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* MUSLIM DEVASTATION OF BAUDDHA TEMPLES *** Jai Maharaj posts - 1 messages, 1
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 29 2009 9:15 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Wendy Doniger's unconscious 'indecent' exposure -- Shree Vinekar
Friday, November 27, 2009
By Shree Vinekar
The Departments of Religious Studies and many other departments have
little to produce of value than vicissitudes of their imagination and
their theorizing about the past, as religion itself is losing much of
its pride of place in the lives of modern generations. In addition,
the Universities, Departments, and Academicians are rated with
statistical measures rather than the depth of their scholarship,
academic integrity, and the value of their contribution to new
knowledge, or even the quality of their work. It is a form of
academic prostitution but the bean counters rate them by the number
of citations in other academicians' publications and peer reviewed
journals and drive their behavior. That has given rise to this
unconscious or conscious conspiracy of academic cartels to publish
something "controversial" not unlike the "yellow journalism" or
sensationalism of the modern day journalists and writers. In this
manner they (the academicians) have devised a way to survive in this
bean counting world or even to get promoted academically, if they are
not full professors, or not tenured ones, etc. That is what I mean by
academic prostitution. When the academicians degenerate to that
level, the "academic freedom" becomes a great defense to promulgate
"crap" like "Paul Courtright, Lane, Kripal, and even Witzel" do.
Wendy has not been any different. Writing style and readability
makes the works attractive and they cater to their admirers and their
"Churchy" or "Eurocentric" pride. The book will sell and there will
be many citations securing Wendy's academic standing in her own
world. To say the least, Aditi Banerjee's response is scholarly and
to the point. However, it is up to us to publicize such responses
widely. As a trained Addiction Psychiatrist, and more familiar with
Psychoanalytic discipline in treating patients rather than doing wild
analysis of myths like these scholars of religion claim to have the
freedom and authority to engage in, let me say that "Kama" is not
"Sex" and "Aasakti" is not addiction.
The concept of "SEX ADDICTION" is a "BASTARDIZED" CONCEPT emerging in
the psychological watered down folklore literature (of the least
trained Chemical Dependency counselors who are not psychoanalysts)
and it is NOT A PSYCHOANALYTIC CONCEPT. To make it worse, it is not
even in the terminology or vocabulary in the traditional English
language nor in the traditional Western world view leave alone in the
psychoanalytic parlance. It is a concoction of the 1980's when the
political power of the alcoholics and drug addicts in the American
Mental Health Field became more and more perceptible and their
concepts were enlarged to treat the "gambling addiction" and later
"sex addiction", expanding the applicability of the twelve step
programs and AA, etc. which are both rationalizations for
irresponsible pleasure-seeking behaviors so the "sufferers" can take
a sick role and claim helplessness. There may or may not be such
thing as a gambling addict, and Yudhishitira cannot be judged to be
one by using the concept of the twentieth century folklore
psychology. Similarly, to say that Lakshmana had knowledge of the
word "Sex Addict" to describe his father "Dasharatha" (when the epic
Ramayana was composed by the sage Valmiki) as one of the "Sex Addicts
of his time" is a wild leap of imagination. There is nothing
psychoanalytic about it and one needs to explore the unconscious of
the writer and see if she is dealing with sex addict ex-husbands, or
friends, and/or has suffered from such ailment some time in her own
life, and has not recognized that her imagination is a product of her
own cultural upbringing and her own past experiences. Fortunately,
psychoanalysis is a tool, and if she wants to use it, she should know
that it reveals the deep recesses of her own Unconscious more that
the reality outside. That is the wonderful power of Freud's discovery
and that the therapist has to be very careful that his/her
interpretations of the patient's problems are not his own projections
from his own past and are truly objective and applicable to the
patient's problems without contamination from his own unconscious.
