things, spreading false and
> > > baseless reports; and above-all protecting and supporting terrorists
> > > makes Mushriff himself a terrorist? He should be sued and arrested.
> > > JSK.
> > >
> > > End of forwarded message from K Malhotra
> > > > A note on Mushrif's book "Who killed Karkare?"
> > > >
> > > > Sunday, January 10, 2010
> > > >
> > > > Forwarded message from A Chowgule
> > > >
> > > > In October 2009, Pharos Media Publishing Pvt Ltd published a book by
> > > > SM Mushrif entitled "Who killed Karkare?". Mushrif retired as the
> > > > Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra, in 2005, apparently before
> > > > he was due to officially leave the police force. What the back cover
> > > > of the book says is quite instructive:
> > > >
> > > > "Political violence, or terrorism, by State as well as by non- State
> > > > actors has a long history in India. The allegation that sections of
> > > > and individual Indian Muslims indulged in "terrorism" surfaced for
> > > > the first time with the ascent of the Hindutva forces in mid-1990s
> > > > and became state policy with the BJP's coming to power at the Centre.
> > > > With even "secular" media joining the role as stenographers of
> > > > security agencies, this became an accepted fact so much so that
> > > > common Indians and even many Muslims started believing in this false
> > > > propaganda. This book, by a former senior police officer, with a
> > > > distinguished career that included unearthing the Telgi scam, peeps
> > > > behind the propaganda screen, using material mostly in the public
> > > > domain as well as his long police experience. It comes out with some
> > > > startling facts and analysis, the first of its kind, to expose the
> > > > real actors behind the so-called "Islamic terrorism" in India whose
> > > > greatest feat was to murder the Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare
> > > > who dared to expose these forces and paid with his life for his
> > > > courage and commitment to truth. While unearthing the conspiracy
> > > > behind the murder of Karkare, this book takes a hard look at some of
> > > > the major incidents attributed to "Islamic terrorism" in India and
> > > > finds them baseless."
> > > >
> > > > Essentially the contention of Mushrif is that terrorism in the name
> > > > of Islam is a fiction, and what we are seeing in India is actually
> > > > violence being organised by 'Hindutva forces'. The book also
> > > > contends that there are what are called Brahminical elements in the
> > > > nation at various level, whose objective is to capture the state
> > > > power by any means.
> > > >
> > > > It would seem that various events conspired to expose these
> > > > 'Brahminists' whose plan for domination of India was unravelling.
> > > > The investigation into the alleged acts of terrorism by Sadhvi Pragya
> > > > Singh and Lt Col Shrikant Purohit was the main point which was in the
> > > > process of turning the needle of suspicion to these 'Brahmanical'
> > > > forces, and so put an end to their 'evil' programme. These
> > > > investigations were led by Hemant Karkare who was, at the time of his
> > > > death, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad in Maharashtra.
> > > >
> > > > Mushrif contends that the terrorist attack on November 26, 2008,
> > > > provided the 'Brahmanical' forces an opportunity to reverse these
> > > > events. It would seem that two or three days prior the intelligence
> > > > agencies in Maharshtra had specific information that some
> > > > organisations in Pakistan had firmed up plans to send terrorist by
> > > > boat to Mumbai, with the targets being the Taj Mahal Hotel, the
> > > > Oberoi hotels, the Leopold Café and the Nariman House. Instead of
> > > > increasing the security to the city, and so thwart the plans of these
> > > > Paksitani organisations, the 'Brahmanical' forces devised a plan to
> > > > use the opportunity to kill Karkare and so stop the line of
> > > > investigation that he was pursuing.
> > > >
> > > > Mushrif contends that these terrorists had no intention of striking
> > > > at the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus, one of the main railway station
> > > > in Mumbai. The ones who conducted these attacks were individuals
> > > > provided by the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police. It would seem
> > > > that the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police have a stock of such
> > > > people in their control, who can be unleashed to create mayhem at
> > > > their beck and call. Through various stratagems, Karkare was enticed
> > > > to go to Cama Hospital near the railway station, where he was
> > > > ambushed by the two 'terrorists' from the police stock.
> > > >
> > > > After this, according the plan, these two 'terrorists' apparently
> > > > fled in a car, which was also part of the 'armoury' available to the
> > > > 'Brahmanical' forces in the police - Mushrif contends that the
> > > > hijacking story by the 'alleged' owner of the car is fake one. The
> > > > police force waiting at Chowaptty had information that the car was
> > > > heading in their direction, and they were instructed to kill one of
> > > > the two and keep the other alive, so as to provide 'evidence'
> > > > pointing out that the act was actually a part of Islamic terrorism.
