Today's topics:
* hot for youth - 1 messages, 1 author
* Prince - English subtitles - 1 messages, 1 author
* new indian movie songs are pathetic - 4 messages, 3 authors
== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Apr 10 2010 11:10 pm
From: Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times
a kind forward from another thread posting of mine
Dear Mr Kanga,
I find that attitude of the said Bawdy Bhawke typical in a vicious &
unending teasing way of a Talmood mold infected brain.... would you
know if that stalking filth is a 1st day, 1st puberty circumcised*
any chance ?
Genetically modified organism (GMO) through the endocrine mutilation
of the genital intern aka Intersticial, consecutive to that alleged
innocent operation. The endocrine system being through my research the
immediate interface to the human genome, & any interference producing
in consequences of ignorant & imbeciles tempering with Human integrity
through circumcision the typical stereotyped features observed in the
then alien population generated by such sacrilege & criminal
practices : In Hindus, Jews, Islamists & particularly in Negroes...
whose specific features are obtained easily through mutilation of both
male & female children. These discoveries quite substantiated by
proper endocrine research & experiment_ although not available in
typical Universilities peddled ignorance, explain why so easily can
be cured Down syndrome children at the earliest stage of diagnosis, &
why the different stereotyped features can be noted in Hindus, Jews,
Islamists and of course Negroes due to the different periods of
growth, hence puberties & inter-puberties, in which such abominable
genetic manipulation are performed indeed. One of the most amazing
conclusion substantiated by collateral True Geology research,
demonstrates that the Negroes are in a fact of the White race people
as well, and that endocrine manipulation aim was to create some 5000
years ago approx & in Africa a race of slaves to work passively for
mining purpose, this at the time of the now Zimbabwe gold mine
Circumcision in my knowledge is the ultimate Genocide & Holocaust
performed on Humanity's divine right to intellectual & spiritual
perfection ! ...
Would you know if that poor condemned to Hell fire soul is not some
typical demented analyst, psychiatrist, psychologist of the Dr
Sigmad Fraud's intellectual slaves mob, by any chance ?
Terrible that all that important information you are disclosing to
world is missed most of the time through vicious off subject
tagging ! The bright side being though that such cesspool mind has
certainly not long to live...probably already entering agony hence
hysterical despaired & systematic actions. The last ambers of a dying
fire, I like to think !
Best regards
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine)
Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Founder of the True Geology
~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~
for background info.
"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity
== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 1:37 am
From: (Ray Fischer)
regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>Ray Fischer wrote:
>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>> Nope. Still you. In fact you care so much that you're wanting to
>>>>>> ignore Christ's teaching in order to have the government inflict
>>>>>> your hatred upon them.
>>>>> No hatred.
>>>> Your wish to persecute other reveals your hate.
>>> You go round in circles. I want laws preventing unsafe sexual
>>> acts that facilitate the spread of disease.
>> Quite the anti-sex fascist, aren't you? You want to impose a
>> dictatorship where people's private sex lives are monitored for
>> state compliance. And why? Because you think that you know what's
>> best for people?
>Crikey. A post where you didn't call me Bigot, Hater or Liar.
An the usual whining as a response.
>I should have written `prohibiting unsafe sexual acts' rather than
You're still a perverted control freak and anti-sex fascist.
Ray Fischer
== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 8:12 am
From: Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times
Dear Mr Kanga,
I find that attitude of the said Bawdy Bhawke typical in a vicious &
unending teasing way of a Talmood mold infected brain.... would you
know if that stalking filth is a 1st day, 1st puberty circumcised* by
any chance ?
