Thursday, March 4, 2010

rec.arts.movies.local.indian - 15 new messages in 4 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* "Even a moderate Muslim who reads the Koran must read that the Jews are the
sons of apes and that the infidels must be killed" - 4 messages, 3 authors
BILL - 5 messages, 2 authors
2 authors

TOPIC: "Even a moderate Muslim who reads the Koran must read that the Jews are
the sons of apes and that the infidels must be killed"

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Mar 2 2010 7:58 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)

The mythical moderate Muslim

Forwarded message from "G.Subramaniam" <>

[ Subject: The mythical moderate muslim
[ From: "G.Subramaniam" <>
[ Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004

The Mythical Moderate Muslim

By Yashiko Sagamori
Mar 17, '04 / 24 Adar 5764

Primitive tribes offer sacrifices hoping to mollify
whatever nonexistent beings they believe in. New York
Times columnist Paul Krugman seems to belong to a very
sophisticated tribe that, according to the recently
retired Malaysian Prime Minister, rules the world by
proxy. One would think Mr. Krugman should be above such
crude superstitions. Nevertheless, in his column on
October 21, he suggests that Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld should fire General Boykin in order to mollify
moderate Muslims.

General Boykin, the leading anti-terror expert at the
Pentagon and a devout Christian, had openly and publicly,
on several occasions, expressed his personal opinion of
Islam, which happens to be rather low. Considering where
the terror is coming from, this is far less surprising
than Mr. Krugman's eagerness to sacrifice both General
Boykin and the First Amendment in order to mollify
moderate Muslims. I'd like to ask Mr. Krugman what gives
him reason to believe that the beings he is trying to
mollify actually exist.

The official, politically correct point of view says that
Islam is just another monotheistic religion, not that
different from Judaism or Christianity. If that is true,
then moderate Muslims must exist, just like moderate
members of other faiths. However, moderate members of
other faiths do not require sacrificial mollification -
that's basically how we tell moderates from extremists.
Therefore, either moderate Muslims are mythical
creatures, or we need substantially different criteria to
identify them. That dilemma alone should make us
suspicious as to whether Islam is "just another
religion". Obviously, it is important that we determine
how a moderate Muslim can be distinguished from a Muslim

Why not ask Muslims themselves? Irshad Manji, a young
Canadian author, has published a book titled "The Trouble
With Islam." Since we don't hear too many Muslim voices
criticizing their religion, her book deserves our
attention. This is what the author herself says on her
promotional website (
"I appreciate that every
faith has its share of literalists. Christians have their
Evangelicals. Jews have the ultra-Orthodox. For God's
sake, even Buddhists have fundamentalists. But what this
book hammers home is that only in Islam the literalism is
mainstream." Apparently, the terms "literalism" and
"fundamentalism" in the quotation above are used
interchangeably, as synonyms of religious extremism.
Unfortunately, the author fails to mention the most
important difference between "literalists" in Islam and
other religions. Evangelical Christians may believe that
heaven is reserved for them alone. Ultra-Orthodox Jews
may display intimate understanding of the murkiest places
in the Talmud. I have no idea what extreme fundamentalist
Buddhists do that sets them apart from their moderate
coreligionists. What I do know however is that no
religion except Islam pursues the idea of physical
extermination of those who believe differently. The
concept of holy war is unique to Islam. Jihad is the
absolute monopoly of Muslims. There is no parallel to it
in any other religion in the world (Yes, I have heard
about Crusades, but Christianity does not mandate them,
and do you know when the last Crusade ended?). So, here
we have it in plain English, as simple as A, B, C: A.
According to the Koran, holy war against the infidels is
a sacred duty of every Muslim. B. According to Ms. Manji,
mainstream Muslims interpret Koran literally. The
conclusion is inevitable: C. Mainstream Muslims perceive
war against the infidels - meaning you and me - as their
sacred duty. Once you understand that, you don't need
books to explain to you what exactly the trouble with
Islam is. The trouble with Islam derives from the fact
that mainstream Islam openly calls for murder of all
infidels. That's why Islam is not "just another
religion". That's what, in my view, allows to classify
all its followers as extremist. What then, besides our
stubborn, groundless faith in the general goodness of our
fellow human beings, leads us to believe that moderate
Muslims are not just a figment of our imagination? How do
they manifest themselves in the real world?

It would be utterly useless to look for them in Gaza,
Judea, or Samaria. Unlike bin Laden, terrorists occupying
Israeli lands do not live in caves. They live in small
towns, villages, and crowded refugee camps where everyone
knows everything about everyone else. They couldn't
survive for a day without popular support. When someone
gives them a reason to doubt the sincerity of his
support, they label him a collaborator and murder him on
the spot. Indeed, the PA-sponsored educational system
guarantees that innocent children are indoctrinated in
the most murderous variety of Islamic extremism - thereby
losing their innocence - at the earliest possible age.
Therefore, in Israel, a moderate Muslim is a dead Muslim,
which is bad news for those who want us to believe that
there is a peaceful solution to the continuing Arab war
against Israel.

Let's look elsewhere. Afghanistan, liberated by the
United States from the medieval tyranny of the Taliban is
about to publish the draft of its first constitution.
Their new constitution is going to be firmly based on
Islamic principles. The country itself is soon to be
renamed the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. We wouldn't
call a Jew or a Christian who wanted his religion to
become the basis of his country's constitution a
moderate, would we? Here, in the United States, we value
the separation of church from state so much that we
launch court battles to remove the Ten Commandments and
every reference to God from everything that is even
remotely related to the government.

If Islam is "just another religion", shouldn't the same
criteria apply to Muslim countries? And if the same
criteria do apply, we have to conclude that President
Karzai installed in Afghanistan by the American military
and unable to survive now or in the foreseeable future
without the American military presence, is not a moderate
Muslim, but an outright religious extremist. His "Very
correct" remark to Mahadir's call for the extermination
of Jews shows that he is a political extremist as well.

Therefore, the only practical question regarding
Afghanistan is why did the United States have to waste
lives of its soldiers and tens of billions of dollars in
order to replace one bunch of Muslim extremists with
another? It might have been worthwhile had it improved
our security at home, but, as we know, that didn't
happen. Therefore, we have to conclude that the United
States has once again won a battle but lost the war. The
same will inevitably happen in Iraq. The desperate search
for moderate Muslims goes all around the world. It is
especially urgent in Europe, whose face is being
irreversibly altered by mass immigration from Islamic

Recently, the British government appealed to the growing
British Muslim community to isolate extremists in their
midst. It's not hard to predict the response. Actually,
there will be no response, because everyone in any Muslim
community is an extremist. Such is the nature of Islam,
and the only thing that I find hard to comprehend is the
self-imposed blindness of the British government.
Apparently, such is the price of liberalism and political
correctness. Bye-bye, Europe. We are next.

I don't think World War II could be won if the Allies,
instead of eradicating Nazism, attempted to replace Nazi
extremists with moderate Nazis. Actually, nobody was
looking for moderate Nazis during World War II. But those
were simpler, purer times.

Today, the mythical moderate Muslim remains the focal
point of the US foreign policy in the Middle East. The
blind faith in his existence has already led the United
States to many monumental failures, and many more are to
be expected in the future.

Meanwhile, the moderate Muslim, along with the Big Foot,
the unicorn, and the Loch Ness monster, remains more
elusive than a cure for cancer. There is at least a
theoretical possibility that a cure for cancer can be
found one day, unless of course Islam takes over and
drags us all down into its own endless Dark Ages.