> > > >
> > > > In such involved situations, all things do happen as planned, and
> > > > both the 'terrorists' were killed. However, there was a contingency
> > > > plan in place, and a third individual from the stock was provided to
> > > > take the place of the person who was to survive.
> > > >
> > > > As conspiracy theories go, this must surely take the cake. That the
> > > > 'Brahmanical' forces in the police can come out with such an
> > > > elaborate plan in a matter of two days would make these people to be
> > > > highly innovative. Furthermore, the 'revelation' that the police
> > > > have people in stock to undertake such activities must be seen as a
> > > > source of deep worry.
> > > >
> > > > What I would like to deal in this note is not to evaluate the
> > > > 'startling facts and analysis' provided by Mushrif, but the
> > > > implications that would automatically follow if Mushrif is right.
> > > >
> > > > First, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab is innocent, and that it is incumbent on
> > > > his defence lawyer to present the book in the court. He was not part
> > > > of the original team of two who created the mayhem at the railway
> > > > station, nor was he even remotely involved in the killing of Karkare.
> > > > He was put in place, only by accident - that is the original two were
> > > > killed, one by design and the other inadvertently.
> > > >
> > > > Second, the conspiracy of the 'Brahmanical' forces should be
> > > > thourougly investigated. The various members of the 'civil society'
> > > > who forever rant against such 'Brahmanical' forces are silent on the
> > > > issue, given that the book has been in print for three months. Even
> > > > now it is not too late for the members to take up the cause of Kasab.
> > > > These members are always on the look out to establish what they call
> > > > their 'secular' credentials, and are in the forefront of projecting
> > > > themselves as defenders and benefactors of the Muslim community in
> > > > India.
> > > >
> > > > Thridly, Pakistan should highlight 'startling facts and analysis' at
> > > > international forums. It is probably the best ammunition that it has
> > > > to establish its claimed innocence.
> > > >
> > > > It would also be interesting to narrate what are the implications if
> > > > Mushrif is wrong.
> > > >
> > > > First, obviously Mushrif has allowed himself to be a tool in the
> > > > hands of forces whose interests are not inimical to the well-being of
> > > > our nation.
> > > >
> > > > Second, the role of the publishers in printing all this should also
> > > > be investigated. I understand that the book has been printed in Urdu
> > > > and Hindi, obviously to try and influence the minds of the Muslims in
> > > > India, and so increase their alienation.
> > > >
> > > > Thirdly, the silence of the 'concerned society' has to be
> > > > investigated. They are forever looking out for opportunities to
> > > > condemn the various Hindu organisations at the drop of a hat.
> > > >
> > > > Mushrif's book is, in more sense than one, a dynamite. It cannot be
> > > > allowed to go into obscurity by the society, if the institutions that
> > > > are an integral part of keeping it sane are to function in the way
> > > > they should. No one can be allwed to mess around with them.
> > > >
> > > > End of forwarded message from A Chowgule
> > > >
> > > > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > > > Om Shanti
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== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 6:16 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from Ravi
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The saving grace is that Mushrif (with reluctance) acknowledges that
26/11 was a Paki operation. How magnanimous that he has not accused
the Brahminical forces. Isn't that a great concession? That proves
that he is secular :-)
Who knows? this book might be prescribed as a text for class X by
West Bengal, Kerala or other Congy governments!!!!!!!! Conspiracy
theories seems to thrive in this group. 9/11, Christmas bomber, and a
host of other Islamic terror is being white washed as Zionist (and
Brahminical) mischief.Time-pass I suppose.
End of forwarded message from Ravi
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
> Forwarded message from Ishwa
> Sunday, January 10, 2010
> I couldn't suppress a big smile when reading the whole note, here a
> selection:
> "Essentially the contention of Mushrif is that terrorism in the name
> of Islam is a fiction, and what we are seeing in India is actually
> violence being organised by 'Hindutva forces'."
> "The book also contends that there are what are called Brahminical
> elements in the nation at various level, whose objective is to
> capture the state power by any means."
