Today's topics:
* fraud alert. - 1 messages, 1 author
posts - 2 messages, 2 authors
* ***** e=mc2: 103 YEARS LATER, EINSTEIN IS PROVEN RIGHT ***** Jai Maharaj
posts - 1 messages, 1 author
* ***** CASTE IN AMERICA - Minority groups under-represented in tech ***** Jai
Maharaj posts - 2 messages, 2 authors
HERZEGOVINA FOR CONSTITUTION REFORM *** Jai Maharaj posts - 1 messages, 1
Maharaj posts - 1 messages, 1 author
Maharaj posts - 1 messages, 1 author
* ***** SWAMI VIVEKANAND ON THE CASTE SYSTEM ***** Jai Maharaj posts - 2
messages, 2 authors
TOPIC: fraud alert.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Dec 22 2009 6:45 pm
From: the man from havana
On Dec 22, 11:36 pm, Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times
<> wrote:
> On Dec 22, 10:50 am, "Arindam Banerjee" <> wrote:
> this
> *> lucrative charade with continue, is ultimately up to the public and
> their
> *> reps to decide.
> *> Cheers,
> *> Arindam Banerjee
> Interesting, a Fraud supporting another Fraud !
ha you should talk fraud !
Maharaj posts
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 2:10 am
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
1. People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong's regime (1949-1975):
40 000 000 (Source [1])
* Agence France Press (25 Sept. 1999) citing at length from
Courtois, Stephane, Le Livre Noir du Communism:
o Rural purges, 1946-49: 2-5M deaths
o Urban purges, 1950-57: 1M
o Great Leap Forward: 20-43M
o Cultural Revolution: 2-7M
o Labor Camps: 20M
o Tibet: 0.6-1.2M
o TOTAL: 44.5 to 72M
* Jasper Becker, Hungry Ghosts : Mao's Secret Famine (1996)
o Estimates of the death toll from the Great Leap
Forward, 1959-61:
+ Judith Banister, China's Changing Population
(1984): 30M excess deaths (acc2 Becker: "the most reliable estimate
we have")
+ Wang Weizhi, Contemporary Chinese Population
(1988): 19.5M deaths
+ Jin Hui (1993): 40M population loss due to
"abnormal deaths and reduced births"
+ Chen Yizi of the System Reform Inst.: 43-46M
* Brzezinski:
o Forcible collectivization: 27 million peasants
o Cultural Revolution: 1-2 million
o TOTAL: 29 million deaths under Mao
* Daniel Chirot:
o Land reform, 1949-56
+ According to Zhou Enlai: 830,000
+ According to Mao Zedong: 2-3M
o Great Leap Forward: 20-40 million deaths.
o Cultural Revolution: 1-20 million
* Jung Chang, Mao: the Unknown Story (2005)
o Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries, 1950-51: 3M
by execution, mob or suicide
o Three-Anti Campaign, 1952-53: 200,000-300,000
o Great Leap Forward, 1958-61: 38M of starvation and
o Cultural Revolution, 1966-76: > 3M died violent
o Laogai camp deaths, 1949-76: 27M
o TOTAL under Mao: 70M
* Dictionary of 20C World History: around a half million
died in Cultural Rev.
* Eckhardt:
o Govt executes landlords (1950-51): 1,000,000
o Cultural Revolution (1967-68): 50,000
* Gilbert:
o 1958-61 Famine: 30 million deaths.
* Kurt Glaser and Stephan Possony, Victims of Politics
o They estimate the body count under Mao to be
38,000,000 to 67,000,000.
o Cited by G & P:
+ Walker Report (see below): 44.3M to 63.8M
+ The Government Information Office of Taiwan
(18 Sept. 1970): 37M deaths in the PRC.
+ A Radio Moscow report (7 Apr. 1969): 26.4M
people had been exterminated in China.
+ (NOTE: Obviously the Soviets and Taiwanese
would, as enemies, be strongly motivated to exaggerate.)
* Guinness Book of World Records:
o Although nowadays they don't come right out and
declare Mao to be the Top Dog in the Mass Killings category, earlier
editions (such as 1978) did, and they cited sources which are
similar, but not identical, to the Glaser & Possony sources:
+ On 7 Apr. 1969 the Soviet government radio
reported that 26,300,000 people were killed in China, 1949-65.