End of forwarded message from "G.Subramaniam" <>

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works.
o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
go to:
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
copyright owner.

Since newsgroup posts are being removed
by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
this post may be reposted several times.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 9:59 am
From: "harmony"

thanks jai maharaj ji.
i notice that you have a great knack for steering debates correctly on where
the focus should be. most hindus get scattered all over the place - thanks
to kirastanis and commies mainly hailing from the states of kerala and
bengal -except where they really need to focus on.
i notice that a kirastani/commie would walk into hindu community and start
his weekly or some periodical and start unloading his "news". hindus are
such suckers.

< and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20100302Heug5RAwmOl2E7tmI66R9vl@Ou9a5...
> The mythical moderate Muslim
> Forwarded message from "G.Subramaniam" <>
> [ Subject: The mythical moderate muslim
> [ From: "G.Subramaniam" <>
> [ Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004
> The Mythical Moderate Muslim
> By Yashiko Sagamori
> Mar 17, '04 / 24 Adar 5764
> Primitive tribes offer sacrifices hoping to mollify
> whatever nonexistent beings they believe in. New York
> Times columnist Paul Krugman seems to belong to a very
> sophisticated tribe that, according to the recently
> retired Malaysian Prime Minister, rules the world by
> proxy. One would think Mr. Krugman should be above such
> crude superstitions. Nevertheless, in his column on
> October 21, he suggests that Secretary of Defense
> Rumsfeld should fire General Boykin in order to mollify
> moderate Muslims.
> General Boykin, the leading anti-terror expert at the
> Pentagon and a devout Christian, had openly and publicly,
> on several occasions, expressed his personal opinion of
> Islam, which happens to be rather low. Considering where
> the terror is coming from, this is far less surprising
> than Mr. Krugman's eagerness to sacrifice both General
> Boykin and the First Amendment in order to mollify
> moderate Muslims. I'd like to ask Mr. Krugman what gives
> him reason to believe that the beings he is trying to
> mollify actually exist.
> The official, politically correct point of view says that
> Islam is just another monotheistic religion, not that
> different from Judaism or Christianity. If that is true,
> then moderate Muslims must exist, just like moderate
> members of other faiths. However, moderate members of
> other faiths do not require sacrificial mollification -
> that's basically how we tell moderates from extremists.
> Therefore, either moderate Muslims are mythical
> creatures, or we need substantially different criteria to
> identify them. That dilemma alone should make us
> suspicious as to whether Islam is "just another
> religion". Obviously, it is important that we determine
> how a moderate Muslim can be distinguished from a Muslim
> extremist.
> Why not ask Muslims themselves? Irshad Manji, a young
> Canadian author, has published a book titled "The Trouble
> With Islam." Since we don't hear too many Muslim voices
> criticizing their religion, her book deserves our
> attention. This is what the author herself says on her
> promotional website (
> "I appreciate that every
> faith has its share of literalists. Christians have their
> Evangelicals. Jews have the ultra-Orthodox. For God's
> sake, even Buddhists have fundamentalists. But what this
> book hammers home is that only in Islam the literalism is
> mainstream." Apparently, the terms "literalism" and
> "fundamentalism" in the quotation above are used
> interchangeably, as synonyms of religious extremism.
> Unfortunately, the author fails to mention the most
> important difference between "literalists" in Islam and
> other religions. Evangelical Christians may believe that
> heaven is reserved for them alone. Ultra-Orthodox Jews
> may display intimate understanding of the murkiest places
> in the Talmud. I have no idea what extreme fundamentalist
> Buddhists do that sets them apart from their moderate
> coreligionists. What I do know however is that no
> religion except Islam pursues the idea of physical
> extermination of those who believe differently. The
> concept of holy war is unique to Islam. Jihad is the
> absolute monopoly of Muslims. There is no parallel to it
> in any other religion in the world (Yes, I have heard
> about Crusades, but Christianity does not mandate them,
> and do you know when the last Crusade ended?). So, here
> we have it in plain English, as simple as A, B, C: A.
> According to the Koran, holy war against the infidels is
> a sacred duty of every Muslim. B. According to Ms. Manji,
> mainstream Muslims interpret Koran literally. The
> conclusion is inevitable: C. Mainstream Muslims perceive
> war against the infidels - meaning you and me - as their
> sacred duty. Once you understand that, you don't need
> books to explain to you what exactly the trouble with
> Islam is. The trouble with Islam derives from the fact
> that mainstream Islam openly calls for murder of all
> infidels. That's why Islam is not "just another
> religion". That's what, in my view, allows to classify
> all its followers as extremist. What then, besides our
> stubborn, groundless faith in the general goodness of our
> fellow human beings, leads us to believe that moderate
> Muslims are not just a figment of our imagination? How do
> they manifest themselves in the real world?
> It would be utterly useless to look for them in Gaza,
> Judea, or Samaria. Unlike bin Laden, terrorists occupying
> Israeli lands do not live in caves. They live in small
> towns, villages, and crowded refugee camps where everyone
> knows everything about everyone else. They couldn't
> survive for a day without popular support. When someone
> gives them a reason to doubt the sincerity of his
> support, they label him a collaborator and murder him on
> the spot. Indeed, the PA-sponsored educational system
> guarantees that innocent children are indoctrinated in
> the most murderous variety of Islamic extremism - thereby
> losing their innocence - at the earliest possible age.
> Therefore, in Israel, a moderate Muslim is a dead Muslim,
> which is bad news for those who want us to believe that
> there is a peaceful solution to the continuing Arab war
> against Israel.
> Let's look elsewhere. Afghanistan, liberated by the
> United States from the medieval tyranny of the Taliban is
> about to publish the draft of its first constitution.
> Their new constitution is going to be firmly based on
> Islamic principles. The country itself is soon to be
> renamed the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. We wouldn't
> call a Jew or a Christian who wanted his religion to
> become the basis of his country's constitution a
> moderate, would we? Here, in the United States, we value
> the separation of church from state so much that we
> launch court battles to remove the Ten Commandments and
> every reference to God from everything that is even
> remotely related to the government.
> If Islam is "just another religion", shouldn't the same
> criteria apply to Muslim countries? And if the same
> criteria do apply, we have to conclude that President
> Karzai installed in Afghanistan by the American military
> and unable to survive now or in the foreseeable future
> without the American military presence, is not a moderate
> Muslim, but an outright religious extremist. His "Very
> correct" remark to Mahadir's call for the extermination
> of Jews shows that he is a political extremist as well.
> Therefore, the only practical question regarding
> Afghanistan is why did the United States have to waste
> lives of its soldiers and tens of billions of dollars in
> order to replace one bunch of Muslim extremists with
> another? It might have been worthwhile had it improved
> our security at home, but, as we know, that didn't
> happen. Therefore, we have to conclude that the United
> States has once again won a battle but lost the war. The
> same will inevitably happen in Iraq. The desperate search
> for moderate Muslims goes all around the world. It is
> especially urgent in Europe, whose face is being
> irreversibly altered by mass immigration from Islamic
> countries.
> Recently, the British government appealed to the growing
> British Muslim community to isolate extremists in their
> midst. It's not hard to predict the response. Actually,
> there will be no response, because everyone in any Muslim
> community is an extremist. Such is the nature of Islam,
> and the only thing that I find hard to comprehend is the
> self-imposed blindness of the British government.
> Apparently, such is the price of liberalism and political
> correctness. Bye-bye, Europe. We are next.
> I don't think World War II could be won if the Allies,
> instead of eradicating Nazism, attempted to replace Nazi
> extremists with moderate Nazis. Actually, nobody was
> looking for moderate Nazis during World War II. But those
> were simpler, purer times.
> Today, the mythical moderate Muslim remains the focal
> point of the US foreign policy in the Middle East. The
> blind faith in his existence has already led the United
> States to many monumental failures, and many more are to
> be expected in the future.
> Meanwhile, the moderate Muslim, along with the Big Foot,
> the unicorn, and the Loch Ness monster, remains more
> elusive than a cure for cancer. There is at least a
> theoretical possibility that a cure for cancer can be
> found one day, unless of course Islam takes over and
> drags us all down into its own endless Dark Ages.
> End of forwarded message from "G.Subramaniam" <>
> Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> Om Shanti
> o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the
> educational
> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may
> not
> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> fair use of copyrighted works.
> o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name,
> current
> e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
> o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others
> are
> not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the
> article.
> FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with
> Title
> 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
> included
> information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more
> information
> go to:
> If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> copyright owner.
> Since newsgroup posts are being removed
> by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
> this post may be reposted several times.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 1:58 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)