> "The investigation into the alleged acts of terrorism by Sadhvi
> Pragya Singh and Lt Col Shrikant Purohit was the main point which was
> in the process of turning the needle of suspicion to these
> 'Brahmanical' forces, and so put an end to their 'evil' programme.
> These investigations were led by Hemant Karkare who was, at the time
> of his death, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad in Maharashtra."
> "Instead of increasing the security to the city, and so thwart the
> plans of these Paksitani organisations, the 'Brahmanical' forces
> devised a plan to use the opportunity to kill Karkare and so stop the
> line of investigation that he was pursuing."
> etc.
> This last allegation is the biggest joke of the whole writing.
> Instead of nailing and punishing the obvious AtankvAdIs, the blame is
> put on others. , now was this also planned by "Hindutva forces" or
> "Brahminical elements"?
> How stupid and amateurish can an ATS managing team be, to go with
> three leaders in one car, and that at a terroristic attack. This is
> an invitation to trouble. What was Karkare thinking? He showed his
> ""(in)capability" and "ir)responsibility then. A laughing stock
> internationally!
> The role of the ATS, their connections/interacions with the leading
> national and local political parties and how they treated Pragya and
> Purohit has raised many eye brows.
> What's new with these allegations. That someone really cares to take
> this serious is something to wonder about.
> The aim of Mushrif is obvious when he says that "terrorism in the
> name of islam is a fiction". Let's forget the native Dawood
> Ibrahims....or one has to see in him an (i)Brahimin. Does Mushrif
> where a Chador before his eyes here? There goes his credibility.
> His next move is also obvious, the scape goat has to be found with
> the "Hindutva forces". Now, which politically motivated groups have
> problems with any "Hindu(tva) forces"?
> Not completely happy with that, the further focus has to be on the
> "Brahminical elements". The line of thinking will bring you to the
> right direction of groups who are targetting these "elements". And
> let's accept, these "elements" are the traditional scape goats from
> the colonial period on, with getting even support from some
> AryasamAjIs. (sorry to say this, as my sympathy is with the great
> work done by SvAmI DayAnanda SarasvatI and the Arya Samaj. But this
> stereotypical "anti-Brahminical attitude" of some persons within this
> group, and the misplaced appeasing and apologetic Muslim attitude of
> the Agni(d)veSHas is too much.)
> We don't have to look far away to find the political groups who are
> supporting the theory and allegations of this book, within India and
> outside.
> And beware if you accuse a Pakistani citizen (as an Indian): he
> cannot be a terrorist, he has a poor background or is maltreated by
> Hindus and is a victim of the Indian system ......A real success
> formula of the media and Muslim voter/minority. A base psychology
> trick of the cold ground.
> The real heroes of India are not the Karkares with their dubious
> actions and affiliations, but the jawans, security personnel, etc.
> They sacrificed their lifes for the nation, but corrupt police and
> politicians behaving in an appeasing and vote-minded way supported by
> equally corrupt media are the real supporters or stimulators behind
> the success of the real actors, who happen to be most often: Muslim
> terrorists.
> Mushrif's Muslim motives are very clear. He lost immediately his
> credibility when he didn't accept the reality of terrorism in the
> name of Islam, forgetting the local Dawood Ibrahims (not to say all
> the AtankVadis like the GhaznavIs, TimUrs, etc. who in the name of
> Islam killed thousands of innocent citizens). And what about Afzal,
> etc.?
> The taboo, dogma and denial connected with Islam and Muslims to
> anything that is unfavorable for that category is the real issue.
> This category has real records behind their heinous deeds. The stupid
> and uqually clever tactics to divert attention of their deeds to the
> "Hindutva forces" and "Brahminical elements" i the result of a good
> (direct or indirect) cooperation with the pseudo-secular forces.
> End of forwarded message from Ishwa
> > Forwarded message from M Iyer
> >
> > Sunday, January 10, 2010
> >
> > world over, there are worries about islamic terrorism. we must know
> > who is behind the publishing house and what are Mushrif's connection.
> > yes, he is right - the kashmiri muslims who massacred and ethnic
> > cleansed pandits, are brahmins. pakistani muslims who indulged in
> > genocide of hindus, are brahmins. bangladeshi muslims who indulged
> > in genocide of hindus, are brahmins. afzal guru, kasab, musharaf,
> > zardari, are, brahmins. the muslims who ruled us for 700 years were
> > brahmins - at that time, they committed the greatest genocide of
> > hindus - 100 million hindus were massacred. muslim invaders thought
> > that by killing brahmins, they could destroy hinduism. so, the
> > muslims killed maximum number of brahmin priests. the funny thing,
> > the invaders were brahmins who killed fellow brahmins. the invading
> > muslims - sorry brahmins, destroyed thousands and thousands of hindu
> > temples.