+ In April 1971 the cabinet of the government
of Taiwan reported 39,940,000 deaths for the years 1949-69.
+ The Walker Report (see below): between
32,2500,000 and 61,700,000.
* Harff and Gurr:
o KMT cadre, rich peasants, landlords (1950-51):
o Cultural Revolution (1966-75): 400,000-850,000
* John Heidenrich, How to Prevent Genocide: A Guide for
Policymakers, Scholars, and the Concerned Citizen: 27M death toll,
incl. 2M in Cultural Revolution
* Paul Johnson doesn't give an overall total, but he gives
estimates for the principle individual mass dyings of the Mao years:
o Land reform, first years of PRC: at least 2 million
people perished.
o Great Leap Forward: "how many millions died ... is
a matter of conjecture."
o Cultural Revolution: 400,000, calling the 3 Feb.
1979 estimate by Agence France Presse, "The most widely respected
* Meisner, Maurice, Mao's China and After (1977, 1999),
doesn't give an overall total either, but he does give estimates for
the three principle mass dyings of the Mao years:
o Terror against the counterrevolutionaries: 2
million people executed during the first three years of the PRC.
o Great Leap Forward: 15-30 million famine-related
o Cultural Revolution: 400,000, citing a 1979
estimate by Agence France Presse.
* R. J. Rummel:
o Estimate:
+ Democide: 34,361,000 (1949-75)
# The principle episodes being...
* All movements (1949-58): 11,813,000
o incl. Land Reform (1949-53): 4,500,000
* Cult. Rev. (1964-75): 1,613,000
* Forced Labor (1949-75): 15,000,000
* Great Leap Forward (1959-63): 5,680,000 democides
+ War: 3,399,000
+ Famine: 34,500,000
# Great Leap Forward: 27M famine deaths
+ TOTAL: 72,260,000
o Cited in Rummel:
+ Li, Cheng-Chung (Republic of China, 1979):
78.86M direct/indirect deaths.
+ World Anti-Communist League, True Facts of
Maoist Tyranny (1971): 64.5M
+ Glaser & Possony: 38 to 67M (see above)
+ Walker Report, 1971 (see below): 31.75M to
58.5M casualties of Communism (excluding Korean War).
+ Current Death Toll of International Communism
(1979): 39.9M
+ Stephen R. Shalom (1984), Center for Asian
Studies, Deaths in China Due To Communism: 3M to 4M death toll,
excluding famine.
* Walker, Robert L., The Human Cost of Communism in China
(1971, report to the US Senate Committee of the Judiciary)
"Casualties to Communism" (deaths):
o 1st Civil War (1927-36): .25-.5M
o Fighting during Sino-Japanese War (1937-45): 50,000
o 2nd Civil War (1945-49): 1.25M
o Land Reform prior to Liberation: 0.5-1.0M
o Political liquidation campaigns: 15-30M
o Korean War: 0.5-1.234M
o Great Leap Forward: 1-2M
o Struggle with minorities: 0.5-1.0M
o Cultural Revolution: .25-.5M
o Deaths in labor camps: 15-25M
o TOTAL: 34.3M to 63.784M
o TOTAL FOR PRC: 32M to 59.5M
* July 17, 1994, Washington Post (Great Leap Forward 1959-
o Shanghai University journal, Society: > 40 million
o Cong Jin: 40 million
o Chen Yizi: 43 million in the famine. 80 million
total as a result of Mao's policies.