Dhanyavaad. One learns, one tries. There is so much to
learn about focus from the Bhagavad Gita.

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

In article <4b8ea388$0$12448$>,
"harmony" <> posted:
> thanks jai maharaj ji.
> i notice that you have a great knack for steering debates correctly on where
> the focus should be. most hindus get scattered all over the place - thanks
> to kirastanis and commies mainly hailing from the states of kerala and
> bengal -except where they really need to focus on.
> i notice that a kirastani/commie would walk into hindu community and start
> his weekly or some periodical and start unloading his "news". hindus are
> such suckers.

> Dr. Jai Maharaj posted:
> > The mythical moderate Muslim
> >
> > Forwarded message from "G.Subramaniam" <>
> >
> > [ Subject: The mythical moderate muslim
> > [ From: "G.Subramaniam" <>
> > [ Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004
> >
> > The Mythical Moderate Muslim
> >
> > By Yashiko Sagamori
> > Mar 17, '04 / 24 Adar 5764
> >
> > Primitive tribes offer sacrifices hoping to mollify
> > whatever nonexistent beings they believe in. New York
> > Times columnist Paul Krugman seems to belong to a very
> > sophisticated tribe that, according to the recently
> > retired Malaysian Prime Minister, rules the world by
> > proxy. One would think Mr. Krugman should be above such
> > crude superstitions. Nevertheless, in his column on
> > October 21, he suggests that Secretary of Defense
> > Rumsfeld should fire General Boykin in order to mollify
> > moderate Muslims.
> >
> > General Boykin, the leading anti-terror expert at the
> > Pentagon and a devout Christian, had openly and publicly,
> > on several occasions, expressed his personal opinion of
> > Islam, which happens to be rather low. Considering where
> > the terror is coming from, this is far less surprising
> > than Mr. Krugman's eagerness to sacrifice both General
> > Boykin and the First Amendment in order to mollify
> > moderate Muslims. I'd like to ask Mr. Krugman what gives
> > him reason to believe that the beings he is trying to
> > mollify actually exist.
> >
> > The official, politically correct point of view says that
> > Islam is just another monotheistic religion, not that
> > different from Judaism or Christianity. If that is true,
> > then moderate Muslims must exist, just like moderate
> > members of other faiths. However, moderate members of
> > other faiths do not require sacrificial mollification -
> > that's basically how we tell moderates from extremists.
> > Therefore, either moderate Muslims are mythical
> > creatures, or we need substantially different criteria to
> > identify them. That dilemma alone should make us
> > suspicious as to whether Islam is "just another
> > religion". Obviously, it is important that we determine
> > how a moderate Muslim can be distinguished from a Muslim
> > extremist.
> >
> > Why not ask Muslims themselves? Irshad Manji, a young
> > Canadian author, has published a book titled "The Trouble
> > With Islam." Since we don't hear too many Muslim voices
> > criticizing their religion, her book deserves our
> > attention. This is what the author herself says on her
> > promotional website (
> > "I appreciate that every
> > faith has its share of literalists. Christians have their
> > Evangelicals. Jews have the ultra-Orthodox. For God's
> > sake, even Buddhists have fundamentalists. But what this
> > book hammers home is that only in Islam the literalism is
> > mainstream." Apparently, the terms "literalism" and
> > "fundamentalism" in the quotation above are used
> > interchangeably, as synonyms of religious extremism.
> > Unfortunately, the author fails to mention the most
> > important difference between "literalists" in Islam and
> > other religions. Evangelical Christians may believe that
> > heaven is reserved for them alone. Ultra-Orthodox Jews
> > may display intimate understanding of the murkiest places
> > in the Talmud. I have no idea what extreme fundamentalist
> > Buddhists do that sets them apart from their moderate
> > coreligionists. What I do know however is that no
> > religion except Islam pursues the idea of physical
> > extermination of those who believe differently. The
> > concept of holy war is unique to Islam. Jihad is the
> > absolute monopoly of Muslims. There is no parallel to it
> > in any other religion in the world (Yes, I have heard
> > about Crusades, but Christianity does not mandate them,
> > and do you know when the last Crusade ended?). So, here
> > we have it in plain English, as simple as A, B, C: A.
> > According to the Koran, holy war against the infidels is
> > a sacred duty of every Muslim. B. According to Ms. Manji,
> > mainstream Muslims interpret Koran literally. The
> > conclusion is inevitable: C. Mainstream Muslims perceive
> > war against the infidels - meaning you and me - as their
> > sacred duty. Once you understand that, you don't need
> > books to explain to you what exactly the trouble with
> > Islam is. The trouble with Islam derives from the fact
> > that mainstream Islam openly calls for murder of all
> > infidels. That's why Islam is not "just another
> > religion". That's what, in my view, allows to classify
> > all its followers as extremist. What then, besides our
> > stubborn, groundless faith in the general goodness of our
> > fellow human beings, leads us to believe that moderate
> > Muslims are not just a figment of our imagination? How do
> > they manifest themselves in the real world?
> >
> > It would be utterly useless to look for them in Gaza,
> > Judea, or Samaria. Unlike bin Laden, terrorists occupying
> > Israeli lands do not live in caves. They live in small
> > towns, villages, and crowded refugee camps where everyone
> > knows everything about everyone else. They couldn't
> > survive for a day without popular support. When someone
> > gives them a reason to doubt the sincerity of his
> > support, they label him a collaborator and murder him on
> > the spot. Indeed, the PA-sponsored educational system
> > guarantees that innocent children are indoctrinated in
> > the most murderous variety of Islamic extremism - thereby
> > losing their innocence - at the earliest possible age.
> > Therefore, in Israel, a moderate Muslim is a dead Muslim,
> > which is bad news for those who want us to believe that
> > there is a peaceful solution to the continuing Arab war
> > against Israel.
> >
> > Let's look elsewhere. Afghanistan, liberated by the
> > United States from the medieval tyranny of the Taliban is
> > about to publish the draft of its first constitution.
> > Their new constitution is going to be firmly based on
> > Islamic principles. The country itself is soon to be
> > renamed the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. We wouldn't
> > call a Jew or a Christian who wanted his religion to
> > become the basis of his country's constitution a
> > moderate, would we? Here, in the United States, we value
> > the separation of church from state so much that we
> > launch court battles to remove the Ten Commandments and
> > every reference to God from everything that is even
> > remotely related to the government.
> >
> > If Islam is "just another religion", shouldn't the same
> > criteria apply to Muslim countries? And if the same
> > criteria do apply, we have to conclude that President
> > Karzai installed in Afghanistan by the American military
> > and unable to survive now or in the foreseeable future
> > without the American military presence, is not a moderate
> > Muslim, but an outright religious extremist. His "Very
> > correct" remark to Mahadir's call for the extermination
> > of Jews shows that he is a political extremist as well.
> >
> > Therefore, the only practical question regarding
> > Afghanistan is why did the United States have to waste
> > lives of its soldiers and tens of billions of dollars in
> > order to replace one bunch of Muslim extremists with
> > another? It might have been worthwhile had it improved
> > our security at home, but, as we know, that didn't
> > happen. Therefore, we have to conclude that the United
> > States has once again won a battle but lost the war. The
> > same will inevitably happen in Iraq. The desperate search
> > for moderate Muslims goes all around the world. It is
> > especially urgent in Europe, whose face is being
> > irreversibly altered by mass immigration from Islamic
> > countries.
> >
> > Recently, the British government appealed to the growing
> > British Muslim community to isolate extremists in their
> > midst. It's not hard to predict the response. Actually,
> > there will be no response, because everyone in any Muslim
> > community is an extremist. Such is the nature of Islam,
> > and the only thing that I find hard to comprehend is the
> > self-imposed blindness of the British government.
> > Apparently, such is the price of liberalism and political
> > correctness. Bye-bye, Europe. We are next.
> >
> > I don't think World War II could be won if the Allies,
> > instead of eradicating Nazism, attempted to replace Nazi
> > extremists with moderate Nazis. Actually, nobody was
> > looking for moderate Nazis during World War II. But those
> > were simpler, purer times.
> >
> > Today, the mythical moderate Muslim remains the focal
> > point of the US foreign policy in the Middle East. The
> > blind faith in his existence has already led the United
> > States to many monumental failures, and many more are to
> > be expected in the future.
> >
> > Meanwhile, the moderate Muslim, along with the Big Foot,
> > the unicorn, and the Loch Ness monster, remains more
> > elusive than a cure for cancer. There is at least a
> > theoretical possibility that a cure for cancer can be
> > found one day, unless of course Islam takes over and
> > drags us all down into its own endless Dark Ages.
> >
> >
> >
> > End of forwarded message from "G.Subramaniam" <>
> >
> > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > Om Shanti
> >
> > o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the
> > educational
> > purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may
> > not
> > have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> > poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> > fair use of copyrighted works.
> > o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> > considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name,
> > current
> > e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
> > o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others
> > are
> > not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the
> > article.
> >
> > FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> > which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> > owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> > understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> > democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> > that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> > provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with
> > Title
> > 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> > profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
> > included
> > information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> > subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more
> > information
> > go to:
> > If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> > your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> > copyright owner.
> >
> > Since newsgroup posts are being removed
> > by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
> > this post may be reposted several times.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 2:15 pm
From: "P. Rajah"