Wendy is, of course, not trained in these matters, and therefore,
cannot even see how far away from reality she is in her own La-la
Land when she attributes such meaning to the word "Kamaasakta." Her
knowledge of Hinduism with all due respect to her scholarship and her
knowledge of psychoanalysis too are at a very elementary level but
highly inflated in her own self-estimation and in the estimation of
her similarly ignorant colleagues in the field of religious studies
who have traditionally dreaded Freud all these years and denigrated
his theories because the Western Religions are fully rooted in the
concept of sex as "BAD" and the guilt about sex from Adam downwards
to the point of their concept of immaculate conception all indicative
of their pathological handling of "sex" as a sin. When they run into
"Kama Sutra" they cannot place it in proper perspective nor do they
have any healthy perspective for Tantrism (Vama Marga). They do not
realize that their value-based explorations in these areas in Hindu
thought spring from their voyeuristic drives of their own phallic-
oedipal phase and because of their cultural background they lose
their ability to be non-judgmental. That also means they are
exhibitionists at the core when they make wild interpretations
revealing in a strange way their own Unconscious like Paul Courtright
did and no one so far has pinned him down challenged him to see how
much "cock sucking" he was exposed to in his own upbringing and in
his own culture before he wildly proclaimed irresponsibly without any
authentic references that (non-human character like Winnie the Pooh")
"Ganesha" was a "homosexual." Publishing readable material about sex
and such is a million dollar sport in the American culture (by
writing books that are semi-pornographic *a la* Monica Lewinski).
Wendy's unconscious exhibitionism similarly is nothing but a money
making sport and to obtain more academic citations and that is what I
mean by academic prostitution. The more one becomes aware of the
psychopathology of such people like Wendy, more one would need to
keep away from them and leave them alone. These academic prostitutes
like Wendy, Paul Courtright, Lane, Kripal and even Witzel need no
more respect than what they deserve for what they really are. These
"pissing mares and horses" that are pissing on Hinduism are depleted
in their estrogens and testosterones in their stage of life and have
to resort to what Freud called "upward displacement" and be
preoccupied with morbid perverted sexuality in their preoccupations
to get their base pleasure instincts satisfied. They are not true
scholars although they have the credentials in their own disciplines,
and even that is doubtful, but not at all in the field of
psychoanalysis and even less so in Indology. They cannot hold candle
to Sigmund Freud and not even to Joseph Campbell. It is a shame that
they are invited by the Indian scholars to have a dialogue with them
in respectable Indian Universities. I hope you circulate this message
to your readership.
Wendy is exposing strangely her own encounter with exhibitionism, her
own exhibitionistic drives, and exposure to chemical dependency
(addictions) and guilt over her own sexuality from her own past, and
I can bet my booties you will find these all in her background if you
analyze her or if she comes out clean with her background. Thanks for
Shree Vinekar
End of forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 29 2009 10:15 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Muslim devastation of Bauddha temples
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
*Muslim devastation of Buddhist temples and plight of the Buddhist
community in northern India (Bihar) early 13th century C.E.1*
* * *
The Djarmasvamin said that "when they had reached the city of
Vaisali, all the inhabitants had fled at dawn from fear of the
Turushka [Muslim] soldiery".2
Vikramasili was still existing in the time of the Elder Dharmasvamin
[1153-1261 C.E.] and the Kashmir [1145-1225 C.E.], but when the
Dharmasvamin visited the country there were no traces left of it, the
Turushka soldiery having raised it to the ground, and thrown the
foundation stones into the Ganga [Ganges River]. At the time of
Dharmasvamin's visit to Vajrsana, the place was deserted and only
four monks were found staying (in the Vihara). One (of them) said,
�It is not good! All have fled from fear of the Turushka soldiery'.
They blocked up the door in front of the Mahabodhi image with bricks
and plastered it. Near it they placed another image as a substitute.