Genetically modified organism (GMO) through the endocrine mutilation
of the genital intern aka Intersticial, consecutive to that alleged
innocent operation. The endocrine system being through my research the
immediate interface to the human genome, & any interference producing
in consequences of ignorant & imbeciles tempering with Human integrity
through circumcision the typical stereotyped features observed in the
then alien population generated by such sacrilege & criminal
practices : In Hindus, Jews, Islamists & particularly in Negroes...
whose specific features are obtained easily through mutilation of both
male & female children. These discoveries quite substantiated by
proper endocrine research & experiment_ although not available in
typical Universilities peddled ignorance, explain why so easily can
be cured Down syndrome children at the earliest stage of diagnosis, &
why the different stereotyped features can be noted in Hindus, Jews,
Islamists and of course Negroes due to the different periods of
growth, hence puberties & inter-puberties, in which such abominable
genetic manipulation are performed indeed. One of the most amazing
conclusion substantiated by collateral True Geology research,
demonstrates that the Negroes are in a fact of the White race people
as well, and that endocrine manipulation aim was to create some 5000
years ago approx & in Africa a race of slaves to work passively for
mining purpose, this at the time of the now Zimbabwe gold mine
Circumcision in my knowledge is the ultimate Genocide & Holocaust
performed on Humanity's divine right to intellectual & spiritual
perfection ! ...
Would you know if that poor condemned to Hell fire soul is not some
typical demented analyst, psychiatrist, psychologist of the Dr
Sigmad Fraud's intellectual slaves mob, by any chance ?
Terrible that all that important information you are disclosing to the
world is missed most of the time through vicious off subject
tagging ! The bright side being though that such cesspool mind has
certainly not long to live...probably already entering agony hence his
hysterical despaired & systematic actions. The last ambers of a dying
fire, I like to think !
Best regards
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine)
Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Founder of the True Geology
~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~
== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 12:45 pm
From: "regn.pickfod"
Ray Fischer wrote:
> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>>> Nope. Still you. In fact you care so much that you're wanting
>>>>>>> to ignore Christ's teaching in order to have the government
>>>>>>> inflict your hatred upon them.
>>>>>> No hatred.
>>>>> Your wish to persecute other reveals your hate.
>>>> You go round in circles. I want laws preventing unsafe sexual
>>>> acts that facilitate the spread of disease.
>>> Quite the anti-sex fascist, aren't you? You want to impose a
>>> dictatorship where people's private sex lives are monitored for
>>> state compliance. And why? Because you think that you know what's
>>> best for people?
>> Crikey. A post where you didn't call me Bigot, Hater or Liar.
> An the usual whining as a response.
No, it was pleasant surprise I found amusing.
>> I should have written `prohibiting unsafe sexual acts' rather than
> You're still a perverted control freak and anti-sex fascist.
I take it you object to the policy of testing blood donations for AIDS and
declining Homosexuals offers to donate?
is the Red Cross perverted control freaks and anti-sex Fascists?
== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 1:14 pm
From: (Ray Fischer)
regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>Ray Fischer wrote:
>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>>>> Nope. Still you. In fact you care so much that you're wanting
>>>>>>>> to ignore Christ's teaching in order to have the government
>>>>>>>> inflict your hatred upon them.
>>>>>>> No hatred.
>>>>>> Your wish to persecute other reveals your hate.
>>>>> You go round in circles. I want laws preventing unsafe sexual
>>>>> acts that facilitate the spread of disease.
>>>> Quite the anti-sex fascist, aren't you? You want to impose a
>>>> dictatorship where people's private sex lives are monitored for
>>>> state compliance. And why? Because you think that you know what's
>>>> best for people?
>>> Crikey. A post where you didn't call me Bigot, Hater or Liar.
>> An the usual whining as a response.
>No, it was pleasant surprise I found amusing.
>>> I should have written `prohibiting unsafe sexual acts' rather than
>> You're still a perverted control freak and anti-sex fascist.
>I take it you object to the policy of testing blood donations for AIDS and
>declining Homosexuals offers to donate?
Nobody is forced to donate blood, pervert.
Ray Fischer
== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 1:32 pm
From: (Ray Fischer)
regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>Ray Fischer wrote:
>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>>>> Nope. Still you. In fact you care so much that you're wanting
>>>>>>>> to ignore Christ's teaching in order to have the government
>>>>>>>> inflict your hatred upon them.
>>>>>>> No hatred.
>>>>>> Your wish to persecute other reveals your hate.
>>>>> You go round in circles. I want laws preventing unsafe sexual
>>>>> acts that facilitate the spread of disease.