Jay Stevens Maharaj aka the jumpin' jackass jyotishit wrote:

> One learns, one tries. There is so much to
> learn about focus from the Bhagavad Gita.

And unfortunately for the victims of your hate-filled rampages, you have
demonstrated an utter inability to learn the lessons of the Bhagavad


== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 10:24 am
From: "regn.pickfod"

Seon Ferguson wrote:
> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:4b8a34ae$
>>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:4b857369$
>>>>>>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> "Ray Fischer" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:4b84d523$0$1649$
>>>>>>>>>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dr. Jai Maharaj < and/or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, "Seon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ferguson" <> posted:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Need any more evidence you are a hater? They are not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being promoted, they are being taught nto to hate gay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people. But that doesn't matter to gay bashers like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, I am not a hater;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, you most certainly are.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Homosexual agenda in action.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And there's that hate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Make unsubstantiated attacks against the anti Homosexual
>>>>>>>>>>>>> individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Such as fabricating some "homosexual agenda"?
>>>>>>>>>>> Doesn't he realise a "anti Homosexual individual" is a gay
>>>>>>>>>>> basher?
>>>>>>>>>> know nuthin Seon ...
>>>>>>>>>> A Gay basher is a red blooded Heterosexual with faggot blood
>>>>>>>>>> on their boots.
>>>>>>>>>> An anti Homosexual is someone who opposes the normalisation
>>>>>>>>>> of a perversion because it is disgusting and impacts
>>>>>>>>>> adversely on society's morality.
>>>>>>>>> Both are just as bad. We shouldn't hate someone just because
>>>>>>>>> they choose to live a lifestyle we may find disgusting.
>>>>>>>> We shouldn't tolerate Homosexual lifestyles. They should be
>>>>>>>> regulated to protect the community and themselves.
>>>>>>> Well you and the Taliban and the army of God will have something
>>>>>>> in common. Thank god I'm not religious.
>>>>>> Is "Thank god I'm not religious" supposed to be a joke? Or is
>>>>>> that how you really think?
>>>>>> No wonder you support the Homosexual lifestyle.
>>>>> It is humorous like thank God I'm an atheist. I don't support any
>>>>> lifestyle. I support people's rights to live life however they
>>>>> choose. It's a good thing people like you will never get your way.
>>>> The point with jokes is they are funny the first time then they get
>>>> boring.
>>>> It is a pity people like me don't get our way, for we are the
>>>> moderates so without moderation, the scale keeps swinging from one
>>>> extreme to the other.
>>> Yep but paranoid loons like you are funny 24/7 lol
>> So you agree I'm a moderate and without moderates the
>> scale tips from one extreme to another.
> How is someone who wants to make homosexuality illegal a moderate?
> Sure you don't go around yelling kill gay people so I guess compared
> to those kooks you are moderate.
Homosexuality is an aberration. The genetic impetus for sex
is reproduction so tab "A" into tab "A" is reduntant abnormalcy.

It may have been removed from the industry list of
mental disorders yet the industry acceptance of Homosexual's
mental illnesses continues. Self harm, drugs,diseases, depression,
suicide are chronic among Homosexuals.

It needs to be illegal so Society can act on it. You can't drag someone
off the street and get them counselling and happy drugs to stop
them harming themselves but if they have been caught breaking the law
under the influence of a mental illness they _can_ get treatment that will
hopefully stop the spread of STD's and act as an intervention to prevent
other acts of self harm.

>> How `grown up` of you Seon.
>> Bit harsh with the `paranoid loon` insult but
>> you're showing signs of improvement. I'll have
>> you wanting to ban the Mardi Gras, before you know it.
> Not as long as it pours money into Sydney.

Does it pour all over Sydney or just a few Venues? If these Venues
turnovers are improved $30 million, surely they should be able to
get together and pay for it themselves.

>> -you know it costs the taxpayers in NSW mmm
>> we aren't actually told how much we are paying for the priviledge of
>> boosting
>> the turnover in a few Sydney venues by a claimed 30 Million a year
>> and supposedly bringing in 500 000 sex tourists from all parts of the
>> Globe
>> with all the latest diseases to share around
> So? it brings money to Sydney. Big deal.