* Weekly Standard, 29 Sept. 1997, "The Laogai Archipelago"
by D. Aikman:
o Between 1949 and 1997, 50M prisoners passed through
the labor camps, and 15,000,000 died (citing Harry Wu)
* WHPSI: 1,633,319 political executions and 25,961 deaths
from political violence, 1948-77. TOTAL: 1,659,280
* Analysis: If we line up the 14 sources which claim to be
complete, the median falls in the 45.75 to 52.5 million range, so you
probably can't go wrong picking a final number from this
neighborhood. Depending on how you want to count some of the
incomplete estimates (such as Becker and Meisner) and whether to
count a source twice (or thrice, as with Walker) if it's referenced
by two different authorities, you can slide the median up and down
the scale by many millions. Keep in mind, however, that official
Chinese records are hidden from scrutiny, so most of these numbers
are pure guesses. It's pointless to get attached to any one of them,
because the real number could easily be half or twice any number
* Perhaps a better way of estimating would be to add up the
individual components. The medians here are:
o Purges, etc. during the first few years: 2M (10
o Great Leap Forward: 31-33M (14 estimates)
o Cultural Revolution: 1M (13 estimates)
o Ethnic Minorities, primarily Tibetans: 750-900T (8
estimates, see below)
o Labor Camps: 20M (5 estimates)
o This produces a total of some 54,750,000 to
56,900,000 deaths. The weak link in this calculation is in the Labor
Camp numbers for which we only have 5 estimates.
* Notice that many early body counts (such as Walker)
completely miss the famine during the Great Leap Forward, which was
largely unknown in the west until around 1980. There are two
contradictory ways to assess those early estimates which ignore the
1. "If these are the numbers that they came up with
without the famine, imagine how high the true number will be once you
add the famine deaths."
2. "Can we trust any of these numbers? After all, if
they missed such a huge famine, they can't have known very much about
what was going on inside China."
* ... so this line of reasoning will get us nowhere. In
fact, the median of the 7 estimate that predate 1980 is 45.7M, which
is almost the same as the median of the 7 estimates that post-date
1980 -- 58M. (At this scale, a 12M difference counts as "almost the
2. Tibet (1950 et seq.): 600 000
* Chinese occupation. (For the most part, it's already been
included in the numbers above.)
o Free Tibet Campaign
[ ]
+ Tibetans killed by the Chinese since 1950:
+ Died in prisons and labour camps between 1950
and 1984: up to 260,000
+ 1959 Uprising: 430,000 died
# K. in Reprisals: 87,000
o Our Times: 1,200,000
o Courtois: 600,000 - 1,200,000
o Walker, Robert: 500,000-1,000,000 (all ethnic
o Rummel: 375,000 democides inflicted on etnic
+ ... incl 150,000 Tibetans
o Porter: 100,000 to 150,000.
o Eckhardt:
+ 1950-51 War: 2,000 civ.
+ 1956-59 Revolt: 60,000 civ. + 40,000 mil. =
o Harff and Gurr: 65,000 Tibetan nationalists,
landowners, Buddhists killed, 1959
o Small & Singer say that China lost 40,000 soldiers
in Tibet between 1956 and '59.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 3:24 pm
And what relevance does this have to an Indian movie group?,
pagal Jyotishiji? And when are you going to fulfil your promise of
Maharaj posts
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 3:32 am
From: "Arindam Banerjee"
Why is it that Einstein's theories of relativity need the support from
professional conpersons like jBm and bundrees like harmony? And chaps who
can not or will not talk to you, like Hawking, are the greatest apostles!
Is there a single person of honour and intelligence among the theoretical
physics community, that will be so brave and so good as to discuss with me
in this open platform exactly why all these theories of relativity are
actually nonsense? I am getting some good vibes from a few in
alt.philosophy, though, and that is a start!
"Arindam Banerjee" <> wrote in message
> Looks like the Einsteinian bullshitters are asking for as much
> condemnation as Madoff & Co.
> Cheers,
> Arindam Banerjee.
> < and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
> message news:20091221A8n7uytseVezgQtNW6HGM4e@R3UMh...
>> e=mc2: 103 years later, Einstein's proven right
>> AFP
>> November 20, 2008
>> Paris (AFP) - It's taken more than a century, but
>> Einstein's celebrated formula e=mc2 has finally been
>> corroborated, thanks to a heroic computational effort by
>> French, German and Hungarian physicists. . . .