>>>> Quite the anti-sex fascist, aren't you? You want to impose a
>>>> dictatorship where people's private sex lives are monitored for
>>>> state compliance. And why? Because you think that you know what's
>>>> best for people?
>>> Crikey. A post where you didn't call me Bigot, Hater or Liar.
>> An the usual whining as a response.
>No, it was pleasant surprise I found amusing.
>>> I should have written `prohibiting unsafe sexual acts' rather than
>> You're still a perverted control freak and anti-sex fascist.
>I take it you object to the policy of testing blood donations for AIDS and
Testing blood donations is not sex, idiot.
Ray Fischer
== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 1:49 pm
From: "Bob Hawke"
You poor French sod Le-Turd - the fairies at the bottom of your garden and
the HOT Aussie sun have warped you brain worse than anyone could imagine. Or
on the other hand has it just shrunk - you know just got smaller and smaller
until it's the size of a pin head in a big empty shell.
But all those veins still go in there all feeding that tiny little nodule
which tries to work so hard, but never quite gets there.
You pooer French demented sod !!!
There are a number of things you can do in order to get by with your
Firstly you must realize that you have a problem in the first plasce.
Surely you must realize that you are a demented Nutter. If you don't
believe me, please take my word for it, you DEFINITELY are a NUTTER.
The second thing you must do is to minimize the amount of work you give that
poor little pin sized organ of yours. You must treat it with respect and
nurture it.
Don't nover load it. Forget all about that COSMIC BULLSHIT. It's all CRAP.
The third thing you must do is to stop confusing that small organ if yours
with conflicting information. Stop talking with poor old Horus and Titi.
They are with us no longer and no amount of talking to them will do you any
Your worst enemy though are those nasty little fairies at the bottom of your
garden. You must avoid them at ALL costs. They are no good for your small
pin-head sized brain. They fill yoir brain with all sorts of demented CRAP.
The fourth thing you must do, Le-Turd, is to stay away from that cheap red
plonk you French Frogs grow over there. It is full of all sorts of
pollutants from the polluted soil and groundwater you poor Frogs have to
bear over there.
What you need is some good quality Australian wine - not cheap French plonk.
It will poison your brain even further. Remember Napoleon suffered the same
fate. He died from all the poisons which accumulated in his body.
The fifth thing you must do is to stop shoving that rubber hose up your
arse. If God had intended us to do that we would have all been born with
reubber hoses stuck up our arses. It is simply no good for you., Your poor
little arsehole has to cope with too much already. You shit out of it and
you also talk out of it, so it is overworked already.
And Le-Turd stop playing with it, remember it is at the arse end of your
The sixth thing you must do is to stop WANKING. Remember you have been
inducted into the French hall of fame as France's GREATEST WANKER. Have you
heard anything from the city administrators of La Rochelle yet? I sent then
an email about nominating you as a famous person who has lived in La
The seventh thing you must do is to come to trhe conclusion that you were
wrong all along and that you are not a famous geologist but you are just
some poor demented, deluded French Nutter.
Finally you must apologize and learn how to repent. You must get down on
your knees and bow your head. You must then place your head between your
knees and shove your head up your arse.
If you repent to the correct degree and shove your head up your arse far
enough, you will completely dissappear and your problems (and ours) will be
== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 7:57 pm
From: Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times
Of course Quakes are the result of structurally sound & hard core
rigid Lithosphere formations reaching point of critical stress, and
then breaking with a whip-like effect !
The fact that we observe all over the world the faults opening and
never closing should be a clue to anyone, but the ignoramus (i) in
charge of official Gogology i.e. alleged Geology propaganda.
Naturally, the more the Earth drifts away from Mother Star ( True
Geology) the more such phenomenas are becoming violent ...and to
realize that the Sci000ntific imbeciles are pretending to understand
what 's really happening is truly a laugh... just like monkeys trained
to drive a car could understand how it works .... beyond their scope
indeed !
indulging in brain potential destructions generated by heavy metals
loaded vaccines, and of course the blind faith & absorbing chemical
pharma drugs recommended by the viscous bed-side manners Quacks !