It brings Sex tourists from across the globe and all the newest STD's
such as AIDS variants and injects it into the most negligently promiscous
minority to filter on down to eventually expose innocents to death and

>> drug use is rife
>> Bigotry is rife
>> [quote stt]
>> ANIMAL Liberation NSW is no longer queer enough for the
>> Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade
>> [quote fin]

Homosexuals are prone to bigotry against all other sexual aberrations.
not just Homosexual Beastialists.

>> I found something cute
>> apparantly rainbow is the next word to be hijacked by the Homosexual
>> agenda
>> to describe Homosexuals.

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 10:28 am
From: "regn.pickfod"

Ray Fischer wrote:
> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:4b857369$
>>>>>>>>>> A Gay basher is a red blooded Heterosexual with faggot blood
>>>>>>>>>> on their boots.
>>>>>>>>>> An anti Homosexual is someone who opposes the normalisation
>>>>>>>>>> of a perversion because it is disgusting and impacts
>>>>>>>>>> adversely on society's morality.
>>>>>>>>> Both are just as bad. We shouldn't hate someone just because
>>>>>>>>> they choose to live a lifestyle we may find disgusting.
>>>>>>>> We shouldn't tolerate Homosexual lifestyles.
>>>>>>> We shouldn't tolerate murderous bigots like you.
>>>>>> How many AIDS victims have the mental illness prone Homosexuals
>>>>> And like the Nazis who tried to exerminate homosexuals you spew
>>>>> the same kind of evil lies and filth.
>>>> Making Homosexual acts illegal and fining them or sending them to
>>>> gaol for infringing said laws is hardly extermination.
>>> It's what the nazis did.
>> So did the Allies.
> Not any more.

So the Allies _were_ Nazis as far as you are concerned?

>>>> Ease up on the Poofterphile hysteria.
>>> Ease up on the murdeorus bigotry.
>> The only murderous bigotry is in your head.
> You're the one who hates homosexuals so much that you want to
> persecute and imprison them, bigot.

They need to breach the law before an intervention can
be forced upon them; just like most other nutters.

>>>> Homosexuality _was_ classified as a mental condition
>>> By people like the nazis.
>> _and_ the Allies
> You nazis STILL hate homosexuals. Sane people have gotten over it.

The world wide anti same sex marriage sentiments indicate
you are talking out your ass.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 10:33 am
From: "regn.pickfod"

Seon Ferguson wrote:
> "Ray Fischer" <> wrote in message
> news:4b8abea3$0$1615$
>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:4b857369$
>>>>>>> A Gay basher is a red blooded Heterosexual with faggot blood on
>>>>>>> their boots.
>>>>>>> An anti Homosexual is someone who opposes the normalisation of
>>>>>>> a perversion because it is disgusting and impacts adversely on
>>>>>>> society's morality.
>>>>>> Both are just as bad. We shouldn't hate someone just because they
>>>>>> choose to live a lifestyle we may find disgusting.
>>>>> We shouldn't tolerate Homosexual lifestyles.
>>>> We shouldn't tolerate murderous bigots like you.
>>> How many AIDS victims have the mental illness prone Homosexuals
>> And like the Nazis who tried to exerminate homosexuals you spew the
>> same kind of evil lies and filth.
> Or Muslims or Taliban. Gay people are hanged in some middle eastern
> countries. I am sure the hateful asshole would like to see that over
> here.

Bad choice. I would rather 1% Homosexuals than
0.00000001% Muslims or Effricahn Bleck.

Western Christian Homosexuals are more compatable in
Western Christian societies than Muslims or Effricahn Blecks.

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 8:11 pm
From: "Seon Ferguson"

"regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:4b8a34ae$
>>>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:4b857369$
>>>>>>>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Ray Fischer" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> news:4b84d523$0$1649$
>>>>>>>>>>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dr. Jai Maharaj < and/or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, "Seon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ferguson" <> posted:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Need any more evidence you are a hater? They are not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being promoted, they are being taught nto to hate gay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people. But that doesn't matter to gay bashers like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, I am not a hater;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, you most certainly are.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Homosexual agenda in action.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And there's that hate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Make unsubstantiated attacks against the anti Homosexual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> individual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Such as fabricating some "homosexual agenda"?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Doesn't he realise a "anti Homosexual individual" is a gay
>>>>>>>>>>>> basher?
>>>>>>>>>>> know nuthin Seon ...
>>>>>>>>>>> A Gay basher is a red blooded Heterosexual with faggot blood
>>>>>>>>>>> on their boots.
>>>>>>>>>>> An anti Homosexual is someone who opposes the normalisation
>>>>>>>>>>> of a perversion because it is disgusting and impacts
>>>>>>>>>>> adversely on society's morality.
>>>>>>>>>> Both are just as bad. We shouldn't hate someone just because
>>>>>>>>>> they choose to live a lifestyle we may find disgusting.
>>>>>>>>> We shouldn't tolerate Homosexual lifestyles. They should be
>>>>>>>>> regulated to protect the community and themselves.
>>>>>>>> Well you and the Taliban and the army of God will have something
>>>>>>>> in common. Thank god I'm not religious.
>>>>>>> Is "Thank god I'm not religious" supposed to be a joke? Or is
>>>>>>> that how you really think?
>>>>>>> No wonder you support the Homosexual lifestyle.
>>>>>> It is humorous like thank God I'm an atheist. I don't support any
>>>>>> lifestyle. I support people's rights to live life however they
>>>>>> choose. It's a good thing people like you will never get your way.
>>>>> The point with jokes is they are funny the first time then they get
>>>>> boring.
>>>>> It is a pity people like me don't get our way, for we are the
>>>>> moderates so without moderation, the scale keeps swinging from one
>>>>> extreme to the other.
>>>> Yep but paranoid loons like you are funny 24/7 lol
>>> So you agree I'm a moderate and without moderates the
>>> scale tips from one extreme to another.
>> How is someone who wants to make homosexuality illegal a moderate?
>> Sure you don't go around yelling kill gay people so I guess compared
>> to those kooks you are moderate.
> Homosexuality is an aberration. The genetic impetus for sex
> is reproduction so tab "A" into tab "A" is reduntant abnormalcy.
So every other sexual act that doesn't result in reproduction is an
abnormally to you? My God I feel sorry for your wife! Think how boring you
must be in bed.

> It may have been removed from the industry list of
> mental disorders yet the industry acceptance of Homosexual's
> mental illnesses continues. Self harm, drugs,diseases, depression,
> suicide are chronic among Homosexuals.
Gee maybe because Nazis like you are telling them they are freaks and they
are still afraid of people beating them up just because they are gay?

> It needs to be illegal so Society can act on it. You can't drag someone
> off the street and get them counselling and happy drugs to stop
> them harming themselves but if they have been caught breaking the law
> under the influence of a mental illness they _can_ get treatment that will
> hopefully stop the spread of STD's and act as an intervention to prevent
> other acts of self harm.
Taken from the God Delusion By Richard Dawkins

"In 1954 The British mathematician Alan Turing, a candidate along with John
Von Neumann for the title of father of the computer, committed suicide after
being convicted of the criminal offence of homosexual behavior in private.
Admittedly Turing was not buried alive under a wall pushed over by a tank.
He was offered a choice between two years in prison (can you imagine how the
other prisoners would have treated him?) and of course a hormone injections
which could be said to amount to chemical castration, and would have caused
him to grow breasts"

By advocating to make an act 2 adults make in the privacy of their own
bedroom illegal, you are saying this brilliant man deserved to die. And by
saying that that proves you are just as wicked and just as evil as the

>>> How `grown up` of you Seon.
I am more grown up then hateful neo nazi's like you.