>> A thread of more than 80 posts continues here:
>> Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
>> Om Shanti
TOPIC: ***** CASTE IN AMERICA - Minority groups under-represented in tech *****
Jai Maharaj posts
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 2:33 pm
From: "harmony"
"cornholio" <> wrote in message
On Dec 22, 5:29 pm, "harmony" <> wrote:
> "cornholio" <> wrote in message
> On Dec 20, 6:14 pm, and/
> Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> > CASTE IN AMERICA - Minority groups underrepresented in tech
> > Study: Minority groups underrepresented in tech
> > By Dylan McGrath
> > EE Times
> > Wednesday, June 3, 2009
> > San Francisco - Underrepresented minorities make up a very small
> > proportion of high technology workforces, especially in senior level,
> > according the results of a study released Monday (June 1). The study,
> > conducted by the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, found
> > that 6.1 percent of technical men and 8.2 percent of technical women
> > in Silicon Valley high-tech companies are underrepresented
> > minorities. The underrepresented minority groups are defined as
> > African-American/Black, Latino/ Hispanic, and Native American/Native
> > Hawaiians.
> > The problem is particularly acute for women of color, which represent
> > less than 2 percent of high-level technical positions, the study
> > finds. . . .
> <<Tough shit tan klanner. I find whitey to be under-represented in ALL
> FACETS of life in:
> India,>>
> not so.
> whites are over represented in bollywood movies.
> some businesses in india have "whites only" policy.
Proof please Vishwesh.
How many whiteys hold government posts in
India tan-klanner?
<<How many whiteys hold elected office in India>>
i can count two right off the bat. and pretty influential ones too.
how many brown hindu elected in the oz kosh tosh?
Pot, kettle, black.
> <<the ENTIRE African continent.>>
> > Continues here:
> >
> > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > Om Shanti
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 5:31 pm
From: "P. Rajah"
harmony aka pradipshit parekh wrote:
> "cornholio" <> wrote in message
> On Dec 20, 6:14 pm, and/or
> Jay Maharaj) wrote:
>> CASTE IN AMERICA - Minority groups underrepresented in tech
>> Study: Minority groups underrepresented in tech
>> By Dylan McGrath
>> EE Times
>> Wednesday, June 3, 2009
>> San Francisco - Underrepresented minorities make up a very small
>> proportion of high technology workforces, especially in senior level,
>> according the results of a study released Monday (June 1). The study,
>> conducted by the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, found
>> that 6.1 percent of technical men and 8.2 percent of technical women
>> in Silicon Valley high-tech companies are underrepresented
>> minorities. The underrepresented minority groups are defined as
>> African-American/Black, Latino/ Hispanic, and Native American/Native
>> Hawaiians.
>> The problem is particularly acute for women of color, which represent
>> less than 2 percent of high-level technical positions, the study
>> finds. . . .
> <<Tough shit tan klanner. I find whitey to be under-represented in ALL
> FACETS of life in:
> India,>>
> not so.
> whites are over represented in bollywood movies.
Only because white skin is worshiped in India, and because most of the
scenes are now being shot in "phoren" locations with white extras.
> some businesses in india have "whites only" policy.
> <<the ENTIRE African continent.>>
>> Continues here:
>> Jay Stevens Maharaj, Jyotishit
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 5:11 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Forwarded press release
Roma Virtual Network
For immediate release
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
As court rules on Roma-Jew discrimination, Hindus urge Bosnia-
Herzegovina for constitution reform
Hindus have urged Bosnia-Herzegovina to urgently modify its
constitution to reflect that all its citizens are treated equally.
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg (France)
reportedly ruled on Tuesday that Bosnia's constitution discriminated
against Roma and Jews because it prohibited them to run for
parliament or presidency.
Acclaimed Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA)
today, said that it was moral duty of Europe (which prided itself for
its human rights record) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (a country of age-old
cultures and fabulous mountain vistas) to take care of their
minorities who had participated together with the majority in
continent building. Europeans should leave the ethnicities behind and
build a better Europe working together, Zed, who is president of
Universal Society of Hinduism, added.
Structuring European and world societies on the principles of
pluralism would be a step in the right direction, Rajan Zed argued.
According to an ECHR press release: The Bosnian Constitution, in its
Preamble, makes a distinction between two categories of citizens: the
so-called constituent peoples" (Bosniacs, Croats and Serbs) and
others" (Jews, Roma and other national minorities together with those
who do not declare affiliation with any ethnic group). The House of
Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly (the second chamber) and the
Presidency are composed only of persons belonging to the three
constituent peoples.