> >
> > you all remember a posting - that Saudi people paid some 10 million
> > dollars to two top channelists of India, to cover only the muslim
> > side of the gujarat riots. all of you know, how the coverage was.
> >
> > it is quite possible that the government to avoid criticism, may have
> > encouraged the publication of such a India, anybody can
> > write anything and get away with it.remember, the entire media is in
> > the hands of minorities and their coverage is always anti-hindu and
> > anti-india.the Italian led, UPA is bent upon destroying hindu
> > renaissance by floating theories like saffron terror, hindu terror,
> > right wing terror and now brahminical terror.
> >
> > see the fun - with one purohit and a lady sanyasin, mushrif says that
> > it is brahminical conspiracy. he desserves a nobel, a pulitzer and a
> > booker.
> >
> > End of forwarded message from M Iyer
> > > Forwarded message from Vranivanji
> > >
> > > Sunday, January 10, 2010
> > >
> > > One can't find a better example of Al Taqiyya. This fine muslim --
> > > Mushrif beats even ChaNakya!!!
> > >
> > > End of forwarded message from Vranivanji
> > > > Forwarded message from K Malhotra
> > > >
> > > > JSK. Ignoring the facts; assuming things, spreading false and
> > > > baseless reports; and above-all protecting and supporting terrorists
> > > > makes Mushriff himself a terrorist? He should be sued and arrested.
> > > > JSK.
> > > >
> > > > End of forwarded message from K Malhotra
> > > > > A note on Mushrif's book "Who killed Karkare?"
> > > > >
> > > > > Sunday, January 10, 2010
> > > > >
> > > > > Forwarded message from A Chowgule
> > > > >
> > > > > In October 2009, Pharos Media Publishing Pvt Ltd published a book by
> > > > > SM Mushrif entitled "Who killed Karkare?". Mushrif retired as the
> > > > > Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra, in 2005, apparently before
> > > > > he was due to officially leave the police force. What the back cover
> > > > > of the book says is quite instructive:
> > > > >
> > > > > "Political violence, or terrorism, by State as well as by non- State
> > > > > actors has a long history in India. The allegation that sections of
> > > > > and individual Indian Muslims indulged in "terrorism" surfaced for
> > > > > the first time with the ascent of the Hindutva forces in mid-1990s
> > > > > and became state policy with the BJP's coming to power at the Centre.
> > > > > With even "secular" media joining the role as stenographers of
> > > > > security agencies, this became an accepted fact so much so that
> > > > > common Indians and even many Muslims started believing in this false
> > > > > propaganda. This book, by a former senior police officer, with a
> > > > > distinguished career that included unearthing the Telgi scam, peeps
> > > > > behind the propaganda screen, using material mostly in the public
> > > > > domain as well as his long police experience. It comes out with some
> > > > > startling facts and analysis, the first of its kind, to expose the
> > > > > real actors behind the so-called "Islamic terrorism" in India whose
> > > > > greatest feat was to murder the Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare
> > > > > who dared to expose these forces and paid with his life for his
> > > > > courage and commitment to truth. While unearthing the conspiracy
> > > > > behind the murder of Karkare, this book takes a hard look at some of
> > > > > the major incidents attributed to "Islamic terrorism" in India and
> > > > > finds them baseless."
> > > > >
> > > > > Essentially the contention of Mushrif is that terrorism in the name
> > > > > of Islam is a fiction, and what we are seeing in India is actually
> > > > > violence being organised by 'Hindutva forces'. The book also
> > > > > contends that there are what are called Brahminical elements in the
> > > > > nation at various level, whose objective is to capture the state
> > > > > power by any means.
> > > > >
> > > > > It would seem that various events conspired to expose these
> > > > > 'Brahminists' whose plan for domination of India was unravelling.
> > > > > The investigation into the alleged acts of terrorism by Sadhvi Pragya
> > > > > Singh and Lt Col Shrikant Purohit was the main point which was in the
> > > > > process of turning the needle of suspicion to these 'Brahmanical'
> > > > > forces, and so put an end to their 'evil' programme. These
> > > > > investigations were led by Hemant Karkare who was, at the time of his
> > > > > death, the head of the Anti-Terrorist Squad in Maharashtra.