They also plastered the outside door (of the temple). On its surface
they drew the image of Mahesvara in order to protect it from non-
Buddhists. The monks said, "We five do not dare to remain here and
shall have to flee". As the day's stage was long and the heat great,
said the Dharmasvamin, they felt tired, and as it became dark, they
remained there and fell asleep. Had the Turushkas come, they would
not have known it. At daybreak they fled towards the North following
the rut of a cart, and for seventeen days the Dharmasvamin did not
see the face of the image (i.e., the Mahabodhi image).
At that time also a woman appeared, who brought the welcome news that
the Turushka soldiery had gone far away. 3,4
1 From, *Biography of Dharmasvamin*, translated by George Roerich,
Patna, 1959. Dharmasvamin was a highly educated Tibetan monk who
traveled in northern India from 1234-1236 C.E. Independent evidence
confirming the veracity of his chronicle demonstrates that King
Ramasimha of Tirhut and Buddhasena of Bodha-Gaya, whom Dharmasvamin
met during his short sojourn in India, were actually ruling at that
time. Moreover, in the introduction to the text [on p. xii] by Dr.
A.S. Altekar, it is noted that, "He [Dharmasvamin] resists the
temptation of exaggerating the destruction wrought by the Muslim
2 *Biography of Dharmasvamin*, p. 62.
3 *Biography of Dharmasvamin*, p. 64.
-From Andrew Bostom's "The Legacy of Jihad".
*Decline of Bauddham in Bharatam: role of islamist jihadists*
*Bauddham is sanatana dharma continuum.*
*Thanks to B. Shantanu for the URL of Parshu Narayan's article. This
is an extraordinary account which should be taught in every school
all over the world to remind every child about the destruction of one
of the world's oldest universities in Nalanda by Islamist Jihadists
such as Muhammad Bin Bakhtiar Khilji. Yes, the story has yet to be
fully told.*
*Bauddham is a Hindu civilization continuum. The tragic story of the
decline of Bauddham in Bharatam is as yet, an untold story.*
*Arun Shourie cites BR Ambedkar: *"There can be no doubt that the
fall of Buddhism in India was due to the invasions of the Musalmans,"
writes the author. "Islam came out as the enemy of the 'But'. The
word 'But,' as everybody knows, is an Arabic word and means an idol.
Not many people, however, know that the derivation of the word
*'But'* is the Arabic corruption of Buddha. Thus the origin of the
word indicates that in the Moslem mind idol worship had come to be
identified with the Religion of the Buddha. To the Muslims, they were
one and the same thing. The mission to break the idols thus became
the mission to destroy Buddhism. Islam destroyed Buddhism not only in
India but wherever it went. Before Islam came into being Buddhism was
the religion of Bactria, Parthia, Afghanistan, Gandhar and Chinese
Turkestan, as it was of the whole of Asia...."
And adds his own comments on how Marxist historians had distorted the
history of Hindu civilization: "...*the Marxist historians who have
been perpetrating this falsehood* (of ascribing the extinction of
Buddhism to the persecution of Buddhists by Hindus) *have not been
able to produce even an iota of evidence to substantiate the
concoction. *In one typical instance, three inscriptions were cited.
The indefatigable Sita Ram Goel looked them up. Two of the
inscriptions had absolutely nothing to do with the matter.
And the third told a story which had the opposite import than the one
which the Marxist historian had insinuated: a Jain king had himself
taken the temple from Jain priests and given it to the Shaivites
because the former had failed to live up to their promise. Goel
repeatedly asked the historian to point to any additional evidence or
to elucidate how the latter had suppressed the import that the
inscription in its entirety conveyed. He waited in vain. The
revealing exchange is set out in Goel's monograph, "Stalinist
'Historians' Spread the Big Lie." Marxists cite only two other
instances of Hindus having destroyed Buddhist temples. These too it
turns out yield to completely contrary explanations. Again Marxists
have been asked repeatedly to explain the construction they have been
circulating -- to no avail. Equally important, Sita Ram Goel invited
them to cite any Hindu text which orders Hindus to break the places
of worship of other religions -- as the Bible does, as a pile of
Islamic manuals does. He has asked them to name a single person who
has been honoured by the Hindus because he broke such places -- the
way Islamic historians and lore have glorified every Muslim ruler and
invader who did so. *A snooty silence has been the only response*."