>>> Bit harsh with the `paranoid loon` insult but
>>> you're showing signs of improvement. I'll have
>>> you wanting to ban the Mardi Gras, before you know it.
>> Not as long as it pours money into Sydney.
> Does it pour all over Sydney or just a few Venues? If these Venues
> turnovers are improved $30 million, surely they should be able to
> get together and pay for it themselves.
So should only a few Venus have to pay for the Australian Day Parade? Should
only Darling Harbour have to pay for the fireworks?

>>> -you know it costs the taxpayers in NSW mmm
>>> we aren't actually told how much we are paying for the priviledge of
>>> boosting
>>> the turnover in a few Sydney venues by a claimed 30 Million a year
>>> and supposedly bringing in 500 000 sex tourists from all parts of the
>>> Globe
>>> with all the latest diseases to share around
>> So? it brings money to Sydney. Big deal.
> It brings Sex tourists from across the globe and all the newest STD's
> such as AIDS variants and injects it into the most negligently promiscous
> minority to filter on down to eventually expose innocents to death and
> illness.
The Sydney sex show or cougar convention also brings aids because as I have
exposed aids can be spread by straight sex. Should we outlaw those?

>>> drug use is rife
>>> Bigotry is rife

Well it takes one to know one.

>>> [quote stt]
>>> ANIMAL Liberation NSW is no longer queer enough for the
>>> Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade
>>> [quote fin]
> Homosexuals are prone to bigotry against all other sexual aberrations.
> not just Homosexual Beastialists.
>>> I found something cute
>>> apparantly rainbow is the next word to be hijacked by the Homosexual
>>> agenda
>>> to describe Homosexuals.
Oh the horror! Yes that proves they all hate us and want to make straight
sex illegal. Yes that proves they are just as bad as neo nazi's like you! Oh
no what next!

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 8:12 pm
From: "Seon Ferguson"

"regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>> "Ray Fischer" <> wrote in message
>> news:4b8abea3$0$1615$
>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>> Ray Fischer wrote:
>>>>> regn.pickfod <> wrote:
>>>>>> Seon Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>> "regn.pickfod" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:4b857369$
>>>>>>>> A Gay basher is a red blooded Heterosexual with faggot blood on
>>>>>>>> their boots.
>>>>>>>> An anti Homosexual is someone who opposes the normalisation of
>>>>>>>> a perversion because it is disgusting and impacts adversely on
>>>>>>>> society's morality.
>>>>>>> Both are just as bad. We shouldn't hate someone just because they
>>>>>>> choose to live a lifestyle we may find disgusting.
>>>>>> We shouldn't tolerate Homosexual lifestyles.
>>>>> We shouldn't tolerate murderous bigots like you.
>>>> How many AIDS victims have the mental illness prone Homosexuals
>>> And like the Nazis who tried to exerminate homosexuals you spew the
>>> same kind of evil lies and filth.
>> Or Muslims or Taliban. Gay people are hanged in some middle eastern
>> countries. I am sure the hateful asshole would like to see that over
>> here.
> Bad choice. I would rather 1% Homosexuals than
> 0.00000001% Muslims or Effricahn Bleck.
> Western Christian Homosexuals are more compatable in
> Western Christian societies than Muslims or Effricahn Blecks.
No it's a good choice. The Taliban hate gay people, you hate gay people,
therefore you have something in common with the islamonazi's.


== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 4:05 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)

Forwarded message from Ashok Chowgule

I do not know why there is such a big fuss about this so-called

Others have done so before, and there have been so-called rallies
against terrorism.

Yet no one has specifically condemned any of the terrorists by name.
Here are a couple of quotes:

A former Kuwaiti information minister, Sad bin Tefla, wrote an
article in a London Arabic daily, Al Sharq Al Awsat, last Sept. 11
entitled "We Are All Bin Laden.'' He asked why Muslim scholars and
clerics had eagerly supported fatwas condemning Salman Rushdie to
death after he wrote a novel deemed insulting to Islam, "The Satanic
Verses,'' but to this day no Muslim cleric has issued a fatwa
condemning Osama bin Laden for murdering nearly 3,000 innocent
civilians, badly damaging Islam.

Thomas L. Friedman, "The Battle of the Pump", The New York Times,
October 7, 2004

In Jan 2008, 30 leading Deobandi religious scholars, while declaring
suicide attacks 'haram', rationalised these as a mere reaction to the
(Pakistani) government's wrong policies in the tribal areas...... Why
do Pakistanis suddenly lose their voice when it comes to suicide
bombings? The bomber - even if he kills pious Muslims or even those
in the act of prayer - kills in the name of Islam. Therefore, people
mute their criticism lest they be regarded as irreligious or even
blasphemous. Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy, in an article ("They Only Know How
To Kill", The Times of India, March 12, 2002)

Ashok Chowgule

Muslim leader condemns terrorists

Daily Mail Reporter
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The leader of a worldwide Muslim movement today issued a fatwa
condemning terrorists and suicide bombers as the enemies of Islam.

Pakistan-born Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said there were no 'ifs or
buts' about terrorism and such acts had no justification in the name
of Islam.

In a news conference today he called on Islamic leaders to convey the
message that acts of terrorism cut people off as true followers of
Islam. Muslim scholar, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri,

Muslim scholar, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, launches a fatwa - or
Islamic religious ruling - that condemns suicide bombings today

'They can't claim that their suicide bombings are martyrdom
operations and that they become the heroes of the Muslim Umma (the
wider Muslim community), no, they become heroes of hellfire, and they
are leading towards hellfire,' he said.

'There is no place for any martyrdom and their act is never, ever to
be considered Jihad,' he said.

Dr Qadri, who spoke at length in both English and Arabic before his
audience, said his fatwa, a religious edict or ruling, was an
'absolute' condemnation of terrorism without 'any excuses or

'Good intentions cannot convert a wrong into good, they cannot
convert an evil into good,' he said.

'Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in
Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it, or any
kind of excuses or ifs or buts.'

7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer

7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer in a jihadist video recorded before his death

He insisted that Islam was a religion of peace that promotes beauty,
'betterment', goodness and 'negates all form of mischief and strife'.

The 600-page fatwa by Dr Qadri, founder of the global Minhaj-ul-Quran
movement, which has thousands of supporters across the world as well
as in the UK, will be translated into English in the coming weeks.

His talk will also be made available online in an attempt to counter
extremist versions of Islam available on the internet.

The fatwa has been billed as 'arguably the most comprehensive'
theological refutation of Islamic terrorism to date by counter-
extremism think-tank the Quilliam foundation.

The Minhaj-ul-Quran movement said it runs courses in combating
religious extremism in educational centres throughout Britain
including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nelson, Walsall and
Glasgow. It currently has an office in Dundee.

A fatwa, an edict issued by a learned Muslim scholar, may concern any
aspect of Islamic life.

The term became famous in the Western world in 1989 after the author
Salman Rushdie was forced into hiding following a 'death fatwa'
issued by Ayatollah Khomeni, then Supreme Leader of Iran, on the
grounds that his book, The Satanic Verses, had 'insulted' Islam.