> > > > >
> > > > > Mushrif contends that the terrorist attack on November 26, 2008,
> > > > > provided the 'Brahmanical' forces an opportunity to reverse these
> > > > > events. It would seem that two or three days prior the intelligence
> > > > > agencies in Maharshtra had specific information that some
> > > > > organisations in Pakistan had firmed up plans to send terrorist by
> > > > > boat to Mumbai, with the targets being the Taj Mahal Hotel, the
> > > > > Oberoi hotels, the Leopold Caf� and the Nariman House. Instead of
> > > > > increasing the security to the city, and so thwart the plans of these
> > > > > Paksitani organisations, the 'Brahmanical' forces devised a plan to
> > > > > use the opportunity to kill Karkare and so stop the line of
> > > > > investigation that he was pursuing.
> > > > >
> > > > > Mushrif contends that these terrorists had no intention of striking
> > > > > at the Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus, one of the main railway station
> > > > > in Mumbai. The ones who conducted these attacks were individuals
> > > > > provided by the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police. It would seem
> > > > > that the 'Brahmanical' forces in the police have a stock of such
> > > > > people in their control, who can be unleashed to create mayhem at
> > > > > their beck and call. Through various stratagems, Karkare was enticed
> > > > > to go to Cama Hospital near the railway station, where he was
> > > > > ambushed by the two 'terrorists' from the police stock.
> > > > >
> > > > > After this, according the plan, these two 'terrorists' apparently
> > > > > fled in a car, which was also part of the 'armoury' available to the
> > > > > 'Brahmanical' forces in the police - Mushrif contends that the
> > > > > hijacking story by the 'alleged' owner of the car is fake one. The
> > > > > police force waiting at Chowaptty had information that the car was
> > > > > heading in their direction, and they were instructed to kill one of
> > > > > the two and keep the other alive, so as to provide 'evidence'
> > > > > pointing out that the act was actually a part of Islamic terrorism.
> > > > >
> > > > > In such involved situations, all things do happen as planned, and
> > > > > both the 'terrorists' were killed. However, there was a contingency
> > > > > plan in place, and a third individual from the stock was provided to
> > > > > take the place of the person who was to survive.
> > > > >
> > > > > As conspiracy theories go, this must surely take the cake. That the
> > > > > 'Brahmanical' forces in the police can come out with such an
> > > > > elaborate plan in a matter of two days would make these people to be
> > > > > highly innovative. Furthermore, the 'revelation' that the police
> > > > > have people in stock to undertake such activities must be seen as a
> > > > > source of deep worry.
> > > > >
> > > > > What I would like to deal in this note is not to evaluate the
> > > > > 'startling facts and analysis' provided by Mushrif, but the
> > > > > implications that would automatically follow if Mushrif is right.
> > > > >
> > > > > First, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab is innocent, and that it is incumbent on
> > > > > his defence lawyer to present the book in the court. He was not part
> > > > > of the original team of two who created the mayhem at the railway
> > > > > station, nor was he even remotely involved in the killing of Karkare.
> > > > > He was put in place, only by accident - that is the original two were
> > > > > killed, one by design and the other inadvertently.
> > > > >
> > > > > Second, the conspiracy of the 'Brahmanical' forces should be
> > > > > thourougly investigated. The various members of the 'civil society'
> > > > > who forever rant against such 'Brahmanical' forces are silent on the
> > > > > issue, given that the book has been in print for three months. Even
> > > > > now it is not too late for the members to take up the cause of Kasab.
> > > > > These members are always on the look out to establish what they call
> > > > > their 'secular' credentials, and are in the forefront of projecting
> > > > > themselves as defenders and benefactors of the Muslim community in
> > > > > India.
> > > > >
> > > > > Thridly, Pakistan should highlight 'startling facts and analysis' at
> > > > > international forums. It is probably the best ammunition that it has
> > > > > to establish its claimed innocence.
> > > > >
> > > > > It would also be interesting to narrate what are the implications if
> > > > > Mushrif is wrong.
> > > > >
> > > > > First, obviously Mushrif has allowed himself to be a tool in the
> > > > > hands of forces whose interests are not inimical to the well-being of
> > > > > our nation.