A most pitiful Humanity in fact unable to understand the direction we
are taking & hence to anticipate it !!!
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Founder of the True Geology
TOPIC: hot for youth
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 1:00 am
From: hot
hot kiss 2
hot lip kiss1
hot hug
super hot kiss
one lip kiss
super navel kiss
hot train lip kiss
hot boobs kiss
TOPIC: Prince - English subtitles
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 4:30 pm
Nothing wrong with the gadgets - huge holograms, motorcycle
jumps from a height, fights in a jeep going over a very big waterfall
in it says Afghanistan but I think is Himachal Pradesh and some great
sight seeing in Durban.
However photography has the bluish tinge beloved of Hollywood and
that spoilt the movie.
TOPIC: new indian movie songs are pathetic
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 6:28 pm
From: "harmony"
over this weekend i was at several parties where modern indian movie songs
were being played. they were totally annoying.
almost every song had khuda, or salaam or such mommdean words.
i notice that indian movie actors don't hide their mommedan identity any
more, unlike dilip kumar did in the old days.
the old indian moveis often had commie theme: bad rich guys; poor guy hating
rich guy but had an eye for his daughter.
communism is now making way for mohamadism. looks like india is being
hjacked by emc*2.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 6:57 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
You stole the words right out of my keyboard. Bharatiya phillums have
contained many more Muslim elements than Hindu ones for decades. The
songs reflect this, of course. And today's songs sound all the same.
I prefer gatherings where bhajans are being sung.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
In article <4bc27759$0$12433$>,
"harmony" <> posted:
> over this weekend i was at several parties where modern indian movie songs
> were being played. they were totally annoying.
> almost every song had khuda, or salaam or such mommdean words.
> i notice that indian movie actors don't hide their mommedan identity any
> more, unlike dilip kumar did in the old days.
> the old indian moveis often had commie theme: bad rich guys; poor guy hating
> rich guy but had an eye for his daughter.
> communism is now making way for mohamadism. looks like india is being
> hjacked by emc*2.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 7:09 pm
From: fanabba
On Apr 11, 9:57�pm, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> You stole the words right out of my keyboard. Bharatiya phillums have
> contained many more Muslim elements than Hindu ones for decades. The
> songs reflect this, of course. �And today's songs sound all the same.
> I prefer gatherings where bhajans are being sung.
> Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> Om Shanti
> In article <4bc27759$0$12433$>,
> �"harmony" <> posted:
> > over this weekend i was at several parties where modern indian movie songs
> > were being played. they were totally annoying.
> > almost every song had khuda, or salaam or such mommdean words.
> > i notice that indian movie actors don't hide their mommedan identity any
> > more, unlike dilip kumar did in the old days.
> > the old indian moveis often had commie theme: bad rich guys; poor guy hating
> > rich guy but had an eye for his daughter.
> > communism is now making way for mohamadism. looks like india is being
> > hjacked by emc*2.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Dhanyavaad !
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 7:26 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
You are welcome.
For instance, pick one here:
tthumak chalat ram chandra . . .
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
In article <>,
fanabba <> posted:
> Dhanyavaad !
> Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
> > You stole the words right out of my keyboard. Bharatiya phillums have
> > contained many more Muslim elements than Hindu ones for decades. The
> > songs reflect this, of course. And today's songs sound all the same.
> > I prefer gatherings where bhajans are being sung.
> >
> > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > Om Shanti
> > In article <4bc27759$0$12433$>,
> > =EF=BF=BD"harmony" <> posted:
> >
> > > over this weekend i was at several parties where modern indian movie so=
> ngs
> > > were being played. they were totally annoying.
> >
> > > almost every song had khuda, or salaam or such mommdean words.
> >
> > > i notice that indian movie actors don't hide their mommedan identity an=
> y
> > > more, unlike dilip kumar did in the old days.
> >
> > > the old indian moveis often had commie theme: bad rich guys; poor guy h=
> ating
> > > rich guy but had an eye for his daughter.
> >
> > > communism is now making way for mohamadism. looks like india is being
> > > hjacked by emc*2.- Hide quoted text -
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