Readers' comment:

Twin Towers destroyed - September 2001
Bali bombings - October 2002
Madrid bombings - March 2004
London bombings - July 2005
Mumbai bombings - July 2006 (and attacks November 2008)
Fatwa issued - February 2010

Question -- why does it take nearly a decade for a solitary muslim
voice to condemn terrorism?
- Paula, Warks, England, 02/3/2010 15:09

End of forwarded article from Ashok Chowgule

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works.
o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
go to:
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
copyright owner.

Since newsgroup posts are being removed
by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
this post may be reposted several times.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 4 2010 12:14 am
From: bademiyansubhanallah

On Mar 3, 7:05 pm, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> Forwarded message from Ashok Chowgule
> I do not know why there is such a big fuss about this so-called
> fatwa.
> Others have done so before, and there have been so-called rallies
> against terrorism.
> Yet no one has specifically condemned any of the terrorists by name.
> Here are a couple of quotes:
> A former Kuwaiti information minister, Sad bin Tefla, wrote an
> article in a London Arabic daily, Al Sharq Al Awsat, last Sept. 11
> entitled "We Are All Bin Laden.'' He asked why Muslim scholars and
> clerics had eagerly supported fatwas condemning Salman Rushdie to
> death after he wrote a novel deemed insulting to Islam, "The Satanic
> Verses,'' but to this day no Muslim cleric has issued a fatwa
> condemning Osama bin Laden for murdering nearly 3,000 innocent
> civilians, badly damaging Islam.
> Thomas L. Friedman, "The Battle of the Pump", The New York Times,
> October 7, 2004
> In Jan 2008, 30 leading Deobandi religious scholars, while declaring
> suicide attacks 'haram', rationalised these as a mere reaction to the
> (Pakistani) government's wrong policies in the tribal areas...... Why
> do Pakistanis suddenly lose their voice when it comes to suicide
> bombings? The bomber - even if he kills pious Muslims or even those
> in the act of prayer - kills in the name of Islam. Therefore, people
> mute their criticism lest they be regarded as irreligious or even
> blasphemous. Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy, in an article ("They Only Know How
> To Kill", The Times of India, March 12, 2002)
> Namaste
> Ashok Chowgule
> Muslim leader condemns terrorists
> Daily Mail Reporter
> Wednesday, March 3, 2010
> The leader of a worldwide Muslim movement today issued a fatwa
> condemning terrorists and suicide bombers as the enemies of Islam.
> Pakistan-born Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said there were no 'ifs or
> buts' about terrorism and such acts had no justification in the name
> of Islam.
> In a news conference today he called on Islamic leaders to convey the
> message that acts of terrorism cut people off as true followers of
> Islam. Muslim scholar, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri,
> Muslim scholar, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, launches a fatwa - or
> Islamic religious ruling - that condemns suicide bombings today
> 'They can't claim that their suicide bombings are martyrdom
> operations and that they become the heroes of the Muslim Umma (the
> wider Muslim community), no, they become heroes of hellfire, and they
> are leading towards hellfire,' he said.
> 'There is no place for any martyrdom and their act is never, ever to
> be considered Jihad,' he said.
> Dr Qadri, who spoke at length in both English and Arabic before his
> audience, said his fatwa, a religious edict or ruling, was an
> 'absolute' condemnation of terrorism without 'any excuses or
> pretexts'.
> 'Good intentions cannot convert a wrong into good, they cannot
> convert an evil into good,' he said.
> 'Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in
> Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it, or any
> kind of excuses or ifs or buts.'
> 7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer
> 7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer in a jihadist video recorded before his death
> He insisted that Islam was a religion of peace that promotes beauty,
> 'betterment', goodness and 'negates all form of mischief and strife'.
> The 600-page fatwa by Dr Qadri, founder of the global Minhaj-ul-Quran
> movement, which has thousands of supporters across the world as well
> as in the UK, will be translated into English in the coming weeks.
> His talk will also be made available online in an attempt to counter
> extremist versions of Islam available on the internet.
> The fatwa has been billed as 'arguably the most comprehensive'
> theological refutation of Islamic terrorism to date by counter-
> extremism think-tank the Quilliam foundation.
> The Minhaj-ul-Quran movement said it runs courses in combating
> religious extremism in educational centres throughout Britain
> including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nelson, Walsall and
> Glasgow. It currently has an office in Dundee.
> A fatwa, an edict issued by a learned Muslim scholar, may concern any
> aspect of Islamic life.
> The term became famous in the Western world in 1989 after the author
> Salman Rushdie was forced into hiding following a 'death fatwa'
> issued by Ayatollah Khomeni, then Supreme Leader of Iran, on the
> grounds that his book, The Satanic Verses, had 'insulted' Islam.  
> Readers' comment:
> Twin Towers destroyed - September 2001
> Bali bombings - October 2002
> Madrid bombings - March 2004
> London bombings - July 2005
> Mumbai bombings - July 2006 (and attacks November 2008)
> Fatwa issued - February 2010
> Question -- why does it take nearly a decade for a solitary muslim
> voice to condemn terrorism?
>  - Paula, Warks, England, 02/3/2010 15:09
> End of forwarded article from Ashok Chowgule
> Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> Om Shanti
>      o  Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> fair use of copyrighted works.
>      o  If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
> e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
>      o  Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
> not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
> FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
> 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
> information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
> go to:
> If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> copyright owner.
> Since newsgroup posts are being removed
> by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
> this post may be reposted several times.

...and I am Sid Harth

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 4 2010 12:19 am
From: bademiyansubhanallah