> > > > >
> > > > > Second, the role of the publishers in printing all this should also
> > > > > be investigated. I understand that the book has been printed in Urdu
> > > > > and Hindi, obviously to try and influence the minds of the Muslims in
> > > > > India, and so increase their alienation.
> > > > >
> > > > > Thirdly, the silence of the 'concerned society' has to be
> > > > > investigated. They are forever looking out for opportunities to
> > > > > condemn the various Hindu organisations at the drop of a hat.
> > > > >
> > > > > Mushrif's book is, in more sense than one, a dynamite. It cannot be
> > > > > allowed to go into obscurity by the society, if the institutions that
> > > > > are an integral part of keeping it sane are to function in the way
> > > > > they should. No one can be allwed to mess around with them.
> > > > >
> > > > > End of forwarded message from A Chowgule
> > > > >
> > > > > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > > > > Om Shanti
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 6:46 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
It's time for Bharat to replace it's
tootee chattree (broken umbrella) with
something like this. - Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Israel set to deploy Iron Dome anti-missile system news
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Tel Aviv - Israel has completed testing its Iron Dome short-range
missile defence system, designed to protect the Jewish state from
missile attacks by the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas.
The first Iron Dome battery is expected to be deployed in the
country's south in about six weeks.
Arrow-II missile defence system
Expected to be operational by May, the Iron Dome system is expected
to counter Hamas' improvised rockets, called the Qassam. The system
will be operated by the Israeli Air Force. Subsequently, batteries
will be deployed in the country's north against the Hezbollah's more
varied missile forces.
"Making Iron Dome operational will transform Israel's political and
security situation on the northern and southern fronts," said Pinchas
Buchris, director general in the ministry of defence.
The Iron Dome is the second tier of a planned three tier missile
defence system. The high-altitude, long-range, Arrow-II system is
designed to take on ballistic missile threats, primarily from Iran.
A potential third layer, known as David's Sling, meant to counter
intermediate-range missiles, is still being developed.
The Iron Dome system uses small guided missiles to destroy short-
range rockets used by the Hezbollah and the Hamas. Though the Qassam
barrage from Hamas causes little casualties and minor damage the
psychological impact on the populace is great.
The Hezbollah is another cup of tea altogether with a variety of
rockets, of various ranges, capable of causing significant damage and
In the 2006 war the Hezbollah barrage left northern Israel paralysed
killing at least 50 citizens.
The Iron Dome project was a direct result of this significant
Hezbollah damage.
By now, Iran has a variety of intermediate range missiles capable of
targeting any portion of Israel.
Arab defence analysts fear that Israel's missile defence capability,
when fully developed, will provide it near immunity from all forms of
missile attacks, which is a dangerous portent for the region.
More at:
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 9:41 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Aman ki asha or Sharm el-sheikh? Who's prompting TOI?
TOI-Jang bhai, bhai
Jan. 1, 2010
There is a Tamil saying: "chozhiyan kudumi summa aadathu."
Roughly paraphrased, it means: "If one finds a Brahmin's tuft moving
up and down, one should not presume it must be due to the breeze.
There could be a hidden reason for it. One should look deeper."
I was reminded of this saying on New Year's Day as I noticed that the
Times of India has started an Indians-Pakistanis bhai bhai ( Indians
and Pakistanis Are Brothers) campaign under the theme "Aman Ki Asha"
(The Desire For Peace) in association with the Jang group of
The desire for peace one can understand.
The desire for closer people-to-people contacts one can equally
understand, but the sudden love of the Times of India for the Jang
group one cannot.
If the TOI had joined hands with the Dawn group of Karachi, that
would have made some sense. No other media group of Pakistan enjoys
as much respect among the people of Pakistan and in the international
community as the Dawn group does.
But, no other media group of Pakistan has been as much controversial
and as money-minded as the Jang group has been over the years.
And no other media group of Pakistan has been more opportunistic in
its editorial policies than the Jang group.
It is alleged in Pakistan: Look where the money is. One will find
Jang there.
The sudden love of the TOI for Pakistan and the Jang group is as
mysterious as the sudden love of L.K.Advani for Mohammad Ali Jinnah
some years ago and as the sudden admiration of Jaswant Singh for
Jinnah last year.
Nobody can question the ardent wish of the TOI leadership for peace
with Pakistan.
We all want peace with Pakistan.
We all like the people of Pakistan -- whether they are Punjabis,
Sindhis, Balochs, Seraikis or Pashtuns.