Was it not the son of Pushyamitra Sunga who restored the Ashoka Stupa
at Sanchi which had been damaged ca. 2nd century BCE?
Read more at Shantanu's blog:
S. Kalyanaraman
The last lesson at Nalanda
Parshu Narayanan
Posted: Sep 18, 2003
I had to attend a wedding at Patna and managed a side trip to
Nalanda. As I walked into the ruins, a huge dark sadness descended on
me. Nalanda, the greatest ever Buddhist university, with its hundreds
of monks and thousands of books, was destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khalji's
Turki troops around 1200 AD.
As I looked at walls still blackened by the bonfires of books, I
began my search for answers. The museum nearby gives you a glimpse of
Nalanda's sanctity and fame across the Buddhist world: Tibet, China,
Japan and most of Southeast Asia. While inside, I saw a group of
Tibetan monks walking through, placing sacred white scarves on some
Back home, I downloaded the pages of the past. Buddhism was not
swallowed up by Sanatan Dharm, as we now believe. It thrived, with
sincere patrons like Harsha. Even the infamous Jaichand built a
monastery to honour his Guru, Srimitra. No, what finished Buddhism
off was that it revolved around the Sangha. To alien invaders, a
monastery's imposing walls and towers made it an obvious military
target. After Odantapura, the monastery near Nalanda, was razed and
all the monks beheaded, the Turks found no treasure and certainly no
arms. All they found were books, and with none left to explain their
meaning, they were burnt and Odantapura turned into a military camp.
Let me quickly add that Bakhtiyar Khilji's Turkic forefathers, the
White Huns of Mihirakula -- behaved no differently towards the Sangha
although they were Shiva-bhakts. It was with the greatest difficulty
that the Guptas and others managed to save their lands from their
depredations in the sixth century.
As I browsed, a terribly poignant account of the last lesson at
Nalanda emerged. Incredibly, it was by Nalanda's last student: A
Tibetan monk called Dharmaswamin. He visited Nalanda in 1235, nearly
forty years after its sack, and found a small class still conducted
in the ruins by a ninety-year old monk, Rahul Sribhadra. Weak and
old, the teacher was kept fed and alive by a local Brahmin, Jayadeva.
Warned of a roving band of 300 Turks, the class dispersed, with
Dharmaswamin carrying his nonagenarian teacher on his back into
hiding. Only the two of them came back, and after the last lesson (it
was Sanskrit grammar) Rahul Sribhadra told his Tibetan student that
he had taught him all he knew and in spite of his entreaties asked
him to go home.
Packing a raggedy bundle of surviving manuscripts under his robe,
Dharmaswamin left the old monk sitting calmly amidst the ruins. And
both he and the Dharm of Shakyamuni made their exit from India.
End of forwarded message from S. Kalyanaraman
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 29 2009 10:17 pm
From: Mirza Ghalib
On Dec 29, 5:10 pm, wrote:
> > Even better restore the mosque that was destroyed indemonstration of a
> > spiritual value above petty human hatred.
> "We leave that to you. But first you have to get possession of the
> site."
> Ah, lacking ability to demonstrate that higher spiritual value we see.
> The site is not in your control nor yours to posses.
Make a pilgrimage to Ayodhya. I have, post-demolition.
When the soldiers frisk you (multiple times) with a metal
detector, they are chanting the Ramayana. And believe
you me, they are the descendants of Mangal Pandey of
the Ghadar fame.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 29 2009 7:55 pm
From: "P. Rajah"
Jay Stevens Maharaj aka the jackass jyotishithead wrote:
> Priest named in abuse cases dies at 70
What a pity that abusive jyotishitheads still seem to be alive:
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