Tuesday's judgment was given by the Grand Chamber of 17 judges, with
Jean-Paul Costa (France) as President. ECHR, an international court
to deal with violations of civil and political rights established in
1959, has delivered more than 10, 000 judgments.
Although in Europe, Bosnia-Herzegovina is still not part of European
Roma Virtual Network
End of forwarded press release
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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Maharaj posts
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 5:24 pm
From: "P. Rajah"
Jay Stevens Maharaj aka the jyotishithead wrote:
> You are absolutely right about Ganga mata. I sprinkled Ganga jal
> a Pooja today, as every day.
Congratulations! I hope you keep your supply in an honored place in your
shack. The untreated sewage of 29 cities* flows into the Ganga, and a
significant part of that is Muslim excreta. Thank you for displaying
your secular credentials by sprinkling Muslim excreta in your home.
Maharaj posts
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 6:17 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
Ex-altar boys sue diocese
Men allege molestation by then-priest Springer in '70s
By Adrian Angelette
Advocate staff writer
The Advocate
Friday, October 27, 2006
Baton Rouge (LA) - Three former altar boys sued the
Diocese of Baton Rouge on Thursday, claiming they were
molested by a priest in the 1970s.
All three men, along with 11 others who have previously
filed suit against the diocese, claim they were molested
by former priest Christopher Springer. The diocese has
settled lawsuits with six of the former altar boys.
"It's the same pattern over and over and over again,"
said Felecia Peavy, the Houston-based attorney handling
the cases for the 14 altar boys. "The number of
allegations continues to grow, and I don't know if we
will ever know how many victims are out there."
In the latest lawsuit against the diocese and Springer,
two of the three plaintiffs claim they were molested at
the church rectory in New Roads.
One of them, who now lives in Baton Rouge, was a member
of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Maringouin when he
was abused in 1975, and the other was a member of St.
Mary's of False River Catholic Church when he was
molested in 1975 and 1976, according to the lawsuit,
which was filed in state district court in Baton Rouge.
The third altar boy, now living in Ocala, Fla., claims he
was abused from 1978 through 1981 at the rectory of his
church, St. Pius X Catholic Church in Baton Rouge.
As with most of the previous cases, the names of the
former altar boys aren't listed in the new lawsuit.
Peavy said negotiations are ongoing in all of the
unresolved cases, including the three new ones.
The Very Rev. John Carville, vicar general for the
Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge, and diocesan attorney
Charles Cusimano could not be reached for comment
Carville has said in the past that Springer was one of
six priests removed from the diocese after allegations
were made that he had molested boys. Carville also has
said the diocese was unaware of the allegations against
Springer until 1985. Then-Bishop Stanley Ott quickly
dismissed Springer from the diocese, he said.
Cusimano has said it is difficult to comment on the cases
as they are filed because the lawsuits include the places
and times of the alleged abuse but not the names of the
As the diocese learns the names and looks into the
allegations, it offers counseling and other assistance to
those whose complaints have merit. Cusimano has said
there are no claims against any priest currently working
for the diocese.
The lawsuits contend the diocese is partly responsible
for the harm done to the altar boys because officials
knew, or should have known, about Springer's actions.
"During the many occasions when the Diocese of Baton
Rouge and the bishops knew or should have known of the
dangerous sexual propensities of Springer, the diocese
and bishops never reported the matter to authorities, as
required by law, but instead reassigned Springer to other
communities and parishes in the diocese," the recent
lawsuit claims.
All terms of the settled cases have been kept secret,
except for one.
In the case involving Patrick Myers, the only named
former altar boy, the diocese sued its insurer from the
early 1980s. In its lawsuit against Lloyds of London, the
diocese is seeking reimbursement for $72,000 paid to
Myers and $1,406 in legal fees.
Peavy said Thursday that the terms of the settlements bar
her from discussing them.
More at:
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 6:44 pm
From: "Seon"
Stop spamming us! it's plonk time for you
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Dec 23 2009 6:56 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
In article <>,
"Seon" <> posted:
> Stop spamming us! it's plonk time for you
"Us"? Do you have worms and lice?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
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