As I had pointed out in an article on India's relations with Pakistan
and China sometime ago, the civil societies of India and Pakistan
have greater positive vibrations for each other than the civil
societies of India and China.
And yet there has never been genuine peace between India and
What is the reason?
Not Kashmir.
Not Balochistan.
Not the Lashksar-e-Toiba and the myriad terrorist organizations to
which the State and civil society of Pakistan have given birth.
Barring China, no other country in the world thinks and talks well of
Pakistan and its people.
No other country in the world triggers more negative vibrations in
the hearts and minds of people than Pakistan.
There are various reasons for it.
Because of the distorted interpretations of Islam in Pakistan ever
since it was born in 1947. One does not come across such distorted
interpretations anywhere else in the Ummah.
Because of the cruelty and barbarity which have come to be associated
with Islam in Pakistan. One does not come across such cruelty and
barbarity anywhere else in the Ummah.
Because of the perfidious nature of the Pakistani statecraft.
Because of so many other reasons.
Why all the jihadi terrorists of the world flock to Pakistan?
Not merely because of its sanctuaries.
Not merely because of the sponsorship of the ISI.
It is also because irrational individuals with a distorted mindset
find themselves more comfortable in Pakistan than anywhere else in
the Ummah.
One must call a spade a spade.
One must face the truth.
To point out all this does not mean one wishes ill of Pakistan and
wants it to perish.
Quite the contrary.
The real well-wishers of Pakistan and its people are those who have
the honesty and courage to draw attention to the negative features of
Pakistan and call on the Pakistani society to rid themselves of these
We all want good relations with Pakistan and its people.
The TOI-Jang Bhai Bhai is not the way of doing it.
It has to be done through honest debate promoted and moderated by
people, who will not be suspected of having any ulterior interest in
their sudden-found leave for Aman between the two countries. (1-1-10)
(The writer is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat,
Govt. of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For
Topical Studies, Chennai. E-mail: )
Not at the nation's cost
Rajiv Dogra
The Pioneer
Monday, January 11, 2010
It is nobody's case that there should be friction in India-Pakistan
relations. But let us not be taken for fools. Let us not walk into an
even bigger disaster than Sharm el-Sheikh. Our history is littered
with bilateral agreements which were honoured by Pakistan only to the
extent it suited them
The year gone by has proved conclusively that as a nation we catch a
cold if anyone so much as sneezes elsewhere. We are hardly an export-
dependent economy like China. Yet we spent most of last year
agonising over the economic disasters that lay ahead because the US
was in a financial meltdown. All this while China was reinforcing its
newly dominant position as US's equal on the world stage. And
throughout the year it resisted with resolute firmness the US demand
that it revalues its currency. We, on the other hand, found ourselves
fully in agreement with the American proposals at the G-20 meetings,
including those that involve an international oversight over the
domestic financial institutions.
It is not just the US that instills a sense of foreboding in our
governing psyche. Pakistan does so routinely, and in multiple forms.
Look at the way Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone terrorist caught alive in
the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, mocked a nation of 1.2 billion from the
court room, hogging unnecessarily the front pages of newspapers and
the 24X7 television screens at will. Then, as if in celebration of
the turn of the year, three convicted Pakistani terrorists walked
away whimsically to their freedom after sharing a leisurely lunch at
a restaurant with a police officer.
Yet we spent most of last year shaking our collective fists at
Pakistan and threatening that never again would we tolerate another
It is, of course, another matter that Pakistan has long since got
tired of such resolves. Of late, it has begun to ignore these
fulminations as mere threats; just empty words in air. As a matter of
fact its crowning achievement last year was to diplomatically deflect
India's accusing finger away from it. Sharm el-Sheikh would long be
remembered as a self-goal by India, when it turned that accusing
finger towards itself. With that reference in the joint text to
Balochistan we agreed to become a co-accused with Pakistan in that
deadly game of terror.
Meanwhile, 26/11 continues to bewilder us. David Coleman Headley may
spill unpalatable beans and it might emerge that serving Pakistani
officers were involved in the planning and execution of the 26/11
massacre. But even then, and regardless of all our resolves of not
initiating the dialogue with Pakistan till the perpetrators of 26/11
have been brought to justice, we will find some way of making an
adjustment. Just as we have done so many times in the past.