On Mar 4, 3:14 am, bademiyansubhanallah <> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 7:05 pm, and/
> Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> > Forwarded message from Ashok Chowgule
> > I do not know why there is such a big fuss about this so-called
> > fatwa.
> > Others have done so before, and there have been so-called rallies
> > against terrorism.
> > Yet no one has specifically condemned any of the terrorists by name.
> > Here are a couple of quotes:
> > A former Kuwaiti information minister, Sad bin Tefla, wrote an
> > article in a London Arabic daily, Al Sharq Al Awsat, last Sept. 11
> > entitled "We Are All Bin Laden.'' He asked why Muslim scholars and
> > clerics had eagerly supported fatwas condemning Salman Rushdie to
> > death after he wrote a novel deemed insulting to Islam, "The Satanic
> > Verses,'' but to this day no Muslim cleric has issued a fatwa
> > condemning Osama bin Laden for murdering nearly 3,000 innocent
> > civilians, badly damaging Islam.
> > Thomas L. Friedman, "The Battle of the Pump", The New York Times,
> > October 7, 2004
> > In Jan 2008, 30 leading Deobandi religious scholars, while declaring
> > suicide attacks 'haram', rationalised these as a mere reaction to the
> > (Pakistani) government's wrong policies in the tribal areas...... Why
> > do Pakistanis suddenly lose their voice when it comes to suicide
> > bombings? The bomber - even if he kills pious Muslims or even those
> > in the act of prayer - kills in the name of Islam. Therefore, people
> > mute their criticism lest they be regarded as irreligious or even
> > blasphemous. Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy, in an article ("They Only Know How
> > To Kill", The Times of India, March 12, 2002)
> > Namaste
> > Ashok Chowgule
> > Muslim leader condemns terrorists
> > Daily Mail Reporter
> > Wednesday, March 3, 2010
> > The leader of a worldwide Muslim movement today issued a fatwa
> > condemning terrorists and suicide bombers as the enemies of Islam.
> > Pakistan-born Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said there were no 'ifs or
> > buts' about terrorism and such acts had no justification in the name
> > of Islam.
> > In a news conference today he called on Islamic leaders to convey the
> > message that acts of terrorism cut people off as true followers of
> > Islam. Muslim scholar, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri,
> > Muslim scholar, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, launches a fatwa - or
> > Islamic religious ruling - that condemns suicide bombings today
> > 'They can't claim that their suicide bombings are martyrdom
> > operations and that they become the heroes of the Muslim Umma (the
> > wider Muslim community), no, they become heroes of hellfire, and they
> > are leading towards hellfire,' he said.
> > 'There is no place for any martyrdom and their act is never, ever to
> > be considered Jihad,' he said.
> > Dr Qadri, who spoke at length in both English and Arabic before his
> > audience, said his fatwa, a religious edict or ruling, was an
> > 'absolute' condemnation of terrorism without 'any excuses or
> > pretexts'.
> > 'Good intentions cannot convert a wrong into good, they cannot
> > convert an evil into good,' he said.
> > 'Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in
> > Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it, or any
> > kind of excuses or ifs or buts.'
> > 7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer
> > 7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer in a jihadist video recorded before his death
> > He insisted that Islam was a religion of peace that promotes beauty,
> > 'betterment', goodness and 'negates all form of mischief and strife'.
> > The 600-page fatwa by Dr Qadri, founder of the global Minhaj-ul-Quran
> > movement, which has thousands of supporters across the world as well
> > as in the UK, will be translated into English in the coming weeks.
> > His talk will also be made available online in an attempt to counter
> > extremist versions of Islam available on the internet.
> > The fatwa has been billed as 'arguably the most comprehensive'
> > theological refutation of Islamic terrorism to date by counter-
> > extremism think-tank the Quilliam foundation.
> > The Minhaj-ul-Quran movement said it runs courses in combating
> > religious extremism in educational centres throughout Britain
> > including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nelson, Walsall and
> > Glasgow. It currently has an office in Dundee.
> > A fatwa, an edict issued by a learned Muslim scholar, may concern any
> > aspect of Islamic life.
> > The term became famous in the Western world in 1989 after the author
> > Salman Rushdie was forced into hiding following a 'death fatwa'
> > issued by Ayatollah Khomeni, then Supreme Leader of Iran, on the
> > grounds that his book, The Satanic Verses, had 'insulted' Islam.  
> > Readers' comment:
> > Twin Towers destroyed - September 2001
> > Bali bombings - October 2002
> > Madrid bombings - March 2004
> > London bombings - July 2005
> > Mumbai bombings - July 2006 (and attacks November 2008)
> > Fatwa issued - February 2010
> > Question -- why does it take nearly a decade for a solitary muslim
> > voice to condemn terrorism?
> >  - Paula, Warks, England, 02/3/2010 15:09
> >
> > End of forwarded article from Ashok Chowgule
> > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > Om Shanti
> >      o  Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
> > purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
> > have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> > poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> > fair use of copyrighted works.
> >      o  If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> > considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
> > e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
> >      o  Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
> > not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
> > FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> > which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> > owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> > understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> > democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> > that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> > provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
> > 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> > profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
> > information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> > subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
> > go to:
> > If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> > your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> > copyright owner.
> > Since newsgroup posts are being removed
> > by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
> > this post may be reposted several times.
> ...and I am Sid Harth- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

...and I am Sid Harth


== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 4:25 pm
From: and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)

US to share laser-guiding bomb kits with Pakistan

The Associated Press
The Times of India
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Washington: The US will deliver this month to Pakistan 1,000
sophisticated laser-guided bomb kits that would enable the government
there to strike insurgent targets with more precision.

The arms sale suggests that US officials are trying to deepen their
relationship with Pakistan and increase military cooperation. The US
has been trying to encourage Pakistan to take a tougher stand against
Taliban forces operating within its borders.

Lt Col Jeffry Glenn, an Air Force spokesman, said on Tuesday that the
US had delivered 1,000 MK-82 bombs to Pakistan last month. This
month's shipment of kits would enable Pakistan to use sophisticated
laser technology to guide the bombs to specific targets.

Glenn said the US also plans to provide Pakistan 18 new F-16 fighter
jets by June.

More at:

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works.
o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
go to:
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
copyright owner.

Since newsgroup posts are being removed
by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
this post may be reposted several times.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 4 2010 12:15 am
From: bademiyansubhanallah

On Mar 3, 7:25 pm, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> US to share laser-guiding bomb kits with Pakistan
> The Associated Press
> The Times of India
> Wednesday, March 3, 2010
> Washington: The US will deliver this month to Pakistan 1,000
> sophisticated laser-guided bomb kits that would enable the government
> there to strike insurgent targets with more precision.
> The arms sale suggests that US officials are trying to deepen their
> relationship with Pakistan and increase military cooperation. The US
> has been trying to encourage Pakistan to take a tougher stand against
> Taliban forces operating within its borders.
> Lt Col Jeffry Glenn, an Air Force spokesman, said on Tuesday that the
> US had delivered 1,000 MK-82 bombs to Pakistan last month. This
> month's shipment of kits would enable Pakistan to use sophisticated
> laser technology to guide the bombs to specific targets.
> Glenn said the US also plans to provide Pakistan 18 new F-16 fighter
> jets by June.
> More at:
> Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> Om Shanti
>      o  Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> fair use of copyrighted works.
>      o  If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
> e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
>      o  Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
> not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
> FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
> 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
> information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
> go to:
> If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> copyright owner.
> Since newsgroup posts are being removed
> by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
> this post may be reposted several times.

...and I am Sid Harth

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 4 2010 12:20 am
From: bademiyansubhanallah

On Mar 4, 3:15 am, bademiyansubhanallah <> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 7:25 pm, and/
> Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> > US to share laser-guiding bomb kits with Pakistan
> > The Associated Press
> > The Times of India
> > Wednesday, March 3, 2010
> > Washington: The US will deliver this month to Pakistan 1,000
> > sophisticated laser-guided bomb kits that would enable the government
> > there to strike insurgent targets with more precision.
> > The arms sale suggests that US officials are trying to deepen their
> > relationship with Pakistan and increase military cooperation. The US
> > has been trying to encourage Pakistan to take a tougher stand against
> > Taliban forces operating within its borders.
> > Lt Col Jeffry Glenn, an Air Force spokesman, said on Tuesday that the
> > US had delivered 1,000 MK-82 bombs to Pakistan last month. This
> > month's shipment of kits would enable Pakistan to use sophisticated
> > laser technology to guide the bombs to specific targets.
> > Glenn said the US also plans to provide Pakistan 18 new F-16 fighter
> > jets by June.
> > More at:
> > Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
> > Om Shanti
> >      o  Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
> > purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
> > have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> > poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> > fair use of copyrighted works.
> >      o  If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> > considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
> > e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
> >      o  Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
> > not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
> > FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> > which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> > owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> > understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> > democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> > that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> > provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
> > 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> > profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
> > information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> > subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
> > go to:
> > If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> > your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> > copyright owner.
> > Since newsgroup posts are being removed
> > by forgery by one or more net terrorists,
> > this post may be reposted several times.
> ...and I am Sid Harth- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

...and I am Sid Harth


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