That is why Pakistan does not take our threats seriously. Nor does it
buckle under rhetorical posturing of the type during Operation
It knows that we lack the spine and the national resolve. It also
knows that we are amenable to pressure from other, greater sources.
Pakistan is expectantly hoping that this time, under the garb of its
engagement in Afghanistan, pressure will mount to such an extent that
India may be pushed into making a concession on Kashmir.
Such things are possible only in India. Otherwise, is there any other
example in the world where a country ignores repeated acts of terror
against it and hope that forgiveness will prevent the perpetrators
from striking again?
As a matter of fact most other countries will pursue and destroy the
terrorists regardless of the costs, just as the large Nato coalition
is doing in Afghanistan, or as Russia and China have done in their
respective trouble spots. Recently, China was successful in getting
the Uighur terrorists repatriated to it from Pakistan, providing a
stark contrast to the stone walling our requests receive.
It is possible that we are being goaded into taking this path on the
advice of the big brother. If that is so, it would only be natural
because the manoeuvering for the next presidential term would start
in a year. A disaster in the AfPak region would not be good news for
Mr Barack Obama's new campaign. On the other hand, if India appeases
and pleases Pakistan the chances are that Pakistan may deliver just
enough for Mr Obama to withdraw with some honour from Afghanistan.
It may or may not play out that way in Afghanistan eventually, but in
the meanwhile India might have been cajoled into offering the
sacrifice. That this may be so is also aided by the fact that the US
may be misreading Pakistan, just as its intelligence agents are
misreading the local people. In a recent report the deputy chief of
US intelligence in Afghanistan maintained that US intelligence
officials were "ignorant of local economics and landowners, hazy
about who the power workers are and how they might be influenced ... and
disengaged from people in the best position to find answers."
But such misguidance is not all. An even greater surprise awaited us
on the morning of the New Year. Many would have rubbed their bleary
eyes in disbelief that a thing such as the one staring them in the
face was actually happening.
Who doesn't want peace? All right-thinking people do. But can peace
be achieved under a sword of terror? It is only the naïve who think
that the gentility of appeasement can overwhelm the roar of 26/11-
type attacks. But even the naïve had wept for the dead of Mumbai.
They are the ones who had come out to affirm that never again would
we let ourselves be lulled by false promises of Pakistan.
Yet on January 1, The Times of India teamed up with the Jang of
Pakistan to usher in what they jointly call, 'Aman ki Asha'. If
'Aman' was truly the intent then the paper had missed the irony in
the name and the record of its Pakistani partner.
It is said that in so far as India is concerned the daily effort of
the Jang is to live up to its name.
Moreover, is it the right time? After all, the threat of terror has
not receded. The Interior Minister of Pakistan continues unhindered
with his bellicose statements. Moreover, would any commitment made by
the Zardari Government be honoured by its successor?
The history of India-Pakistan relations is littered with bilateral
agreements which were honoured by Pakistan only to the extent it
suited them. What has since changed for us to trust an establishment
which has refused so far to return the massive Rupee loan it had
taken immediately after the partition?
Indeed the fundamental premise of the 'Aman ki Asha' exercise is
suspect. It maintains that a poll was conducted in six Indian cities
and with respondents in eight Pakistani cities and 36 villages. In
this exercise 66 per cent of those polled in India and 72 per cent in
Pakistan said they desire peaceful relations. If this is so then this
desire must be a closely held secret.
Look at the evidence coming in from elsewhere. A paranoid America has
selected Pakistan for racial profiling, even though the terrorist in
the recent airline incident was a Nigerian. British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown misses no opportunity to assert that 2/3 of all
terrorist attacks in the UK originate in Pakistan. Closer home in
Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai blames Pakistan bluntly for his
country's misfortunes.
A recent poll conducted in Afghanistan by International Republican
Institute revealed that as many as 72 per cent of Afghans view
Pakistan unfavourably. Amazingly, even the Taliban don't fare as
badly. As against 72 per cent in case of Pakistan, 67 per cent
Afghans viewed the Taliban negatively. And far more revealingly only
5 per cent of the Afghans polled wanted good relations with Pakistan!
Contrast this with the figure of 66 per cent allegedly concerning
It is no one's case that there should be friction and bickering in
bilateral relations. But let us not be taken for fools. Let us not
walk into an even bigger disaster than Sharm el-Sheikh.
Even a Nobel Peace Prize would not be worth it.
- The writer is a former Ambassador.'s-cost.html
End of forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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